path: root/www
diff options
authorMatthias Andreas Benkard <code@mail.matthias.benkard.de>2012-10-03 15:32:23 +0200
committerMatthias Andreas Benkard <code@mail.matthias.benkard.de>2012-10-03 15:32:23 +0200
commit72abba77573c3583dc373526f6ce86b895eacc6d (patch)
treeb718d8a9704e2ee37e83ffb7fc9eddc438f5a60a /www
parentf531f6cd518feef0814911675152c18dcbc890da (diff)
Make PEM file location configurable.
Diffstat (limited to 'www')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/www/sign.pl b/www/sign.pl
index c7e51ad..85f75b3 100755
--- a/www/sign.pl
+++ b/www/sign.pl
@@ -65,12 +65,15 @@ sub sign($$$$) {
+our $MULKONF;
+do "config.pl";
while (my $cgi = new CGI::Fast) {
my $cookie = $cgi->cookie('mulkid_session') or die "No session cookie";
my $session = new CGI::Session("driver:File", $cookie, {Directory=>"/tmp"}) or die "Invalid session cookie";
print $cgi->header(-content_type => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');
- my $key = Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->new_private_key(scalar read_file('/etc/mulkid/rsa2048.pem'));
+ my $key = Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->new_private_key(scalar read_file($MULKONF->{pemfile}));
@@ -81,12 +84,13 @@ while (my $cgi = new CGI::Fast) {
my $session_user = $session->param('user');
my $alias;
- if ($email =~ /^(.*?)@/) { $alias = $1; }
+ my $domain;
+ if ($email =~ /^(.*?)@(.*)/) { $alias = $1; $domain = $2; }
my $email_users = $aliases->expand($alias) or die "User not found";
die "User is not authorized to use this email address"
unless ($session_user ~~ @$email_users);
- my $sig = sign $key, decode_json($user_pubkey), $email, $duration;
+ my $sig = sign $key, decode_json($user_pubkey), $email, $duration, $domain;
say encode_json({signature => $sig});