path: root/MLKInteger.m
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Replace all occurrences of “Étoilisp” with “Toilet Lisp”.Matthias Andreas Benkard2008-08-051-1/+1
* Make it possible to disable fixnum support by supplying -DNO_FIXNUMS as a com...Matthias Andreas Benkard2008-08-041-0/+8
* Add support for fixnums.Matthias Andreas Benkard2008-08-041-3/+36
* Add fixnum-aware macros LRETAIN, LRELEASE, LDESTROY, LAUTORELEASE, LASSIGN_CO...Matthias Andreas Benkard2008-08-041-3/+3
* Add a non-trivial number of arithmetic methods to number classes.Matthias Andreas Benkard2008-07-291-0/+80
* Add class MLKNumber, unify arithmetic interface.Matthias Benkard2008-07-061-5/+6
* Rename methods: forBinding -> forSymbolMatthias Andreas Benkard2008-06-241-1/+1
* Add a -descriptionForLisp method to all number classes.Matthias Andreas Benkard2008-06-221-0/+11
* Add support for compilation on Mac OS X.Matthias Benkard2008-06-211-0/+1
* MLKDynamicContext#+initialize: Initialise the package system and set up the g...Matthias Andreas Benkard2008-06-171-0/+14
* Add class MLKRatio.Matthias Andreas Benkard2008-06-151-3/+3
* Move the DEFINE_GMP_OPERATION macro to util.h.Matthias Andreas Benkard2008-06-151-15/+1
* MLKInteger: Generalise the DEFINE_MPZ_OPERATION macro.Matthias Andreas Benkard2008-06-151-16/+23
* Add class MLKInteger.Matthias Andreas Benkard2008-06-151-0/+101