path: root/Lisp/reader-syntax.lisp
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diff --git a/Lisp/reader-syntax.lisp b/Lisp/reader-syntax.lisp
index ccb4ff0..497253e 100644
--- a/Lisp/reader-syntax.lisp
+++ b/Lisp/reader-syntax.lisp
@@ -2,7 +2,115 @@
(defun install-reader-syntax ()
+ "Install an Objective-C-like **reader macro** for Objective C method
+ calls.
+## Description:
+The **reader macro** installed by __install-reader-syntax__ closely
+resembles the conventional method call syntax of Objective C. In fact,
+any differences between standard Objective C method call syntax and this
+**reader macro** that are not documented here is probably a bug and
+should be reported to the maintainer.
+## Reader Macro:
+[\\{*receiver* | *class-name*\\} *message-name-part [[argument [[message-name-arg-pair]]*\\**]]*]
+message-name-arg-pair ::= *message-name-part argument*
+## Reader Macro Arguments and Values:
+*receiver* --- an **object**.
+*class-name* --- a **symbol** (not evaluated).
+*message-name-part* --- a **symbol** (not evaluated).
+*argument* -- an **object**.
+Returns: *result* --- the result of the method invocation.
+## Reader Macro Description:
+First, it is determined whether to regard the first element of the
+form as an object or as a class name according to the following rules:
+1. If the element is no **symbol**, it is regarded as an object.
+2. Otherwise, if it is a **symbol** whose **name** starts with a
+**lowercase** letter, it is regarded as an object.
+3. Otherwise, it is regarded as a class name.
+Next, the method call is parsed by alternately
+reading *message name parts* and *arguments* separated by
+whitespace. *Message name parts* are expected to consist of
+**alphanumeric** **character**s and **colon**s, while *arguments* may
+be arbitrary Lisp expressions. If any but the first *message name part*
+does not end with a **colon**, the effects are undefined. Likewise, the
+effects are undefined if any *message name part* contains a **colon** in
+a position other than the end.
+After the parsing is done, all *message name parts* are concatenated in
+order to form a single **string** that is used as if as the second
+**argument** to __invoke-by-name__, and all *arguments* are collected in
+order and the resulting **list** used as if as a **list** of additional
+arguments to __invoke-by-name__.
+## Reader Macro Examples:
+ [NSString stringWithCString: \"Mulk.\"]
+ ;=> #<GSCBufferString `Mulk.' {5B36087}>
+ [NSObject self]
+ ;=> #<NSObject `NSObject' {16ECF598}>
+ [NSObject name]
+ ;=> \"NSObject\"
+ [[[NSObject self] self] name]
+ ;=> \"NSObject\"
+ [NSString stringWithCString: \"Mulk.\" encoding: 4]
+ ;=> #<GSCBufferString `Mulk.' {5B36087}>
+## Rationale:
+Objective C method names tend to be relatively verbose and are
+frequently composed of many short words like \"of\" and \"by\". As a
+result, using __invoke__ can be quite cumbersome at times and waste
+screen real estate. One need only compare the example call
+ (invoke (find-objc-class 'ns-string)
+ :string-with-c-string \"Mulk.\"
+ :encoding 4)
+with its reader macro counterpart
+ [NSString stringWithCString: \"Mulk.\" encoding: 4]
+to be able to see an improvement in length as well as readability.
+In any case, it is a matter of taste whether to prefer __invoke__ or
+Objective C syntax as it is whether to prefer the standard Common Lisp
+__loop__ facility or a widespread and well-known alternative called
+\"Iterate\". In both cases, one can argue that one of the forms
+sacrifices an elusive quality of \"lispiness\" as well as text editor
+friendliness in favor of natural-language-style readability and
+## See also:
+ __invoke__, __invoke-by-name__"
(set-macro-character #\] (get-macro-character #\)))
(set-macro-character #\[ #'(lambda (stream char)