path: root/lingva.lisp
diff options
authorMatthias Andreas Benkard <>2011-03-13 19:30:09 +0100
committerMatthias Andreas Benkard <>2011-03-13 19:30:09 +0100
commite7eb24f3526bd806ace3d9e151e1e3542be2e33c (patch)
tree2d501d238ed2fd02e4f67d43b14a54f9765cf99f /lingva.lisp
parent4d8db5450033edf9319b02873f8c75a9ed36dbd1 (diff)
Add missing file lingva.lisp.
Diffstat (limited to 'lingva.lisp')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lingva.lisp b/lingva.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15aa663
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lingva.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+(in-package #:mulkcms)
+(defvar +lang-ns+
+ "")
+(defun in-tag-list-p (string tag-list)
+ (ppcre:scan (format nil "\\b~A\\b" string) tag-list))
+(defun language-filter-sub-xmls (language node)
+ (if (listp node)
+ (destructuring-bind (name attrs &rest subnodes)
+ node
+ (let ((langs (find `("langs" . ,+lang-ns+)
+ attrs :key #'first :test #'equal))
+ (unlangs (find `("unlangs" . ,+lang-ns+)
+ attrs :key #'first :test #'equal)))
+ (if (or (and (null langs) (null unlangs))
+ (and langs (in-tag-list-p language (second langs)))
+ (and unlangs (not (in-tag-list-p language (second unlangs)))))
+ (list (list* name
+ attrs
+ (mapcan (lambda (x)
+ (language-filter-sub-xmls language x))
+ subnodes)))
+ nil)))
+ (list node)))
+(defun language-filter-xmls (language node)
+ (first (language-filter-sub-xmls language node)))
+;; Test:
+(defvar *test-xml* "<html xmlns=\"\" xmlns:m=\"\">
+ <body>
+ <h1 m:langs=\"la\">Documentatio</h1>
+ <h1 m:langs=\"en fr\">Documentation</h1>
+ <h1 m:unlangs=\"la fr en\">Dokumentation</h1>
+ </body>
+(let ((language "la")) ;or one of "de", "en", "fr"
+ (with-output-to-string (stream)
+ (let ((node (cxml:parse *test-xml* (cxml-xmls:make-xmls-builder))))
+ (cxml-xmls:map-node (cxml:make-character-stream-sink stream)
+ (language-filter-xmls language node)))))
+;; Don't be fooled by the length of this function. It does
+;; significantly more than the xmls version above!
+(defun language-filter-stp (language stp)
+ (let ((wantp (lambda (node)
+ (or (not (typep node 'stp:element))
+ (stp:with-attributes ((langs "langs" +lang-ns+)
+ (unlangs "unlangs" +lang-ns+))
+ node
+ (or (and (null langs) (null unlangs))
+ (and langs (in-tag-list-p language langs))
+ (and unlangs (not (in-tag-list-p language unlangs))))))))
+ (remove-lang-attributes
+ (lambda (node)
+ (when (typep node 'stp:element)
+ (let ((langs (stp:find-attribute-named node "langs" +lang-ns+))
+ (unlangs (stp:find-attribute-named node "unlangs" +lang-ns+)))
+ (when langs
+ (stp:remove-attribute node langs))
+ (when unlangs
+ (stp:remove-attribute node unlangs)))))))
+ (dolist (unwanted-element (stp:filter-recursively (complement wantp) stp))
+ (stp:delete-child unwanted-element (stp:parent unwanted-element)))
+ (stp:map-recursively remove-lang-attributes (stp:document-element stp))
+ (stp:map-extra-namespaces
+ (lambda (prefix uri)
+ (when (string= uri +lang-ns+)
+ (stp:remove-extra-namespace (stp:document-element stp) prefix)))
+ (stp:document-element stp))
+ stp))
+;; Test:
+(let ((language "la")) ;or one of "de", "en", "fr"
+ (with-output-to-string (stream)
+ (let ((node (cxml:parse *test-xml* (stp:make-builder))))
+ (stp:serialize (language-filter-stp language node)
+ (cxml:make-character-stream-sink stream)))))