path: root/whirlpool.rkt
diff options
authorMatthias Andreas Benkard <>2011-08-15 23:16:11 +0200
committerMatthias Andreas Benkard <>2011-08-15 23:16:11 +0200
commit74a01eb449e63ce3ee135ce0092dbc483db1bdfc (patch)
treec9ec69a716da457c4e83624d23277f06963960d6 /whirlpool.rkt
Initial checkin.
Implement the Whirlpool cryptographic hashing function.
Diffstat (limited to 'whirlpool.rkt')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/whirlpool.rkt b/whirlpool.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af2694f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/whirlpool.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+#lang typed/racket
+;;; Copyright 2011, Matthias Andreas Benkard.
+;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+;;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+(provide: [whirlpool (Bytes -> Exact-Nonnegative-Integer)])
+(define-type Matrix Exact-Nonnegative-Integer)
+(define rounds 10)
+(define: (matrix-index [i : Byte] [j : Byte]) : Integer
+ (- 512
+ (+ (* 64 i) (* 8 j))
+ 8))
+(define: (matrix-ref [m : Matrix]
+ [i : Byte]
+ [j : Byte])
+ : Byte
+ (bitwise-and (arithmetic-shift m (- (matrix-index i j)))
+ #xff))
+;; Unused.
+(define: (matrix-set [m : Matrix]
+ [i : Byte]
+ [j : Byte]
+ [v : Byte])
+ : Matrix
+ (bitwise-ior (bitwise-and m
+ (bitwise-not
+ (arithmetic-shift #xff (matrix-index i j))))
+ (arithmetic-shift v (matrix-index i j))))
+(define-syntax first-2value
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ [(_ e) (let-values ([(x y) e]) x)]))
+(define: (matrix-map [f : (Byte -> Byte)] [m : Matrix])
+ : Matrix
+ (make-matrix
+ (λ (i j)
+ (f (matrix-ref m i j)))))
+(define: (make-matrix [proc : (Byte Byte -> Byte)]) : Matrix
+ (for*/fold: ([m : Matrix 0])
+ ([i : Index (in-range 0 8)]
+ [j : Index (in-range 0 8)])
+ (bitwise-ior (proc (assert i byte?) (assert j byte?))
+ (arithmetic-shift m 8))))
+(define: (print-matrix [m : Matrix]) : Void
+ (printf "~a" (format-matrix m)))
+(define: (format-matrix [m : Matrix]) : String
+ (with-output-to-string
+ (λ ()
+ (for ([i (in-range 0 8)])
+ (printf "| ")
+ (for ([j (in-range 0 8)])
+ (let ([b (matrix-ref m (assert i byte?) (assert j byte?))])
+ (if (> b #xf)
+ (printf "~x " b)
+ (printf " ~x " b))))
+ (printf "|~%"))
+ (printf "~%"))))
+(define: (reverse-minibox [box : (Vectorof Byte)])
+ : (Vectorof Byte)
+ (let: ([antibox : (Vectorof Byte) (make-vector 16 0)])
+ (for: ([i : Index (in-range 0 16)])
+ (vector-set! antibox (vector-ref box i) (assert i byte?)))
+ (vector->immutable-vector antibox)))
+(define: C-box : (Vector Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte)
+ #(#x1 #x1 #x4 #x1 #x8 #x5 #x2 #x9))
+(define: S-box : (Vectorof Byte)
+ #(#x18 #x23 #xc6 #xE8 #x87 #xB8 #x01 #x4F #x36 #xA6 #xd2 #xF5 #x79 #x6F #x91 #x52 #x60 #xBc #x9B #x8E #xA3 #x0c #x7B #x35 #x1d #xE0 #xd7 #xc2 #x2E #x4B #xFE #x57 #x15 #x77 #x37 #xE5 #x9F #xF0 #x4A #xdA #x58 #xc9 #x29 #x0A #xB1 #xA0 #x6B #x85 #xBd #x5d #x10 #xF4 #xcB #x3E #x05 #x67 #xE4 #x27 #x41 #x8B #xA7 #x7d #x95 #xd8 #xFB #xEE #x7c #x66 #xdd #x17 #x47 #x9E #xcA #x2d #xBF #x07 #xAd #x5A #x83 #x33 #x63 #x02 #xAA #x71 #xc8 #x19 #x49 #xd9 #xF2 #xE3 #x5B #x88 #x9A #x26 #x32 #xB0 #xE9 #x0F #xd5 #x80 #xBE #xcd #x34 #x48 #xFF #x7A #x90 #x5F #x20 #x68 #x1A #xAE #xB4 #x54 #x93 #x22 #x64 #xF1 #x73 #x12 #x40 #x08 #xc3 #xEc #xdB #xA1 #x8d #x3d #x97 #x00 #xcF #x2B #x76 #x82 #xd6 #x1B #xB5 #xAF #x6A #x50 #x45 #xF3 #x30 #xEF #x3F #x55 #xA2 #xEA #x65 #xBA #x2F #xc0 #xdE #x1c #xFd #x4d #x92 #x75 #x06 #x8A #xB2 #xE6 #x0E #x1F #x62 #xd4 #xA8 #x96 #xF9 #xc5 #x25 #x59 #x84 #x72 #x39 #x4c #x5E #x78 #x38 #x8c #xd1 #xA5 #xE2 #x61 #xB3 #x21 #x9c #x1E #x43 #xc7 #xFc #x04 #x51 #x99 #x6d #x0d #xFA #xdF #x7E #x24 #x3B #xAB #xcE #x11 #x8F #x4E #xB7 #xEB #x3c #x81 #x94 #xF7 #xB9 #x13 #x2c #xd3 #xE7 #x6E #xc4 #x03 #x56 #x44 #x7F #xA9 #x2A #xBB #xc1 #x53 #xdc #x0B #x9d #x6c #x31 #x74 #xF6 #x46 #xAc #x89 #x14 #xE1 #x16 #x3A #x69 #x09 #x70 #xB6 #xd0 #xEd #xcc #x42 #x98 #xA4 #x28 #x5c #xF8 #x86))
+(define: E-box : (Vectorof Byte)
+ #(#x1 #xB #x9 #xC #xD #x6 #xF #x3 #xE #x8 #x7 #x4 #xA #x2 #x5 #x0))
+(define: R-box : (Vectorof Byte)
+ #(#x7 #xC #xB #xD #xE #x4 #x9 #xF #x6 #x3 #x8 #xA #x2 #x5 #x1 #x0))
+(define: E-antibox : (Vectorof Byte)
+ (reverse-minibox E-box))
+(define: R-antibox : (Vectorof Byte)
+ (reverse-minibox R-box))
+(define: (C-ref [i : Byte] [j : Byte]) : Byte
+ (vector-ref C-box (modulo (+ j (- i)) 8)))
+(define: C : Matrix
+ (make-matrix (λ (i j) (C-ref i j))))
+(define: (γ [m : Matrix]) : Matrix
+ (matrix-map S m))
+(define: (S [b : Byte]) : Byte
+ (vector-ref S-box b))
+(define: gf2^8+ : (Byte Byte -> Byte)
+ bitwise-xor)
+(define: (gf2^8* [a : Byte] [b : Byte]) : Byte
+ ;; Multiplication in GF(2^8).
+ ;;
+ (let: loop : Byte ([a : Byte a]
+ [b : Byte b]
+ [p : Byte 0])
+ (if (or (zero? a) (zero? b))
+ p
+ (let ([a-shift (bitwise-and (arithmetic-shift a 1) #xff)])
+ (loop (if (bitwise-bit-set? a 7)
+ (bitwise-xor a-shift #b00011101)
+ a-shift)
+ (assert (arithmetic-shift b -1) byte?)
+ (if (bitwise-bit-set? b 0)
+ (bitwise-xor p a)
+ p))))))
+(define: (θ [m : Matrix]) : Matrix
+ (make-matrix
+ (λ (i j)
+ (for/fold: ([sum : Byte 0])
+ ([k : Index (in-range 0 8)])
+ (let ([k (assert k byte?)])
+ (gf2^8+ sum
+ (gf2^8* (matrix-ref m i k)
+ (matrix-ref C k j))))))))
+(define: cr : (Vectorof Matrix)
+ (vector->immutable-vector
+ (ann
+ (list->vector
+ (ann (for/list: ([r : Integer (in-range 1 (add1 rounds))])
+ (make-matrix
+ (λ: ([i : Byte] [j : Byte])
+ (if (zero? i)
+ (S (assert (+ (* 8 (sub1 r)) j)
+ byte?))
+ 0))))
+ (Listof Matrix)))
+ (Vectorof Matrix))))
+(define: σ : (Matrix -> Matrix -> Matrix)
+ (curry bitwise-xor))
+(define: (π [m : Matrix]) : Matrix
+ (make-matrix
+ (λ (i j)
+ (matrix-ref m
+ (modulo (- i j) 8)
+ j))))
+(define: (ρ [k : Matrix]) : (Matrix -> Matrix)
+ (compose (σ k)
+ (compose θ
+ (compose π
+ γ))))
+(define: (K [m : Matrix] [r : Exact-Nonnegative-Integer]) : Matrix
+ ((ρ (vector-ref cr (sub1 r))) m))
+(define: (W [m : Matrix]) : (Matrix -> Matrix)
+ ((inst compose Matrix Matrix Matrix)
+ (let: loop : (Matrix -> Matrix)
+ ([acc : (Matrix -> Matrix) identity]
+ [Kr : Matrix m]
+ [r : Exact-Nonnegative-Integer 0])
+ (if (>= r rounds)
+ acc
+ (let* ([next-r (add1 r)]
+ [next-Kr (K Kr next-r)])
+ (loop (compose (ρ next-Kr) acc)
+ next-Kr
+ next-r))))
+ (σ m)))
+(define: (bytes->matrix [b : Bytes]) : Matrix
+ (for/fold: ([acc : Matrix 0])
+ ([byte : Byte (in-bytes b)])
+ (+ (arithmetic-shift acc 8) byte)))
+(define: (integer->bytes [x : Exact-Nonnegative-Integer]) : Bytes
+ (let: loop : Bytes
+ ([acc : (Listof Byte) (list)]
+ [x : Exact-Nonnegative-Integer x])
+ (if (zero? x)
+ (list->bytes acc)
+ (loop (cons (bitwise-and #xff x) acc)
+ (arithmetic-shift x -8)))))
+(define: (length->bytes [n : Exact-Nonnegative-Integer]) : Bytes
+ (let ([b (integer->bytes n)])
+ (bytes-append (make-bytes (- 32 (bytes-length b)) 0) b)))
+(define: (pad-bytes [b : Bytes]) : Bytes
+ (let* ([missingno (modulo (- 32 (remainder (bytes-length b) 64))
+ 64)]
+ [padding (cons #x80 (make-list (sub1 missingno) 0))]
+ [len (length->bytes (* 8 (bytes-length b)))])
+ (bytes-append b (list->bytes padding) len)))
+(define: (bytes->message [b : Bytes]) : (Listof Matrix)
+ (let: ([pb : Bytes (pad-bytes b)])
+ (reverse
+ (for/fold: ([acc : (Listof Matrix) (list)])
+ ([i : Exact-Nonnegative-Integer
+ (in-range 0 (quotient (bytes-length pb) 64))])
+ (cons (bytes->matrix (subbytes pb (* i 64) (* (add1 i) 64)))
+ acc)))))
+(define: IV : Matrix
+ 0)
+(define: (H [message : (Listof Matrix)]) : Matrix
+ (for/fold: ([acc : Matrix IV])
+ ([η : Matrix (in-list message)])
+ (bitwise-xor ((W acc) η)
+ acc
+ η)))
+(define (whirlpool msg)
+ (H (bytes->message msg)))
+;; Should be:
+;; 19FA61D75522A4669B44E39C1D2E1726C530232130D407F89AFEE0964997F7A7
+;; 3E83BE698B288FEBCF88E3E03C4F0757EA8964E59B63D93708B138CC42A66EB3
+;;(format "~X" (whirlpool #"")))
+;;(print-matrix (whirlpool #"")))