path: root/ironclad/digest.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'ironclad/digest.lisp')
1 files changed, 420 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ironclad/digest.lisp b/ironclad/digest.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acf4e95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ironclad/digest.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+;;;; digest.lisp -- common functions for hashing
+(in-package :crypto)
+;;; defining digest (hash) functions
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
+(defconstant +buffer-size+ (* 128 1024))
+(deftype buffer-index () `(integer 0 (,+buffer-size+)))
+(defun update-digest-from-stream (digest stream &key buffer (start 0) end)
+ (cond
+ ((let ((element-type (stream-element-type stream)))
+ (or (equal element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+ (equal element-type '(integer 0 255))))
+ (flet ((frob (read-buffer start end)
+ (loop for last-updated = (read-sequence read-buffer stream
+ :start start :end end)
+ do (update-digest digest read-buffer
+ :start start :end last-updated)
+ until (< last-updated end)
+ finally (return digest))))
+ (if buffer
+ (frob buffer start (or end (length buffer)))
+ (let ((buffer (make-array +buffer-size+
+ :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
+ (declare (dynamic-extent buffer))
+ (frob buffer 0 +buffer-size+)))))
+ (t
+ (error "Unsupported stream element-type ~S for stream ~S."
+ (stream-element-type stream) stream))))
+;;; Storing a length at the end of the hashed data is very common and
+;;; can be a small bottleneck when generating lots of hashes over small
+;;; quantities of data. We assume that the appropriate locations have
+;;; already been zeroed if necessary. LENGTH is also assumed to be an
+;;; (effectively) 64-bit quantity.
+(declaim (inline store-data-length))
+(defun store-data-length (block length offset &optional big-endian-p)
+ (let ((lo (if big-endian-p (1+ offset) offset))
+ (hi (if big-endian-p offset (1+ offset))))
+ #+(and sbcl 32-bit)
+ (cond
+ ((sb-int:fixnump length)
+ (setf (aref block lo) length))
+ ;; Otherwise, we have a bignum.
+ (t
+ (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0))
+ (type sb-bignum:bignum-type length))
+ (cond
+ ((= (sb-bignum:%bignum-length length) 1)
+ (setf (aref block lo) (sb-bignum:%bignum-ref length 0)))
+ (t
+ (setf (aref block lo) (sb-bignum:%bignum-ref length 0)
+ (aref block hi) (sb-bignum:%bignum-ref length 1)))))))
+ #+(and cmu 32-bit)
+ (cond
+ ((ext:fixnump length)
+ (setf (aref block lo) length))
+ ;; Otherwise, we have a bignum.
+ (t
+ (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0))
+ (type bignum:bignum-type length))
+ (cond
+ ((= (bignum:%bignum-length length) 1)
+ (setf (aref block lo) (bignum:%bignum-ref length 0)))
+ (t
+ (setf (aref block lo) (bignum:%bignum-ref length 0)
+ (aref block hi) (bignum:%bignum-ref length 1)))))))
+ #-(or (and sbcl 32-bit)
+ (and cmu 32-bit))
+ (setf (aref block lo) (ldb (byte 32 0) length)
+ (aref block hi) (ldb (byte 32 32) length))))
+;;; macros for "mid-level" functions
+(defmacro define-digest-registers ((digest-name &key (endian :big) (size 4) (digest-registers nil)) &rest registers)
+ (let* ((struct-name (intern (format nil "~A-REGS" digest-name)))
+ (constructor (intern (format nil "INITIAL-~A" struct-name)))
+ (copier (intern (format nil "%COPY-~A" struct-name)))
+ (digest-fun (intern (format nil "~AREGS-DIGEST" digest-name)))
+ (register-bit-size (* size 8))
+ (digest-size (* size (or digest-registers
+ (length registers))))
+ (ref-fun (ubref-fun-name register-bit-size (eq endian :big))))
+ `(progn
+ (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (defstruct (,struct-name
+ (:type (vector (unsigned-byte ,register-bit-size)))
+ (:constructor ,constructor ())
+ (:copier ,copier))
+ ,@registers)
+ ;; Some versions of LispWorks incorrectly define STRUCT-NAME as
+ ;; a type with DEFSTRUCT, so avoid gratuitous warnings.
+ #-(and lispworks lispworks5.0)
+ (deftype ,struct-name ()
+ '(simple-array (unsigned-byte ,register-bit-size) (,(length registers)))))
+ (defun ,digest-fun (regs buffer start)
+ (declare (type ,struct-name regs)
+ (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) buffer)
+ (type (integer 0 ,(- array-dimension-limit digest-size)) start)
+ ,(burn-baby-burn))
+ ,(let ((inlined-unpacking
+ `(setf ,@(loop for (reg value) in registers
+ for index from 0 below digest-size by size
+ nconc `((,ref-fun buffer (+ start ,index))
+ (,(intern (format nil "~A-REGS-~A" digest-name reg)) regs))))))
+ (cond
+ #+(and sbcl :little-endian)
+ ((eq endian :little)
+ `(if (= start 0)
+ (sb-kernel:ub8-bash-copy regs 0 buffer 0 ,digest-size)
+ ,inlined-unpacking))
+ #+(and sbcl :big-endian)
+ ((eq endian :big)
+ `(if (= start 0)
+ (sb-kernel:ub8-bash-copy regs 0 buffer 0 ,digest-size)
+ ,inlined-unpacking))
+ (t inlined-unpacking)))
+ buffer))))
+(defmacro define-digest-updater (digest-name &body body)
+ (destructuring-bind (maybe-doc-string &rest rest) body
+ `(defmethod update-digest ((state ,digest-name) (sequence vector) &key (start 0) (end (length sequence)))
+ ,@(when (stringp maybe-doc-string)
+ `(,maybe-doc-string))
+ (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) sequence))
+ (declare (type index start end))
+ ,(hold-me-back)
+ ,@(if (stringp maybe-doc-string)
+ rest
+ body))))
+;;; SPECS is either (DIGEST-NAME DIGEST-BYTES) or a list of the same.
+;;; The latter spelling is for digests that are related, but have
+;;; different output sizes (e.g. SHA2-512 and SHA2-384). In that case,
+;;; the first list is expected to be for the "major" variant of the
+;;; pair; its digest type is expected to be the supertype of the
+;;; variants.
+(defmacro define-digest-finalizer (specs &body body)
+ (let* ((single-digest-p (not (consp (car specs))))
+ (specs (if single-digest-p (list specs) specs))
+ (inner-fun-name (intern (format nil "%FINALIZE-~A-STATE" (caar specs)))))
+ (destructuring-bind (maybe-doc-string &rest rest) body
+ (loop for (digest-name digest-size) in specs
+ for regs-digest-fun = (intern (format nil "~AREGS-DIGEST" digest-name))
+ collect `(defmethod finalize-digest ((state ,digest-name)
+ &optional buffer buffer-start)
+ ,@(when (stringp maybe-doc-string)
+ `(,maybe-doc-string))
+ (declare (type (or (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) cl:null) buffer))
+ (cond
+ (buffer
+ ;; verify that the buffer is large enough
+ (let ((buffer-start (or buffer-start 0)))
+ (if (<= ,digest-size (- (length buffer) buffer-start))
+ (,inner-fun-name state buffer buffer-start
+ ,@(unless single-digest-p
+ `(#',regs-digest-fun)))
+ (error 'insufficient-buffer-space
+ :buffer buffer :start buffer-start
+ :length ,digest-size))))
+ (t
+ (,inner-fun-name state
+ (make-array ,digest-size
+ :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+ 0
+ ,@(unless single-digest-p
+ `(#',regs-digest-fun)))))) into finalizers
+ finally
+ (return
+ `(progn
+ ,@finalizers
+ (defun ,inner-fun-name (state %buffer buffer-start ,@(unless single-digest-p
+ '(reg-digest-fun)))
+ ,(hold-me-back)
+ (macrolet ((finalize-registers (state regs)
+ (declare (ignore state))
+ ,(if single-digest-p
+ ``(,',(intern (format nil "~AREGS-DIGEST" (caar specs))) ,regs %buffer buffer-start)
+ ``(funcall reg-digest-fun ,regs %buffer buffer-start))))
+ ,@(if (stringp maybe-doc-string)
+ rest
+ body)))))))))
+;;; high-level generic function drivers
+;;; These three functions are intended to be one-shot ways to digest
+;;; an object of some kind. You could write these in terms of the more
+;;; familiar digest interface below, but these are likely to be slightly
+;;; more efficient, as well as more obvious about what you're trying to
+;;; do.
+(defgeneric digest-file (digest-spec pathname &rest args
+ &key buffer start end
+ digest digest-start)
+ (:documentation "Return the digest of the contents of the file named by PATHNAME using
+the algorithm DIGEST-NAME.
+If DIGEST is provided, the digest will be placed into DIGEST starting at
+An error will be signaled if there is insufficient room in DIGEST.
+If BUFFER is provided, the portion of BUFFER between START and END will
+be used to hold data read from the stream."))
+(defmethod digest-file ((digest-name symbol) pathname &rest kwargs)
+ (apply #'digest-file (make-digest digest-name) pathname kwargs))
+(defmethod digest-file (state pathname &key buffer (start 0) end
+ digest (digest-start 0))
+ (with-open-file (stream pathname :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
+ :direction :input
+ :if-does-not-exist :error)
+ (update-digest-from-stream state stream
+ :buffer buffer :start start :end end)
+ (produce-digest state :digest digest :digest-start digest-start)))
+(defgeneric digest-stream (digest-spec stream &rest args
+ &key buffer start end
+ digest digest-start)
+ (:documentation "Return the digest of the contents of STREAM using the algorithm
+If DIGEST is provided, the digest will be placed into DIGEST starting at
+An error will be signaled if there is insufficient room in DIGEST.
+If BUFFER is provided, the portion of BUFFER between START and END will
+be used to hold data read from the stream."))
+(defmethod digest-stream ((digest-name symbol) stream &rest kwargs)
+ (apply #'digest-stream (make-digest digest-name) stream kwargs))
+(defmethod digest-stream (state stream &key buffer (start 0) end
+ digest (digest-start 0))
+ (update-digest-from-stream state stream
+ :buffer buffer :start start :end end)
+ (produce-digest state :digest digest :digest-start digest-start))
+(defgeneric digest-sequence (digest-spec sequence &rest args
+ &key start end digest digest-start)
+ (:documentation "Return the digest of the subsequence of SEQUENCE
+specified by START and END using the algorithm DIGEST-NAME. For CMUCL
+and SBCL, SEQUENCE can be any vector with an element-type
+of (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8); for other implementations, SEQUENCE must be a
+If DIGEST is provided, the digest will be placed into DIGEST starting at
+An error will be signaled if there is insufficient room in DIGEST."))
+(defmethod digest-sequence ((digest-name symbol) sequence &rest kwargs)
+ (apply #'digest-sequence (make-digest digest-name) sequence kwargs))
+(defmethod digest-sequence (state sequence &key (start 0) end
+ digest (digest-start 0))
+ (declare (type (vector (unsigned-byte 8)) sequence) (type index start))
+ #+cmu
+ ;; respect the fill-pointer
+ (let ((end (or end (length sequence))))
+ (declare (type index end))
+ (lisp::with-array-data ((data sequence) (real-start start) (real-end end))
+ (declare (ignore real-end))
+ (update-digest state data
+ :start real-start :end (+ real-start (- end start)))))
+ #+sbcl
+ ;; respect the fill-pointer
+ (let ((end (or end (length sequence))))
+ (sb-kernel:with-array-data ((data sequence) (real-start start) (real-end end))
+ (declare (ignore real-end))
+ (update-digest state data
+ :start real-start :end (+ real-start (- end start)))))
+ #-(or cmu sbcl)
+ (let ((real-end (or end (length sequence))))
+ (declare (type index real-end))
+ (update-digest state sequence
+ :start start :end (or real-end (length sequence))))
+ (produce-digest state :digest digest :digest-start digest-start))
+;;; These four functions represent the common interface for digests in
+;;; other crypto toolkits (OpenSSL, Botan, Python, etc.). You obtain
+;;; some state object for a particular digest, you update it with some
+;;; data, and then you get the actual digest. Flexibility is the name
+;;; of the game with these functions.
+(defun make-digest (digest-name)
+ "Return a digest object which uses the algorithm DIGEST-NAME."
+ (typecase digest-name
+ (symbol
+ (let ((name (massage-symbol digest-name)))
+ (if (digestp name)
+ (funcall (the function (get name '%make-digest)))
+ (error 'unsupported-digest :name digest-name))))
+ (t
+ (error 'type-error :datum digest-name :expected-type 'symbol))))
+(defgeneric copy-digest (digester &optional copy)
+ (:documentation "Return a copy of DIGESTER. If COPY is not NIL, it
+should be of the same type as DIGESTER and will receive the copied data,
+rather than creating a new object. The copy is a deep copy, not a
+shallow copy as might be returned by COPY-STRUCTURE."))
+(defgeneric update-digest (digester thing &key &allow-other-keys)
+ (:documentation "Update the internal state of DIGESTER with THING.
+The exact method is determined by the type of THING."))
+(defgeneric produce-digest (digester &key digest digest-start)
+ (:documentation "Return the hash of the data processed by
+DIGESTER so far. This function modifies the internal state of DIGESTER.
+If DIGEST is provided, the hash will be placed into DIGEST starting at
+An error will be signaled if there is insufficient room in DIGEST."))
+(defmethod produce-digest (digester &key digest (digest-start 0))
+ (finalize-digest digester digest digest-start))
+;;; the digest-defining macro
+(defclass digest ()
+ ((amount :accessor amount-processed :type (unsigned-byte 64)
+ :initform 0)
+ (buffer-index :accessor buffer-index :initform 0)
+ (finalized-p :accessor finalized-p :initform nil)))
+(defun digestp (sym)
+ (get sym '%digest-length))
+(defun list-all-digests ()
+ (loop for symbol being each external-symbol of (find-package :ironclad)
+ if (digestp symbol)
+ collect symbol))
+(defun digest-supported-p (name)
+ "Return T if the digest NAME is a valid digest name."
+ (and (symbolp name)
+ (not (cl:null (digestp name)))))
+(defgeneric digest-length (digest)
+ (:documentation "Return the number of bytes in a digest generated by DIGEST."))
+(defun massage-symbol (symbol)
+ (let ((package (symbol-package symbol))
+ (ironclad (load-time-value (find-package :ironclad))))
+ (cond
+ ((eq package ironclad) symbol)
+ ((eq package (load-time-value (find-package :keyword)))
+ (find-symbol (symbol-name symbol) ironclad))
+ (t nil))))
+(defmethod digest-length ((digest-name symbol))
+ (or (digestp (massage-symbol digest-name))
+ (error 'unsupported-digest :name digest-name)))
+(defmethod digest-length (digest-name)
+ (error 'unsupported-digest :name digest-name))
+(defmethod update-digest (digester (stream stream) &key buffer (start 0) end
+ &allow-other-keys)
+ (update-digest-from-stream digester stream
+ :buffer buffer :start start :end end))
+(defun optimized-maker-name (name)
+ (let ((*package* (find-package :ironclad)))
+ (intern (format nil "%MAKE-~A-DIGEST" name))))
+(defmacro defdigest (name &key digest-length block-length)
+ (let ((optimized-maker-name (optimized-maker-name name)))
+ `(progn
+ (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
+ (export ',name :ironclad))
+ (setf (get ',name '%digest-length) ,digest-length)
+ (setf (get ',name '%make-digest) (symbol-function ',optimized-maker-name))
+ (defmethod digest-length ((digest ,name))
+ ,digest-length)
+ (defmethod block-length ((digest ,name))
+ ,block-length))))
+;;; If we pass a constant argument to MAKE-DIGEST, convert the
+;;; MAKE-DIGEST call to a direct call to the state creation function.
+(define-compiler-macro make-digest (&whole form &environment env
+ name)
+ (declare (ignore env))
+ (cond
+ ((or (keywordp name)
+ (and (quotationp name) (symbolp name)))
+ (let ((name (massage-symbol (unquote name))))
+ (if (digestp name)
+ `(,(optimized-maker-name name))
+ form)))
+ (t form)))
+;;; And do the same for various one-shot digest functions.
+(defun maybe-expand-one-shot-call (form funname name 2nd-arg keys)
+ (cond
+ ((or (keywordp name)
+ (and (quotationp name) (symbolp name)))
+ (let ((name (massage-symbol (unquote name))))
+ (if (digestp name)
+ `(,funname (,(optimized-maker-name name)) ,2nd-arg ,@keys)
+ form)))
+ (t form)))
+(define-compiler-macro digest-sequence (&whole form &environment env
+ name sequence &rest keys)
+ (declare (ignore env))
+ (maybe-expand-one-shot-call form 'digest-sequence name sequence keys))
+(define-compiler-macro digest-stream (&whole form &environment env
+ name stream &rest keys)
+ (declare (ignore env))
+ (maybe-expand-one-shot-call form 'digest-stream name stream keys))
+(define-compiler-macro digest-file (&whole form &environment env
+ name file &rest keys)
+ (declare (ignore env))
+ (maybe-expand-one-shot-call form 'digest-file name file keys))