diff options
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/logikorr.lisp b/logikorr.lisp
index 441c83d..6d595d5 100644
--- a/logikorr.lisp
+++ b/logikorr.lisp
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
(last-name "" :type (or string null))
(first-name "" :type (or string null)))
+(defvar *database* #p"/Users/mulk/Dropbox/Projekte/Logikorr/blatt3.txt")
+(defvar *lock* (merge-pathnames #p".mulk-db-lock" *database*))
(defun create-student-id ()
(1+ (reduce #'max (find-students) :key #'student-id :initial-value -1)))
@@ -16,26 +19,40 @@
(setq *hunchentoot-default-external-format*
(flexi-streams:make-external-format :utf-8))
+(defmacro with-data-lock (() &body body)
+ `(call-with-data-lock (lambda () ,@body)))
+(defun call-with-data-lock (thunk)
+ (let (lock)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (loop until (setq lock (open *lock* :direction :output :if-exists nil :if-does-not-exist :create)))
+ (funcall thunk))
+ (progn (ignore-errors (delete-file *lock*))
+ (ignore-errors (close lock))))))
(defun find-students ()
- (with-open-file (in "/Users/mulk/Dropbox/Projekte/Logikorr/blatt3.txt" :external-format :utf-8)
- (loop for line = (read-line in nil nil nil)
- with id = 0
- while line
- unless (equal (remove #\Space line) "")
- collect (let* ((name line)
- (score-line (read-line in t))
- (score (read-from-string score-line))
- (comma (position #\, name))
- (last-name (if comma (subseq name 0 comma) nil))
- (first-name (if comma (subseq name (+ comma 2)) name)))
- (make-student :id id
- :score (make-array (list (length score))
- :initial-contents score
- :adjustable t
- :fill-pointer t)
- :last-name last-name
- :first-name first-name))
- and do (incf id))))
+ (with-data-lock ()
+ (with-open-file (in *database* :external-format :utf-8)
+ (loop for line = (read-line in nil nil nil)
+ with id = 0
+ while line
+ unless (equal (remove #\Space line) "")
+ collect (let* ((name line)
+ (score-line (read-line in t))
+ (score (read-from-string score-line))
+ (comma (position #\, name))
+ (last-name (if comma (subseq name 0 comma) nil))
+ (first-name (if comma (subseq name (+ comma 2)) name)))
+ (make-student :id id
+ :score (make-array (list (length score))
+ :initial-contents score
+ :adjustable t
+ :fill-pointer t)
+ :last-name last-name
+ :first-name first-name))
+ and do (incf id)))))
(define-easy-handler (show-main-page :uri "/") ()
(let ((students (find-students)))
@@ -173,14 +190,15 @@ div.autocomplete ul li {
(define-easy-handler (update-student-score :uri "/update-student-score")
(id score-number score)
- (let ((student (find-student-by-id (parse-integer id)))
- (index (parse-integer score-number)))
- (loop while (<= (length (student-score student)) index)
- do (vector-push-extend 0 (student-score student)))
- (setf (elt (student-score student) index)
- (let ((*read-eval* nil))
- (let ((score (read-from-string score)))
- (check-type score number)))))
+ (with-data-lock ()
+ (let ((student (find-student-by-id (parse-integer id)))
+ (index (parse-integer score-number)))
+ (loop while (<= (length (student-score student)) index)
+ do (vector-push-extend 0 (student-score student)))
+ (setf (elt (student-score student) index)
+ (let ((*read-eval* nil))
+ (let ((score (read-from-string score)))
+ (check-type score number))))))
(define-easy-handler (add-student-score :uri "/add-student-score")