diff options
authorMatthias Benkard <>2007-09-05 19:25:34 +0200
committerMatthias Benkard <>2007-09-05 19:25:34 +0200
commit3c73865c134159de8d2919007b59941852998ed4 (patch)
parentcfbbf740c3a956115d5494d90d0ea33bf992d9fc (diff)
Add MATCHING-DEFUN, a convenience wrapper around DEFUN and UNIFY:MATCH-CASE.
4 files changed, 171 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/lambda.lisp b/lambda.lisp
index 2f90aa2..dd02f73 100644
--- a/lambda.lisp
+++ b/lambda.lisp
@@ -45,10 +45,7 @@
-(defpackage #:mulk.lambda
- (:use #:cl)
- (:export #:efn #:fn #:efn1 #:fn1 #:fn*))
-(in-package #:mulk.lambda)
+(in-package #:mulk.utils)
(defun collect-lambda-args (form)
diff --git a/mulkutils.asd b/mulkutils.asd
index 1f80267..4eda9b2 100644
--- a/mulkutils.asd
+++ b/mulkutils.asd
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
(defsystem "mulkutils"
:description "Random utilities by Matthias Benkard."
- :version "0.2.0"
+ :version "0.3pre1"
:author "Matthias Benkard <>"
:licence "GNU General Public License, version 2 or higher"
- :depends-on (:arnesi)
- :components ((:file "lambda"))
+ :depends-on (:arnesi :unification)
+ :components ((:file "package")
+ (:file "lambda")
+ (:file "unification"))
:serial t)
diff --git a/package.lisp b/package.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bbca5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+(defpackage #:mulkutils
+ (:nicknames #:mulk.lambda #:mulk #:mulk-utils #:mulk.utils)
+ (:use #:cl)
+ (:export #:efn #:fn #:efn1 #:fn1 #:fn*
+ #:matching-defun #:matching-flet #:matching-labels))
diff --git a/unification.lisp b/unification.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d9bc36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unification.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+(in-package #:mulk.utils)
+(defun split-off-declarations (clauses)
+ (let* ((docstring-found-p nil)
+ (decl-end (mismatch clauses clauses
+ :test #'(lambda (x y)
+ (declare (ignore y))
+ (if (stringp x)
+ (and (not docstring-found-p)
+ (setq docstring-found-p t))
+ (and (listp x)
+ (eq 'declare (car x))))))))
+ (if (null decl-end)
+ (values clauses nil)
+ (values (subseq clauses 0 decl-end)
+ (subseq clauses decl-end)))))
+(defmacro matching-defun (function-name lambda-list &body clauses)
+ "Define a pattern-matching function.
+clauses ::= [[declaration\\* | documentation]] pattern-clause\\*
+pattern-clause ::= (pattern forms\\*)
+## Arguments and Values:
+*function-name* --- a **function name**.
+*lambda-list* --- an **ordinary lambda list**.
+*declaration* --- a __declare__ **expression**; not evaluated.
+*documentation* --- a **string**; not evaluated.
+*pattern* --- a **list**; not evaluated.
+*form\\** --- an **implicit progn**.
+Returns: *function-name* --- a **function name**.
+## Description:
+If *lambda-list* is __nil__, all arguments are used for matching.
+Otherwise, it is expected to contain the **symbol** __*__ as if it were
+the name of a **positional argument**. In this case, the appropriate
+number of pattern arguments are inserted at the position of __*__ in
+All patterns must be congruent -- that is, they must match a fixed
+number of arguments, unless all of the following conditions are met:
+1. __*__ appears as the very last **positional argument** (including
+`&optional` **argument**s) in *lambda-list*.
+2. None of `&key`, `&rest` or `&allow-other-keys` is found in
+In this case, __*__ is treated as a `&rest` **argument** to be matched
+by *clauses*.
+__*__ may appear anywhere after `&optional`, but not after any other
+**lambda-list keyword**.
+The results of supplying the **symbol** __*__ in a position not
+indicating a **positional argument** or supplying the same **symbol**
+more than once are undefined, even if the second occurrence is in a
+position not indicating a **positional argument** (that is, an invalid
+Note that the following definitions are all equivalent:
+ (defun f ())
+ (defun f (*))
+ (defun f (&optional *))
+## Examples:
+ (matching-defun fac ()
+ ((0) 1)
+ ((?n) (* n (fac (1- n)))))
+ ;=> FAC
+ (matching-defun fac-iter (* &optional (accumulator 1))
+ \"An iterative version of FAC.\"
+ ((0) accumulator)
+ ((?n) (fac-iter (1- n) (* accumulator n))))
+ ;=> FAC-ITER
+ (matching-defun direction (* &key numericp)
+ ((:up) (if numericp 0 \"Up!\"))
+ ((:down) (if numericp 1 \"Down!\"))
+ ((:left) (if numericp 2 \"Left!\"))
+ ((:right) (if numericp 3 \"Right!\")))
+ (fac 10) ;=> 3628800
+ (fac-iter 10) ;=> 3628800
+ (fac-iter 10 11) ;=> 39916800
+ (direction :left) ;=> \"Left!\"
+ (direction :left :numericp t) ;=> 2
+## See Also:
+ __defun__, __matching-labels__, __matching-flet__"
+ (when (null lambda-list)
+ (setq lambda-list '(*)))
+ (if (not (member '* lambda-list))
+ `(defun ,function-name ,lambda-list
+ (unify:match-case (list ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (arg)
+ (if (atom arg)
+ arg
+ (first arg)))
+ lambda-list))
+ ,@clauses))
+ (let* ((star-position (position '* lambda-list))
+ (star-wildp (and (or (endp (nthcdr (1+ star-position) lambda-list))
+ (member (nth (1+ star-position) lambda-list)
+ '(&aux)))
+ (null (intersection '(&key &rest &allow-other-keys)
+ lambda-list)))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (declarations pattern-clauses)
+ (split-off-declarations clauses)
+ (let* ((star-args-num (if (or star-wildp (null pattern-clauses))
+ 0
+ (length (first (first pattern-clauses)))))
+ (star-args-syms
+ (mapcar #'gensym (make-list star-args-num
+ :initial-element "PATTERN-ARG")))
+ (wild-star-sym (gensym)))
+ (assert (or star-wildp
+ (every #'(lambda (c)
+ (= (length (first c)) star-args-num))
+ pattern-clauses))
+ (clauses lambda-list)
+ "Patterns must be congruent if * is non-wild")
+ `(defun ,function-name ,(mapcan #'(lambda (x)
+ (if (eq x '*)
+ (if star-wildp
+ (list '&rest
+ wild-star-sym)
+ (copy-list star-args-syms))
+ (list x)))
+ lambda-list)
+ ,@declarations
+ (unify:match-case (,(if star-wildp
+ wild-star-sym
+ `(list ,@star-args-syms)))
+ ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (clause)
+ (cons (list 'quote (car clause))
+ (cdr clause)))
+ pattern-clauses))))))))