path: root/json-template.rkt
diff options
authorMatthias Andreas Benkard <>2011-06-21 21:43:18 +0200
committerMatthias Andreas Benkard <>2011-06-21 21:43:18 +0200
commitabdb3028d8933be717a8861b02fbc2c28a747351 (patch)
treeac251896fb70d6710d18e6380d792b23a9cf2036 /json-template.rkt
parent8f2b230f68edf697f0e8d173020c7f5eac97c3da (diff)
Significantly simplify the lexing phase by using a more functional code style.
Diffstat (limited to 'json-template.rkt')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/json-template.rkt b/json-template.rkt
index 20eb2c3..06f47eb 100755
--- a/json-template.rkt
+++ b/json-template.rkt
@@ -5,86 +5,43 @@
(provide read-template
-;;(define (prepare-input in)
-;; (regexp-replace* #rx"\n({[^}]*})\n" (port->string in) "\\1"))
-(define (read-and-tokenize meta-left meta-right format-char)
+(define (template-string->chunks input meta-left meta-right)
(let* ([meta-left-re (regexp-quote meta-left)]
[meta-right-re (regexp-quote meta-right)]
- [format-char-re (regexp-quote format-char)]
[re (regexp
- (string-append "(.*?)" ;raw text
- "(?:"
- "(" meta-left-re ")|"
- "(" meta-right-re ")|"
- "(" format-char-re ")"
- ")"
- ;; --- if nothing matches: ---
- "|(.*)$"))])
- (let loop ([tokens '()])
- (match-let ([(list _ raw-text meta-left? meta-right? format-char? alternative)
- (regexp-match re (current-input-port))])
- (cond
- [meta-left?
- (loop (list* 'meta-left raw-text tokens))]
- [meta-right?
- (loop (list* 'meta-right raw-text tokens))]
- [format-char?
- (loop (list* 'format-char raw-text tokens))]
- [alternative
- (reverse (list* alternative tokens))]
- [else
- (error "JSON Template: Failed tokenizing input.")])))))
-(define (group-tokens tokens meta-left meta-right format-char)
- (let loop ([tokens tokens]
- [groups '()]
- [current-group #f])
- (if (null? tokens)
- (reverse (if current-group (cons (reverse current-group) groups) groups))
- (let ([token (car tokens)])
- (if current-group
- (case token
- [(meta-right)
- (loop (cdr tokens) (cons (reverse current-group) groups) #f)]
- ;; format-char is discarded since its only purpose was
- ;; to separate the captured strings.
- [(format-char)
- (loop (cdr tokens) groups current-group)]
- [else
- (loop (cdr tokens) groups (cons token current-group))])
- (case token
- [(meta-left)
- (loop (cdr tokens) groups '())]
- [(format-char)
- (loop (cdr tokens) (cons format-char groups) #f)]
- [(meta-right)
- (loop (cdr tokens) (cons meta-right groups) #f)]
- [else
- (loop (cdr tokens) (cons token groups) #f)]))))))
+ (string-append "(" meta-left-re ")|(" meta-right-re ")"))])
+ (regexp-split re input)))
-(define (parse-token-groups groups)
- (filter (λ (x) x)
- (map (λ (group)
- (if (list? group)
- (match (car group)
- [(regexp #rx"^#")
- #f]
- [(regexp #px"^\\.section\\s+(.*)$" (list _ x))
- (list 'section x)]
- [(regexp #px"^\\.repeated\\s+section\\s+(.*)$" (list _ x))
- (list 'repeated-section x)]
- [#".end"
- (list 'end)]
- [#".or"
- (list 'or)]
- [(regexp #px"^\\.alternates\\s+with$")
- (list 'alternates-with)]
- [_
- (list* 'substitute group)])
- group))
- groups)))
+(define (classify-chunks chunks format-char)
+ (define (classify-text-chunk xs)
+ (if (null? xs)
+ '()
+ (cons (car xs) (classify-directive-chunk (cdr xs)))))
+ (define (classify-directive-chunk xs)
+ (if (null? xs)
+ '()
+ (cons (parse-directive (car xs) format-char)
+ (classify-text-chunk (cdr xs)))))
+ (classify-text-chunk chunks))
+(define (parse-directive directive format-char)
+ (match directive
+ [(regexp #rx"^#")
+ #f]
+ [(regexp #px"^\\.section\\s+(.*)$" (list _ x))
+ (list 'section x)]
+ [(regexp #px"^\\.repeated\\s+section\\s+(.*)$" (list _ x))
+ (list 'repeated-section x)]
+ [#".end"
+ (list 'end)]
+ [#".or"
+ (list 'or)]
+ [(regexp #px"^\\.alternates\\s+with$")
+ (list 'alternates-with)]
+ [_
+ (list* 'substitute (regexp-split (regexp-quote format-char)
+ directive))]))
(define (remove-spurious-newlines-from-token-groups groups)
(let ([last-was-directive? #f])
(for/list ([group groups])
@@ -189,12 +146,9 @@
(let ([template-data
- (parse-token-groups
- (group-tokens
- (read-and-tokenize meta-left meta-right format-char)
- meta-left
- meta-right
- format-char))))])
+ (classify-chunks (template-string->chunks (current-input-port)
+ meta-left meta-right)
+ format-char)))])
(λ (context)
(expand-template template-data (list context) default-formatter)))))