diff options
authorMatthias Benkard <>2007-05-29 01:13:08 +0200
committerMatthias Benkard <>2007-05-29 01:13:08 +0200
commit9eddc7f9f6850ad426dd7af06e0ebb097ca8938d (patch)
parent8ea9fc44fb76060010356324d3bb94ca2e365cc5 (diff)
Add the capability to actually display journal entries.
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/journal.lisp b/journal.lisp
index 9bc71e6..35008ef 100755
--- a/journal.lisp
+++ b/journal.lisp
@@ -46,32 +46,158 @@
(defparameter *action*
(keywordify (getf *query* :action))
- "One of NIL, :INDEX, :VIEW, :POST, :EDIT, and :PREVIEW.")
-(defparameter *entry-number*
- (parse-integer (getf *query* :entry "")
+(defparameter *post-number*
+ (parse-integer (getf *query* :post "")
:junk-allowed t #|| :radix 12 ||#)
- "The identification number of the blog entry to be acted upon.
+ "The identification number of the journal entry to be acted upon.
May be NIL.")
(defparameter *method*
(keywordify (gethash "REQUEST_METHOD" (http-get-env-vars)))
"One of :GET, :POST, :PUT, and :DELETE.")
-(http-add-header "Content-type" "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
- (<:body
- (loop for (x . y) in `(("Action" . ,*action*)
- ("Request method" . ,*method*)
- ("Query" . ,*query*)
- ("Query string" . ,(http-get-query-string))
- ("Environment" . ,(http-get-env-vars)))
- do (<:p
- (<:hr)
- (<:h2 (<:as-html x))
- (<:p "Type " (<:em (<:as-html (type-of y))) ".")
- (<:pre (<:as-html (prin1-to-string y)))))))
+(defparameter *journal-entries*
+ '()
+ "A list of JOURNAL-ENTRY objects.")
+(defparameter *http-env*
+ (http-get-env-vars)
+ "A hash table of HTTP environment variables.")
+(defclass journal-entry ()
+ ((id :type (integer 0)
+ :accessor id-of
+ :initarg :id)
+ (title :type string
+ :accessor title-of
+ :initarg :title
+ :initform "")
+ (body :type string
+ :accessor body-of
+ :initarg :body
+ :initform "")
+ (categories :type list
+ :accessor categories-of
+ :initarg :categories
+ :initform '())))
+(defmethod shared-initialize ((journal-entry journal-entry) slot-names
+ &key)
+ (with-slots (id) journal-entry
+ (when (or (eq slot-names t)
+ (member 'id slot-names))
+ (setf id (1+ (reduce #'max *journal-entries*
+ :key #'id-of
+ :initial-value -1)))))
+ (call-next-method))
+(defun journal-markup->html (markup)
+ (if (string= "" markup)
+ markup
+ (handler-bind
+ ((error ;; method-call-type-error or not
+ ;; Work around a weird bug in cl-markdown or CLISP. (I
+ ;; don't know which.)
+ #'(lambda (c)
+ (declare (ignore c))
+ #+nil (<:as-html
+ (with-output-to-string (s)
+ (system::pretty-print-condition c s)))
+ (invoke-restart 'return nil))))
+ (with-output-to-string (s)
+ ;; Normally, we shouldn't need to create our own stream to
+ ;; write into, but this is, of course, yet another
+ ;; CLISP/Markdown hack, because Markdown's default
+ ;; *OUTPUT-STREAM* seems to spontaneously close itself, making
+ ;; everything break when Markdown tries to render more stuff.
+ (markdown markup :stream s)))))
+(defun read-journal-entry (filename)
+ (with-open-file (file filename :direction :input
+ :external-format #+clisp charset:utf-8
+ #+sbcl :utf-8)
+ (let ((*read-eval* nil))
+ (let ((data (read file)))
+ (apply #'make-instance 'journal-entry data)))))
+(defun read-journal-entries ()
+ (let ((directory
+ (make-pathname
+ :directory (pathname-directory
+ (merge-pathnames
+ (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "journal-entries")
+ :name nil)
+ (pathname-as-file
+ (or (gethash "SCRIPT_FILENAME" *http-env*)
+ "/home/mulk/Dokumente/Projekte/Mulkblog/journal.cgi"))))))
+ (journal-entries (list)))
+ (when (file-exists-p directory)
+ (walk-directory directory
+ #'(lambda (x)
+ (push (read-journal-entry x) journal-entries))
+ :test (complement #'directory-pathname-p)))
+ (sort journal-entries #'>= :key #'id-of)))
+(defun show-atom-feed ()
+ (http-add-header "Content-type" "text/xml; charset=UTF-8")
+ (http-send-headers))
+(defun show-web-journal ()
+ (http-add-header "Content-type" "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
+ (http-send-headers)
+ (<:html
+ (<:body
+ (<:h1 :id :main-title "Kompottkins Weisheiten")
+ (<:div :id :contents
+ (if (or (null *action*)
+ (eq *action* :index))
+ (dolist (journal-entry *journal-entries*)
+ (<:div :class :journal-entry
+ (<:h2 (<:as-html (title-of journal-entry)))
+ (<:as-is (journal-markup->html (body-of journal-entry)))))))
+ (<:div :id :navigation)
+ (loop for (x . y) in `(("Action" . ,*action*)
+ ("Request method" . ,*method*)
+ ("Query" . ,*query*)
+ ("Query string" . ,(http-get-query-string))
+ ("Environment" . ,(http-get-env-vars)))
+ do (<:p
+ (<:hr)
+ (<:h2 (<:as-html x))
+ (<:p "Type " (<:em (<:as-html (type-of y))) ".")
+ (<:pre (<:as-html (prin1-to-string y))))))))
+(defun main ()
+ (let ((*journal-entries* (read-journal-entries)))
+ (case *action*
+ (:view-atom-feed (show-atom-feed))
+ (otherwise (show-web-journal)))))
+ ((error #'
+ (lambda (e)
+ (<:html
+ (<:head
+ (<:title "Kompottkins Weisheiten: Fehler"))
+ (<:body
+ (<:h1 "Kompottkins Weisheiten: Fehlerbericht")
+ (<:p "Leider ist waehrend der Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage ein
+ Fehler aufgetreten. Wir bitten dies zu entschuldigen.
+ Ein detaillierter Fehlerbericht folgt.")
+ (<:pre (<:as-html (with-output-to-string (out)
+ #+clisp (system::pretty-print-condition e out)
+ #+clisp (system::print-backtrace :out out)))))))))
+ (main))