path: root/cljssss-g.clj
diff options
authorchristoph <christoph@debian.uxul.homelinux.org>2009-02-23 00:14:41 +0100
committerchristoph <christoph@debian.uxul.homelinux.org>2009-02-23 00:14:41 +0100
commit64b7320d281382f325aa5e8b7df64564771c18ba (patch)
tree0c512c52685e688ca9404bc7411d8f659f145b90 /cljssss-g.clj
parent253688a08924735061fa058b73af958e1057d52b (diff)
Elementary Methods for showing Per-User Feed- and Entry-Lists
(no control for read/unread entries yet) FIXME: Added a variable "sessions", because Clojure didnt compile otherwise.
Diffstat (limited to 'cljssss-g.clj')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/cljssss-g.clj b/cljssss-g.clj
index 03856e1..6dcefd7 100644
--- a/cljssss-g.clj
+++ b/cljssss-g.clj
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
:subname "cljssss-g.sqlite3"
:create true})
+(def session {:id false})
(defmacro with-db [& body]
`(sql/with-connection db-connection-data
@@ -26,24 +29,6 @@
-(defn opml-init [text xmlurl htmlurl]
- (ref {:text text :xmlurl xmlurl :htmlurl htmlurl}))
-(defn opml-getText [this]
- (this :text))
-(defn opml-getXmlurl [this]
- (this :xmlurl))
-(defn opml-getHtmlurl [this]
- (this :htmlurl))
-; :name opmliface
-; :prefix "opml-"
-; :init init
-; :methods [[getXmlurl [] String]
-; [getHtmlurl [] String]
-; [getText [] String]])
;;; FIXME: clojure has no way of creating interfaces on-the-fly. So I
;;; cannot use stringtemplate here.
(defn opml-string [id]
@@ -68,26 +53,48 @@
(rest r))
-; (let [template-object (.getInstanceOf templates "opml"),
-; feeds
-; (to-array
-; (loop [clst '() r results]
-; (if (first r)
-; (recur
-; (concat
-; clst
-; (list (proxy [Object] []
-; (getText []
-; ((first r) :title))
-; (getXmlurl []
-; ((first r) :uri))
-; (getHtmlurl []
-; ((first r) :link)))))
-; (rest r))
- clst)))]
-; (. template-object setAttribute "date" "heute")
-; (. template-object setAttribute "feeds" feeds)
-; (.toString template-object)))))
+(defn lynxy-feedlist [id]
+ (with-dbt
+ (sql/with-query-results
+ results
+ ["SELECT feed.id, feed.uri, feed.link, user_feed_link.title FROM feed, user_feed_link WHERE user_feed_link.feed=feed.id AND user_feed_link.user=?" id]
+ (html `[html [head [title "G&ouml;del-Gentzen Clojure Syndication Services Super System"]]
+ [body [ul
+ ~@(loop [back '[] r results]
+ (if (first r)
+ (recur (concat back `[[li
+ [a {:href ~(str "lynxy-showfeed?feed=" (:id (first r)))}
+ ~(:title (first r)) " - "
+ ~(:link (first r))
+ ]]])
+ (rest r))
+ back))]]]))))
+(defn lynxy-showfeed [id feednum]
+ (with-dbt
+ (sql/with-query-results
+ results
+ ["SELECT entry.link, entry.title FROM entry, feed_entry_link, user_feed_link WHERE entry.id = feed_entry_link.entry AND feed_entry_link.feed = user_feed_link.feed AND user_feed_link.user = ? AND user_feed_link.feed = ?" id feednum]
+ (html `[html [head [title "G&ouml;del-Gentzen Clojure Syndication Services Super System"]]
+ [body [ul
+ ~@(loop [back '[] r results]
+ (if (first r)
+ (recur (concat back `[[li
+ [a {:href ~(:link (first r))}
+ ~(:title (first r)) " - "
+ ~(:link (first r))
+ ]]])
+ (rest r))
+ back))]
+ [a {:href "lynxy-feedlist.html"} "&laquo; To Feedlist"]
+ ]]))))
+(defmacro with-session [& body]
+ `(if (not (session :id))
+ (redirect-to "/login")
+ (do ~@body)))
(defservlet cljssss-g
(GET "/login"
@@ -100,26 +107,28 @@
(.setAttributes {"logintext" "Login"})))))
(POST "/login"
- (with-db
- (sql/with-query-results [{id :id password :password}]
- ["SELECT id, password FROM user WHERE name = ?"
- (params :name)]
- (if (= password (params :password))
- (do
- (alter session assoc :id id)
- (redirect-to "/"))
- (redirect-to "/login?valuesofbetawillgiverisetodom=true"))))))
+ (with-db
+ (sql/with-query-results [{id :id password :password}]
+ ["SELECT id, password FROM user WHERE name = ?"
+ (params :name)]
+ (if (= password (params :password))
+ (do
+ (alter session assoc :id id)
+ (redirect-to "/"))
+ (redirect-to "/login?valuesofbetawillgiverisetodom=true"))))))
(GET "/feedlist.opml"
- (if (not (session :id))
- (redirect-to "/login")
- (opml-string (session :id))))
+ (with-session (opml-string (session :id))))
+ (GET "/lynxy-feedlist.html"
+ (with-session (lynxy-feedlist (session :id))))
+ (GET "/lynxy-showfeed"
+ (with-session
+ (lynxy-showfeed (session :id) (. Integer parseInt (params :feed)))))
(GET "/"
- (if (session :id)
- (.toString
- (doto (.getInstanceOf templates "index")
- (.setAttributes {"title" "Subscriptions",
- "mainParagraph" "Hi there!"})))
- (redirect-to "/login")))
+ (with-session
+ (.toString
+ (doto (.getInstanceOf templates "index")
+ (.setAttributes {"title" "Subscriptions",
+ "mainParagraph" "Hi there!"})))))
(ANY "*"