path: root/MLKInterpreter.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'MLKInterpreter.m')
1 files changed, 585 insertions, 1131 deletions
diff --git a/MLKInterpreter.m b/MLKInterpreter.m
index 7fd59ad..f85bf21 100644
--- a/MLKInterpreter.m
+++ b/MLKInterpreter.m
@@ -65,1126 +65,24 @@
ensure_symbols ();
-+(NSArray*) eval:(id)program
- inLexicalContext:(MLKLexicalContext *)context
- withEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)lexenv
++(id) compile:(id)object inContext:(MLKLexicalContext *)context
- return (NSArray *)[self eval:program
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:NO];
+ return [[self eval:object
+ inLexicalContext:context
+ withEnvironment:[MLKLexicalEnvironment globalEnvironment]]
+ objectAtIndex:0];
+(NSArray*) eval:(id)program
inLexicalContext:(MLKLexicalContext *)context
withEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)lexenv
- expandOnly:(BOOL)expandOnly
- return [self eval:program
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- mode:(expandOnly ? expand_mode : eval_mode)];
-#define RETURN_VALUE(thing) \
- { return [NSArray arrayWithObject:nullify(thing)]; }
-+(NSArray*) eval:(id)program
- inLexicalContext:(MLKLexicalContext *)context
- withEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)lexenv
- mode:(enum MLKProcessingMode)mode
- MLKDynamicContext *dynamicContext = [MLKDynamicContext currentContext];
- BOOL expandOnly = (mode != eval_mode);
-#define TRACE_EVAL 0
- BOOL trace = NO;
- if ([dynamicContext valueForSymbol:V_INITP])
- trace = YES;
- if (trace)
- NSLog (@"; EVAL: %@", MLKPrintToString(program));
-#endif // TRACE_EVAL
- if (MLKFixnumP (program))
- {
- // Fixnums evaluate to themselves.
- //
- // We need to get this case out of the way as early as possible,
- // as we're going to repeatedly send messages to `program' after
- // this point.
- RETURN_VALUE (program);
- }
- else if (!program || [program isKindOfClass:[MLKSymbol class]])
- {
- if (mode == compile_time_too_mode)
- {
- if (![context symbolNamesSymbolMacro:program])
- {
- return [self eval:program
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- mode:expand_mode];
- }
- }
- //NSLog (@"Processing symbol.");
- if ([context symbolNamesSymbolMacro:program])
- {
- id macrofun, expansion;
- macrofun = [context macroForSymbol:program];
- expansion = [macrofun applyToArray:
- [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
- program, context, nil]];
- return [self eval:expansion
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- mode:mode];
- }
- else if ([context variableIsLexical:program])
- {
- //NSLog (@"Processing lexical variable %@.", MLKPrintToString(program));
- //NSLog (@"Lexical environment: %@.", lexenv);
- //NSLog (@"Lexical variable value: %@.", [lexenv valueForSymbol:program]);
- if (expandOnly)
- RETURN_VALUE (program);
- RETURN_VALUE ([lexenv valueForSymbol:program]);
- }
- else
- {
- //NSLog (@"Processing special variable %@.", MLKPrintToString(program));
- //NSLog (@"Dynamic context: %@.", dynamicContext);
- //NSLog (@"Special variable value: %@.", [dynamicContext valueForSymbol:program]);
- if (expandOnly)
- RETURN_VALUE (program);
- RETURN_VALUE ([dynamicContext valueForSymbol:program]);
- }
- }
- else if (![program isKindOfClass:[MLKCons class]])
- {
- // Everything that is not a list or a symbol evaluates to itself.
- RETURN_VALUE (program);
- }
- else
- {
- id car = [program car];
- if ([car isKindOfClass:[MLKSymbol class]] || !car)
- {
- if (mode == compile_time_too_mode)
- {
- if (!([context symbolNamesMacro:program]
- || car == _MACROLET || car == LOCALLY
- || car == SYMBOL_MACROLET || car == PROGN))
- {
- return [self eval:program
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- mode:expand_mode];
- }
- }
- if (car == CATCH)
- {
- id catchTag;
- NSArray *values;
- MLKDynamicContext *newctx;
- catchTag = [[self eval:[[program cdr] car]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly]
- objectAtIndex:0];
- {
- if (!expandOnly)
- {
- newctx = [[MLKDynamicContext alloc]
- initWithParent:dynamicContext
- variables:nil
- handlers:nil
- restarts:nil
- catchTags:[NSSet setWithObject:catchTag]
- activeHandlerEnvironment:nil];
- [newctx pushContext];
- }
- values = [self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:[[program cdr] cdr]]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly];
- if (expandOnly)
- NS_VALUERETURN ([NSArray arrayWithObject:
- [MLKCons
- cons:CATCH
- with:[MLKCons
- cons:catchTag
- with:[[values
- objectAtIndex:0]
- cdr]]]],
- NSArray *);
- [MLKDynamicContext popContext];
- LRELEASE (newctx);
- NS_VALUERETURN (values, NSArray *);
- }
- {
- [MLKDynamicContext popContext];
- LRELEASE (newctx);
- if ([[localException name] isEqualToString:@"MLKThrow"])
- {
- id thrownTag = [[localException userInfo]
- objectForKey:@"THROWN TAG"];
- if (thrownTag == catchTag)
- return [[localException userInfo]
- objectForKey:@"THROWN OBJECTS"];
- else
- [localException raise];
- }
- else
- [localException raise];
- }
- return nil;
- }
- else if (car == EVAL)
- {
- NSArray *evaluand = denullify([[self eval:[[program cdr] car]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly]
- objectAtIndex:0]);
- if (expandOnly)
- RETURN_VALUE ([MLKCons cons:EVAL with:[MLKCons cons:evaluand with:nil]]);
- return [self eval:evaluand
- inLexicalContext:[MLKLexicalContext globalContext]
- withEnvironment:[MLKLexicalEnvironment
- globalEnvironment]];
- }
- else if (car == EVAL_WHEN)
- {
- id situationList = [[program cdr] car];
- id body = [[program cdr] cdr];
- NSArray *situations;
- BOOL ct, lt, e;
- if (!situationList)
- situations = [situationList array];
- ct = ([situations containsObject:COMPILE_TOPLEVEL]
- || [situations containsObject:COMPILE]);
- lt = ([situations containsObject:LOAD_TOPLEVEL]
- || [situations containsObject:LOAD]);
- e = ([situations containsObject:EXECUTE]
- || [situations containsObject:EVAL]);
- switch (mode)
- {
- case eval_mode:
- case expand_mode:
- if (e)
- return [self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:body]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- mode:mode];
- else
- case compile_time_too_mode:
- case not_compile_time_mode:
- if ((ct && lt)
- || (lt && e && (mode == compile_time_too_mode)))
- {
- return [self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:body]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- mode:compile_time_too_mode];
- }
- else if (lt)
- {
- return [self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:body]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- mode:not_compile_time_mode];
- }
- else if (ct || (e && mode == compile_time_too_mode))
- {
- [self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:body]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv];
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- }
- else if (car == _FOREIGN_LAMBDA)
- {
- int (*function)();
- NSString *name = [[program cdr] car];
- id libraryDesignator = [[[program cdr] cdr] car];
- id argtypes = [[[[program cdr] cdr] cdr] car];
- id returnType = [[[[[program cdr] cdr] cdr] cdr] car];
- // FIXME: Support library designators.
-#ifdef _WIN32
- // FIXME
- //EnumProcessModules (...);
- //GetProcAddress (..., [name UTF8String]);
- function = dlsym (RTLD_DEFAULT, [name UTF8String]);
- RETURN_VALUE (LAUTORELEASE ([[MLKForeignProcedure alloc]
- initWithCode:function
- argumentTypes:[argtypes array]
- returnType:returnType]));
- }
- else if (car == FUNCTION)
- {
- id functionName = [[program cdr] car];
- if ([functionName isKindOfClass:[MLKCons class]]
- && ([functionName car] == LAMBDA
- || [functionName car] == _LAMBDA))
- {
- return [self eval:functionName
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly];
- }
- else if (expandOnly)
- {
- RETURN_VALUE (program);
- }
- else
- {
- // FIXME: Function names need not be symbols.
- id <MLKFuncallable> function =
- [lexenv functionForSymbol:functionName];
- RETURN_VALUE (function);
- }
- }
- else if (car == IF)
- {
- id condition = [[program cdr] car];
- id consequent = [[[program cdr] cdr] car];
- // Incidentally works for the two-clause case:
- id alternative = [[[[program cdr] cdr] cdr] car];
- id condition_value = denullify([[self eval:condition
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly]
- objectAtIndex:0]);
- if (expandOnly)
- {
- id conseq_expansion = denullify([[self eval:consequent
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly]
- objectAtIndex:0]);
- id alt_expansion = denullify([[self eval:alternative
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly]
- objectAtIndex:0]);
- cons:IF
- with:[MLKCons
- cons:condition_value
- with:[MLKCons
- cons:conseq_expansion
- with:[MLKCons cons:alt_expansion
- with:nil]]]]);
- }
- if (!condition_value)
- return [self eval:alternative
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly];
- else
- return [self eval:consequent
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly];
- }
- else if (car == IN_PACKAGE)
- {
- if (expandOnly)
- RETURN_VALUE (program);
- id cadr = [[program cdr] car];
- id package = [MLKPackage findPackage:stringify(cadr)];
- [[MLKDynamicContext currentContext]
- setValue:package
- forSymbol:[[MLKPackage findPackage:@"COMMON-LISP"]
- intern:@"*PACKAGE*"]];
- RETURN_VALUE (package);
- }
- else if (car == _LAMBDA)
- {
- // A bare-bones LAMBDA without a real lambda list. What
- // would be a lambda list in a real LAMBDA form must be a
- // symbol here.
- id lambdaList = [[program cdr] car];
- id body = [[program cdr] cdr];
- MLKInterpretedClosure *closure;
- if (expandOnly)
- {
- id body_expansion = denullify([[self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN
- with:body]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly]
- objectAtIndex:0]);
- cons:_LAMBDA
- with:[MLKCons cons:lambdaList
- with:[MLKCons cons:body_expansion
- with:nil]]]);
- }
- closure = LAUTORELEASE ([[MLKInterpretedClosure alloc]
- initWithBodyForms:body
- lambdaListName:lambdaList
- context:context
- environment:lexenv]);
- return [NSArray arrayWithObject:nullify(closure)];
- }
- else if (car == _MACROLET)
- {
- id declarations, doc;
- id clauses;
- id body;
- NSArray *result;
- MLKLexicalContext *ctx;
- MLKSplitDeclarationsDocAndForms (&declarations, &doc, &body,
- [[program cdr] cdr], NO);
- ctx = LAUTORELEASE ([[MLKLexicalContext alloc]
- initWithParent:context
- variables:nil
- functions:nil
- goTags:nil
- macros:nil
- compilerMacros:nil
- symbolMacros:nil
- declarations:declarations]);
- clauses = [[program cdr] car];
- while (clauses)
- {
- id clause = [clauses car];
- id name, value;
- name = [clause car];
- value = denullify([[self eval:[MLKCons cons:_LAMBDA
- with:[clause cdr]]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:NO] //!
- objectAtIndex:0]);
- [ctx addMacro:value forSymbol:name];
- clauses = [clauses cdr];
- }
- result = [self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:body]
- inLexicalContext:ctx
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- mode:mode];
- if (expandOnly)
- {
- cons:LET
- with:[MLKCons
- cons:nil
- with:[MLKCons
- cons:[MLKCons cons:DECLARE
- with:declarations]
- with:[[result objectAtIndex:0] cdr]]]]);
- }
- else
- {
- return result;
- }
- }
- else if (car == _FLET)
- {
- id declarations, doc;
- id clauses;
- NSMutableArray *new_clauses;
- id body;
- NSArray *result;
- MLKLexicalContext *ctx;
- MLKLexicalEnvironment *env;
- MLKSplitDeclarationsDocAndForms (&declarations, &doc, &body,
- [[program cdr] cdr], NO);
- ctx = LAUTORELEASE ([[MLKLexicalContext alloc]
- initWithParent:context
- variables:nil
- functions:nil
- goTags:nil
- macros:nil
- compilerMacros:nil
- symbolMacros:nil
- declarations:declarations]);
- if (!expandOnly)
- env = LAUTORELEASE ([[MLKLexicalEnvironment alloc]
- initWithParent:lexenv
- variables:nil
- functions:nil]);
- clauses = [[program cdr] car];
- new_clauses = [NSMutableArray array];
- while (clauses)
- {
- id clause = [clauses car];
- id name, value;
- name = [clause car];
- value = denullify([[self eval:[MLKCons cons:_LAMBDA
- with:[clause cdr]]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly]
- objectAtIndex:0]);
- [ctx addFunction:name];
- if (!expandOnly)
- [env addFunction:value forSymbol:name];
- else
- [new_clauses addObject:[MLKCons cons:name with:[value cdr]]];
- clauses = [clauses cdr];
- }
- result = [self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:body]
- inLexicalContext:ctx
- withEnvironment:(expandOnly ? lexenv : env)
- expandOnly:expandOnly];
- if (expandOnly)
- {
- cons:_FLET
- with:[MLKCons
- cons:[MLKCons listWithArray:new_clauses]
- with:[MLKCons
- cons:[MLKCons cons:DECLARE
- with:declarations]
- with:[[result objectAtIndex:0] cdr]]]]);
- }
- else
- {
- return result;
- }
- }
- else if (car == LET)
- {
- id declarations, doc;
- id clauses;
- id body;
- NSArray *result;
- NSMutableArray *new_clauses;
- MLKLexicalContext *ctx;
- MLKLexicalEnvironment *env;
- MLKDynamicContext *dynctx;
- MLKSplitDeclarationsDocAndForms (&declarations, &doc, &body,
- [[program cdr] cdr], NO);
- ctx = LAUTORELEASE ([[MLKLexicalContext alloc]
- initWithParent:context
- variables:nil
- functions:nil
- goTags:nil
- macros:nil
- compilerMacros:nil
- symbolMacros:nil
- declarations:declarations]);
- if (!expandOnly)
- {
- env = LAUTORELEASE ([[MLKLexicalEnvironment alloc]
- initWithParent:lexenv
- variables:nil
- functions:nil]);
- dynctx = [[MLKDynamicContext alloc]
- initWithParent:dynamicContext
- variables:nil
- handlers:nil
- restarts:nil
- catchTags:nil
- activeHandlerEnvironment:nil];
- }
- clauses = [[program cdr] car];
- new_clauses = [NSMutableArray array];
- while (clauses)
- {
- id clause = [clauses car];
- id variable, value;
- if (!clause || [clause isKindOfClass:[MLKSymbol class]])
- {
- variable = clause;
- value = nil;
- }
- else if ([clause cdr] == nil)
- {
- variable = [clause car];
- value = nil;
- }
- else
- {
- variable = [clause car];
- value = denullify([[self eval:[[clause cdr] car]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly]
- objectAtIndex:0]);
- }
- if (expandOnly)
- {
- [new_clauses addObject:[MLKCons cons:variable
- with:[MLKCons cons:value
- with:nil]]];
- }
- else
- {
- [ctx addVariable:variable];
- if ([ctx variableIsLexical:variable])
- {
- [env addValue:value forSymbol:variable];
- }
- else
- {
- [dynctx addValue:value forSymbol:variable];
- }
- }
- clauses = [clauses cdr];
- }
- if (expandOnly)
- {
- result = [self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:body]
- inLexicalContext:ctx
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:YES];
- cons:LET
- with:[MLKCons
- cons:[MLKCons listWithArray:new_clauses]
- with:[MLKCons
- cons:[MLKCons cons:DECLARE
- with:declarations]
- with:[[result objectAtIndex:0] cdr]]]]);
- }
- else
- {
- [dynctx pushContext];
- {
- result = [self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:body]
- inLexicalContext:ctx
- withEnvironment:env
- expandOnly:NO];
- }
- {
- [MLKDynamicContext popContext];
- [localException raise];
- }
- [MLKDynamicContext popContext];
- LRELEASE (dynctx);
- return result;
- }
- }
- else if (car == _LOOP)
- {
- id rest;
- if (expandOnly)
- {
- with:[[[self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN
- with:[program cdr]]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:YES]
- objectAtIndex:0]
- cdr]]);
- }
- while (YES)
- {
- rest = program;
- while ((rest = [rest cdr]))
- {
- [self eval:[rest car]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly];
- }
- }
- RETURN_VALUE (nil); // never reached
- }
- else if (car == MULTIPLE_VALUE_CALL)
- {
- NSMutableArray *results = [NSMutableArray array];
- id rest = [program cdr];
- id function = [[self eval:[rest car]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- mode:mode]
- objectAtIndex:0];
- while ((rest = [rest cdr]))
- {
- id values = [self eval:[rest car]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- mode:mode];
- [results addObjectsFromArray:values];
- }
- if (expandOnly)
- {
- with:[MLKCons
- cons:function
- with:[MLKCons
- listWithArray:results]]]);
- }
- else
- {
- return [function applyToArray:results];
- }
- }
- else if (car == PROGN)
- {
- id result = nil;
- id rest = program;
- NSMutableArray *results = [NSMutableArray array];
- while ((rest = [rest cdr]))
- {
- result = [self eval:[rest car]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- mode:mode];
- if (expandOnly)
- [results addObjectsFromArray:result];
- }
- if (expandOnly)
- {
- with:[MLKCons listWithArray:results]]);
- }
- else
- return result;
- }
- else if (car == PROGV)
- {
- id variables, values, body, result;
- MLKDynamicContext *dynctx;
- if (expandOnly)
- {
- cons:PROGV
- with:[denullify([[self eval:[MLKCons
- cons:PROGN
- with:[program cdr]]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- mode:mode]
- objectAtIndex:0]) cdr]]);
- }
- dynctx = [[MLKDynamicContext alloc]
- initWithParent:dynamicContext
- variables:nil
- handlers:nil
- restarts:nil
- catchTags:nil
- activeHandlerEnvironment:nil];
- body = [[[program cdr] cdr] cdr];
- variables = denullify ([[self eval:[[program cdr] car]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv]
- objectAtIndex:0]);
- values = denullify ([[self eval:[[[program cdr] cdr] car]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv]
- objectAtIndex:0]);
- for (; variables; (variables = [variables cdr], values = [values cdr]))
- {
- id var = [variables car];
- id value = [values car];
- [dynctx addValue:value forSymbol:var];
- }
- [dynctx pushContext];
- {
- result = [self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:body]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv];
- }
- {
- [MLKDynamicContext popContext];
- [localException raise];
- }
- [MLKDynamicContext popContext];
- LRELEASE (dynctx);
- return result;
- }
- else if (car == QUOTE)
- {
- if (expandOnly)
- RETURN_VALUE (program);
- RETURN_VALUE ([[program cdr] car]);
- }
- else if (car == SETQ || car == _FSETQ)
- {
- id symbol = [[program cdr] car];
- id value = [[self eval:[[[program cdr] cdr] car]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly]
- objectAtIndex:0];
- id rest = [[[program cdr] cdr] cdr];
- if (![program cdr])
- if (car == SETQ && [context symbolNamesSymbolMacro:symbol])
- {
- id macrofun = [context symbolMacroForSymbol:symbol];
- id expansion = [macrofun applyToArray:
- [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
- program, context, nil]];
- return [self eval:
- [MLKCons cons:SETF
- with:
- [MLKCons cons:expansion
- with:
- [[program cdr] cdr]]]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly];
- }
- if (expandOnly)
- {
- id thisSETQ = [MLKCons
- cons:car
- with:[MLKCons
- cons:symbol
- with:[MLKCons
- cons:value
- with:nil]]];
- id more = denullify([[self eval:[MLKCons cons:car with:rest]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly]
- objectAtIndex:0]);
- if (!more)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- with:[MLKCons
- cons:thisSETQ
- with:[MLKCons
- cons:more
- with:nil]]]);
- }
- }
- if (car == _FSETQ)
- {
- if ([context symbolNamesFunction:symbol])
- {
- [lexenv setFunction:value forSymbol:symbol];
- }
- else
- {
- // FIXME: Maybe print a warning.
- [[MLKLexicalContext globalContext] addFunction:symbol];
- [[MLKLexicalEnvironment globalEnvironment]
- addFunction:value
- forSymbol:symbol];
- }
- }
- else if ([context variableIsLexical:symbol])
- [lexenv setValue:value forSymbol:symbol];
- else if ([dynamicContext bindingForSymbol:symbol])
- [dynamicContext setValue:value forSymbol:symbol];
- else
- // FIXME: Maybe print a warning.
- [[MLKDynamicContext globalContext] addValue:value
- forSymbol:symbol];
- if (rest)
- return [self eval:[MLKCons cons:car with:rest]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv];
- else
- RETURN_VALUE (value);
- }
- else if (car == THROW)
- {
- id catchTag;
- NSArray *values;
- NSDictionary *userInfo;
- catchTag = [[self eval:[[program cdr] car]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly]
- objectAtIndex:0];
- values = [self eval:[[[program cdr] cdr] car]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly];
- if (expandOnly)
- with:[MLKCons cons:denullify(catchTag)
- with:[MLKCons cons:denullify([values objectAtIndex:0])
- with:nil]]]);
- userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
- catchTag, @"THROWN TAG",
- values, @"THROWN OBJECTS", nil];
- if ([dynamicContext catchTagIsEstablished:denullify (catchTag)])
- [[NSException exceptionWithName:@"MLKThrow"
- reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:
- @"THROW: tag %@, values %@.",
- MLKPrintToString(catchTag),
- MLKPrintToString(values)]
- userInfo:userInfo] raise];
- else
- // FIXME: This should really be a condition rather than
- // an exception. See CLHS THROW.
- [[NSException exceptionWithName:@"MLKControlError"
- reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:
- @"THROW without a corresponding CATCH: tag %@, values %@.",
- MLKPrintToString(catchTag),
- MLKPrintToString(values)]
- userInfo:userInfo] raise];
- return nil;
- }
- else if (car == UNWIND_PROTECT)
- {
- NSArray *results;
- if (expandOnly)
- {
- id protectee = [self eval:[[program cdr] car]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly];
- id protection = [self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN
- with:[[program cdr] cdr]]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly];
- with:[MLKCons cons:protectee
- with:[MLKCons cons:protection
- with:nil]]]);
- }
- {
- results = [self eval:[[program cdr] car]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv];
- }
- {
- [self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:[[program cdr] cdr]]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly];
- [localException raise];
- }
- [self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:[[program cdr] cdr]]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv];
- return results;
- }
- else
- {
- if ([context symbolNamesFunction:car])
- {
- id function;
- MLKCons *rest = [program cdr];
- NSMutableArray *args = [NSMutableArray array];
- while (rest)
- {
- id result = [[self eval:[rest car]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly]
- objectAtIndex:0];
- [args addObject:result];
- rest = [rest cdr];
- }
- if (expandOnly)
- {
- RETURN_VALUE ([MLKCons cons:[program car]
- with:[MLKCons listWithArray:args]]);
- }
- else
- {
- function = [lexenv functionForSymbol:car];
- return [function applyToArray:args];
- }
- }
- else if ([context symbolNamesMacro:car])
- {
- id macrofun = [context macroForSymbol:car];
- id expansion = denullify([[macrofun
- applyToArray:
- [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
- program, context, nil]]
- objectAtIndex:0]);
- return [self eval:expansion
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- mode:mode];
- }
- else
- {
- NSMutableArray *args = [NSMutableArray array];
- MLKCons *rest = [program cdr];
- NSArray *results;
- while (rest)
- {
- id result = [[self eval:[rest car]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly]
- objectAtIndex:0];
- [args addObject:result];
- rest = [rest cdr];
- }
- if (expandOnly)
- {
- RETURN_VALUE ([MLKCons cons:[program car]
- with:[MLKCons listWithArray:args]]);
- }
- results = [MLKRoot dispatch:car withArguments:args];
- if (results)
- {
- return results;
- }
- else
- {
- [NSException raise:@"MLKNoSuchOperatorException"
- format:@"%@ does not name a known operator.",
- MLKPrintToString(car)];
- return nil;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if ([car isKindOfClass:[MLKCons class]] && [car car] == LAMBDA)
- {
- return [self eval:[MLKCons cons:FUNCALL with:program]
- inLexicalContext:context
- withEnvironment:lexenv
- expandOnly:expandOnly];
- }
- else
- {
- [NSException raise:@"MLKInvalidExpressionException"
- format:@"%@ is not a valid operator name.",
- MLKPrintToString(car)];
- return nil;
- }
- }
+ id form = [MLKForm formWithObject:program
+ inContext:context
+ forCompiler:self];
+ return [form interpretWithEnvironment:lexenv];
+(BOOL) load:(MLKStream *)stream verbose:(BOOL)verbose print:(BOOL)print
id eofValue = [[NSObject alloc] init];
@@ -1238,29 +136,11 @@
- expansion = denullify([[MLKInterpreter
- eval:code
- inLexicalContext:[MLKLexicalContext
- globalContext]
- withEnvironment:[MLKLexicalEnvironment
- globalEnvironment]
- mode:not_compile_time_mode]
- objectAtIndex:0]);
- if ([code isKindOfClass:[MLKCons class]] && [code cdr])
- formdesc = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(%@ %@ ...)",
- MLKPrintToString([expansion car]),
- MLKPrintToString([[expansion cdr] car])];
- else
- formdesc = MLKPrintToString(expansion);
- //fprintf (stderr, "; LOAD: %s\n", [formdesc UTF8String]);
+ expansion = code;
result = [MLKInterpreter
inLexicalContext:[MLKLexicalContext globalContext]
- withEnvironment:[MLKLexicalEnvironment globalEnvironment]
- expandOnly:NO];
- //NSLog (@"; LOAD: Top-level form evaluated.");
+ withEnvironment:[MLKLexicalEnvironment globalEnvironment]];
LRELEASE (pool);
@@ -1276,3 +156,577 @@
return YES;
+#define RETURN_VALUE(thing) \
+{ return [NSArray arrayWithObject:nullify(thing)]; }
+@implementation MLKForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) interpret
+ return [self interpretWithEnvironment:[MLKLexicalEnvironment globalEnvironment]];
+-(NSArray *) interpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ NSArray *values;
+#if 0
+ BOOL trace = NO;
+ //if ([dynamicContext valueForSymbol:V_INITP])
+ // trace = YES;
+ //if (trace)
+ NSLog (@"; EVAL END: %@", MLKPrintToString(_form));
+ values = [self reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:env];
+ //if (trace)
+ NSLog (@"; EVAL: %@", MLKPrintToString(_form));
+#elif 1
+ {
+ values = [self reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:env];
+ }
+ {
+ NSLog (@"; BROKEN EVAL: %@", MLKPrintToString(_form));
+ [localException raise];
+ }
+ values = [self reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:env];
+ return values;
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ NSLog (@"WARNING: Unrecognised form type: %@", self);
+ return [NSArray array];
+@implementation MLKSelfEvaluatingForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ RETURN_VALUE (_form);
+@implementation MLKSymbolForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ if ([_context variableIsLexical:_form])
+ {
+// NSLog (@"Lexical?");
+ RETURN_VALUE ([env valueForSymbol:_form]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+// NSLog (@"Special?");
+ RETURN_VALUE ([[MLKDynamicContext currentContext] valueForSymbol:_form]);
+ }
+@implementation MLKCatchForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ id catchTag;
+ NSArray *values;
+ MLKDynamicContext *newctx;
+ catchTag = [[_tagForm interpretWithEnvironment:env] objectAtIndex:0];
+ {
+ newctx = [[MLKDynamicContext alloc] initWithParent:[MLKDynamicContext currentContext]
+ variables:nil
+ handlers:nil
+ restarts:nil
+ catchTags:[NSSet setWithObject:catchTag]
+ activeHandlerEnvironment:nil];
+ [newctx pushContext];
+ values = [self interpretBodyWithEnvironment:env];
+ [MLKDynamicContext popContext];
+ LRELEASE (newctx);
+ NS_VALUERETURN (values, NSArray *);
+ }
+ {
+ [MLKDynamicContext popContext];
+ LRELEASE (newctx);
+ if ([[localException name] isEqualToString:@"MLKThrow"])
+ {
+ id thrownTag = [[localException userInfo]
+ objectForKey:@"THROWN TAG"];
+ if (thrownTag == catchTag)
+ return [[localException userInfo]
+ objectForKey:@"THROWN OBJECTS"];
+ else
+ [localException raise];
+ }
+ else
+ [localException raise];
+ }
+ return nil;
+@implementation MLKForeignLambdaForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ // FIXME: Support library designators.
+ int (*function)();
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ // FIXME
+ //EnumProcessModules (...);
+ //GetProcAddress (..., [_foreignName UTF8String]);
+ function = dlsym (RTLD_DEFAULT, [_foreignName UTF8String]);
+ NSMutableArray *argtypes = [NSMutableArray array];
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i++; i < _argc)
+ [argtypes addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:_argumentTypes[i]]];
+ RETURN_VALUE (LAUTORELEASE ([[MLKForeignProcedure alloc]
+ initWithCode:function
+ argumentTypes:argtypes
+ returnType:_returnType]));
+@implementation MLKLambdaFunctionForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ return [_lambdaForm interpretWithEnvironment:env];
+@implementation MLKSimpleFunctionForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ RETURN_VALUE ([env functionForSymbol:_functionName]);
+@implementation MLKIfForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ id cndval = denullify([[_conditionForm interpretWithEnvironment:env] objectAtIndex:0]);
+ if (cndval)
+ return [_consequentForm interpretWithEnvironment:env];
+ else
+ return [_alternativeForm interpretWithEnvironment:env];
+@implementation MLKInPackageForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ id package = [MLKPackage findPackage:stringify(_packageDesignator)];
+ [[MLKDynamicContext currentContext]
+ setValue:package
+ forSymbol:[[MLKPackage findPackage:@"COMMON-LISP"]
+ intern:@"*PACKAGE*"]];
+ RETURN_VALUE (package);
+@implementation MLKSimpleLambdaForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ id closure = LAUTORELEASE ([[MLKInterpretedClosure alloc]
+ initWithForm:self
+ environment:env]);
+ RETURN_VALUE (closure);
+@implementation MLKSimpleFletForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ int i;
+ MLKLexicalEnvironment *newenv = [MLKLexicalEnvironment environmentWithParent:env
+ variables:nil
+ functions:nil];
+ for (i = 0; i < [_functionBindingForms count]; i++)
+ {
+ [[_functionBindingForms objectAtIndex:i] interpretWithEnvironment:newenv];
+ }
+ return [self interpretBodyWithEnvironment:newenv];
+@implementation MLKSimpleFunctionBindingForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ id value = [_compiler compile:[MLKCons cons:_LAMBDA with:_tail]
+ inContext:_context];
+ [env addFunction:value forSymbol:_name];
+ return nil;
+@implementation MLKLetForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ int i;
+ NSArray *values;
+ MLKLexicalEnvironment *newenv;
+ MLKDynamicContext *dynctx;
+ newenv = [MLKLexicalEnvironment environmentWithParent:env
+ variables:nil
+ functions:nil];
+ dynctx = [[MLKDynamicContext alloc] initWithParent:[MLKDynamicContext currentContext]
+ variables:nil
+ handlers:nil
+ restarts:nil
+ catchTags:nil
+ activeHandlerEnvironment:nil];
+ for (i = 0; i < [_variableBindingForms count]; i++)
+ {
+ id variable = [[_variableBindingForms objectAtIndex:i] name];
+ id value = [[[_variableBindingForms objectAtIndex:i]
+ interpretWithEnvironment:env]
+ objectAtIndex:0];
+ if ([_bodyContext variableIsLexical:variable])
+ {
+ [newenv addValue:value forSymbol:variable];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [dynctx addValue:value forSymbol:variable];
+ }
+ }
+ [dynctx pushContext];
+ {
+ values = [self interpretBodyWithEnvironment:newenv];
+ }
+ {
+ [MLKDynamicContext popContext];
+ LRELEASE (dynctx);
+ [localException raise];
+ }
+ [MLKDynamicContext popContext];
+ LRELEASE (dynctx);
+ return values;
+@implementation MLKVariableBindingForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ return [_valueForm interpretWithEnvironment:env];
+@implementation MLKSimpleLoopForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ while (YES)
+ {
+ [self interpretBodyWithEnvironment:env];
+ }
+ RETURN_VALUE (nil); // never reached
+@implementation MLKMultipleValueCallForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ NSMutableArray *results = [NSMutableArray array];
+ int i;
+ id <MLKFuncallable> function = [[_functionForm interpretWithEnvironment:env] objectAtIndex:0];
+ for (i = 0; i < [_bodyForms count]; i++)
+ {
+ NSArray *values = [[_bodyForms objectAtIndex:i] interpretWithEnvironment:env];
+ [results addObjectsFromArray:values];
+ }
+ return [function applyToArray:results];
+@implementation MLKProgNForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ return [self interpretBodyWithEnvironment:env];
+@implementation MLKBodyForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) interpretBodyWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ int i;
+ NSArray *values = [NSArray array];
+ for (i = 0; i < [_bodyForms count]; i++)
+ {
+ values = [[_bodyForms objectAtIndex:i] interpretWithEnvironment:env];
+ }
+ return values;
+@implementation MLKProgVForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ id variables = [[_variableListForm interpretWithEnvironment:env]
+ objectAtIndex:0];
+ id values = [[_valueListForm interpretWithEnvironment:env]
+ objectAtIndex:0];
+ MLKDynamicContext *dynctx;
+ id result;
+ dynctx = [[MLKDynamicContext alloc]
+ initWithParent:[MLKDynamicContext currentContext]
+ variables:nil
+ handlers:nil
+ restarts:nil
+ catchTags:nil
+ activeHandlerEnvironment:nil];
+ for (; variables; (variables = [variables cdr], values = [values cdr]))
+ {
+ id var = [variables car];
+ id value = [values car];
+ [dynctx addValue:value forSymbol:var];
+ }
+ [dynctx pushContext];
+ {
+ result = [self interpretBodyWithEnvironment:env];
+ }
+ {
+ [MLKDynamicContext popContext];
+ LRELEASE (dynctx);
+ [localException raise];
+ }
+ [MLKDynamicContext popContext];
+ LRELEASE (dynctx);
+ return result;
+@implementation MLKQuoteForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ RETURN_VALUE (_quotedData);
+@implementation MLKThrowForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ id catchTag;
+ NSArray *values;
+ NSDictionary *userInfo;
+ catchTag = [[_tagForm interpretWithEnvironment:env] objectAtIndex:0];
+ values = [_valueForm interpretWithEnvironment:env];
+ userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
+ catchTag, @"THROWN TAG",
+ values, @"THROWN OBJECTS", nil];
+ if ([[MLKDynamicContext currentContext] catchTagIsEstablished:denullify (catchTag)])
+ [[NSException exceptionWithName:@"MLKThrow"
+ reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:
+ @"THROW: tag %@, values %@.",
+ MLKPrintToString(catchTag),
+ MLKPrintToString(values)]
+ userInfo:userInfo] raise];
+ else
+ // FIXME: This should really be a condition rather than
+ // an exception. See CLHS THROW.
+ [[NSException exceptionWithName:@"MLKControlError"
+ reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:
+ @"THROW without a corresponding CATCH: tag %@, values %@.",
+ MLKPrintToString(catchTag),
+ MLKPrintToString(values)]
+ userInfo:userInfo] raise];
+ return nil;
+@implementation MLKUnwindProtectForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ NSArray *results;
+ {
+ results = [_protectedForm interpretWithEnvironment:env];
+ }
+ {
+ [self interpretBodyWithEnvironment:env];
+ [localException raise];
+ }
+ [self interpretBodyWithEnvironment:env];
+ return results;
+@implementation MLKFunctionCallForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ int i;
+ NSMutableArray *args = [NSMutableArray array];
+ for (i = 0; i < [_argumentForms count]; i++)
+ {
+ id result = [[[_argumentForms objectAtIndex:i]
+ interpretWithEnvironment:env]
+ objectAtIndex:0];
+ [args addObject:result];
+ }
+ if (![_context symbolNamesFunction:_head])
+ {
+ NSArray *results = nil;
+ if (_head && [_head homePackage] == sys)
+ {
+ results = [MLKRoot dispatch:_head withArguments:args];
+ }
+ if (results)
+ {
+ return results;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [NSException raise:@"MLKNoSuchOperatorException"
+ format:@"%@ does not name a known operator.",
+ MLKPrintToString(_head)];
+ return nil;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ id <MLKFuncallable> function = [env functionForSymbol:_head];
+ return [function applyToArray:args];
+ }
+@implementation MLKSetQForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ int i;
+ id value = nil;
+ MLKDynamicContext *dynamicContext = [MLKDynamicContext currentContext];
+ for (i = 0; i < [_variables count]; i++)
+ {
+ id symbol = denullify([_variables objectAtIndex:i]);
+ value = [[[_valueForms objectAtIndex:i] interpretWithEnvironment:env] objectAtIndex:0];
+ if ([_context variableIsLexical:symbol])
+ [env setValue:value forSymbol:symbol];
+ else if ([dynamicContext bindingForSymbol:symbol])
+ [dynamicContext setValue:value forSymbol:symbol];
+ else
+ // FIXME: Maybe print a warning.
+ [[MLKDynamicContext globalContext] addValue:value
+ forSymbol:symbol];
+ }
+ RETURN_VALUE (value);
+@implementation MLKFSetQForm (MLKInterpretation)
+-(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env
+ int i;
+ id value = nil;
+ for (i = 0; i < [_functionNames count]; i++)
+ {
+ id symbol = denullify([_functionNames objectAtIndex:i]);
+ value = [[[_valueForms objectAtIndex:i] interpretWithEnvironment:env] objectAtIndex:0];
+ if ([_context symbolNamesFunction:symbol])
+ {
+ [env setFunction:value forSymbol:symbol];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // FIXME: Maybe print a warning.
+ [[MLKLexicalContext globalContext] addFunction:symbol];
+ [[MLKLexicalEnvironment globalEnvironment] addFunction:value
+ forSymbol:symbol];
+ }
+ }
+ RETURN_VALUE (value);