path: root/StepTalkShell/Unix.txt
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1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/StepTalkShell/Unix.txt b/StepTalkShell/Unix.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94d3096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/StepTalkShell/Unix.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+Unix shell equivalents
+StepTalk is not meant to be used for tasks that can be done using ordinary Unix
+shells. But this does not mean, that it cannot be used for such tasks. In this
+file you may find list of unix commands and tasks and their Smalltalk
+ File Manipulation
+ Output
+ Paths and filenames
+ Network
+ Math
+ Date and Time
+File manipulation
+> fm := NSFileManager defaultManager
+ > (fm directoryContentsAtPath: '.') sortedArrayUsingSelector:#compare:
+ > fm currentDirectoryPath
+cd path
+ > fm changeCurrentDirectoryPath: 'path'
+ln -s path other
+ > fm createSymbolicLinkAtPath:'path' pathContent:'other'
+cp src dest
+ > fm copyPath:'src' toPath:'dest' handler: nil
+cp file_list dest
+ > file_list do: [ :file | fm copyPath:file toPath:'dest' handler: nil ]
+mv - as cp, movePath:toPath:handler:
+ln - as cp, linkPath:toPath:handler:
+rm - removeFileAtPath:handler:
+mkdir dir
+ > fm createDirectoryAtPath:'dir' attributes:nil
+df path
+ > fm fileSystemAttributesAtPath:'path'
+echo 'string'
+ > Transcript show:'string'
+cat file
+ > Transcript show: (NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:'file')
+"write a string to a file"
+ > ('string' writeToFile:'file' atomically:YES)
+"create a string from a file"
+ > str := NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:'file'
+Paths and filenames
+For more information, refer to the NSString documentation.
+NSString methods for path manipulation:
+ - fileSystemRepresentation
+ - isAbsolutePath
+ - pathComponents
+ - lastPathComponent
+ - pathExtension
+ - stringByAbbreviatingWithTildeInPath
+ - stringByAppendingPathComponent:
+ - stringByAppendingPathExtension:
+ - stringByDeletingLastPathComponent
+ - stringByDeletingPathExtension
+ - stringByExpandingTildeInPath
+ - stringByResolvingSymlinksInPath
+ - stringByStandardizingPath
+ - stringsByAppendingPaths:
+ > path := '/usr/GNUstep/System/Applications/'
+ > path pathComponents
+ (?) GSArray
+ 0 /
+ 1 usr
+ 2 GNUstep
+ 3 System
+ 4 Applications
+ 5
+ > path lastPathComponent
+ (?)
+ > path pathExtension
+ (?) app
+In Smalltalk there is a symbolic selector '/' for NSString that is equivalent to
+the 'stringByAppendingPathComponent:'.
+ > path := 'somePath'
+ > filename := 'someFilename'
+ > fullPath := path / filename
+ > NSHost currentHost name
+nslookup host_name
+ > (NSHost hostWithName:'host_name') addresses
+nslookup host_address
+ > (NSHost hostWithAddress:'host_address') names
+"download a file from the web"
+ > data := NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:'url'
+ > data writeToFile:'file' atomically:YES
+"read a file from the web"
+ > string := NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:'url'
+Just like in:
+ > 1 + 1
+or in:
+ > a := b * c
+Date and Time
+ > NSDate date
+ > NSCalendarDate date
+For more information read the NSDate and NSCalendarDate documentation
+NSCalendarDate methods:
+Creating a date
+ + calendarDate
+ + dateWithString:calendarFormat:
+ + dateWithString:calendarFormat:locale:
+ + dateWithYear:month:day:hour:minute:second:timeZone:
+Retrieving date elements
+ - dayOfCommonEra
+ - dayOfMonth
+ - dayOfWeek
+ - dayOfYear
+ - hourOfDay
+ - minuteOfHour
+ - monthOfYear
+ - secondOfMinute
+ - yearOfCommonEra
+Adjusting a date
+ - dateByAddingYears:months:days:hours:minutes:seconds: