path: root/cljssss-g.clj
diff options
authorMatthias Andreas Benkard <code@mail.matthias.benkard.de>2009-03-01 16:32:54 +0100
committerMatthias Andreas Benkard <code@mail.matthias.benkard.de>2009-03-01 16:32:54 +0100
commit52c6211dc9799867a1e335ec2b062e06232a74a4 (patch)
treed2746bd6d03f5faac6c4ed5d1c6a9b9aaf2c307d /cljssss-g.clj
parent270feeb0273d0f1b70cbdc592473deea00d92bd6 (diff)
Add entry content viewing to the main page.
Diffstat (limited to 'cljssss-g.clj')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/cljssss-g.clj b/cljssss-g.clj
index fb55c85..0311771 100644
--- a/cljssss-g.clj
+++ b/cljssss-g.clj
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
(ns cljssss-g
(require [clojure.xml :as xml]
+ [clojure.zip :as zip]
[clojure.contrib.sql :as sql]
+ clojure.contrib.zip-filter.xml
(import (org.antlr.stringtemplate StringTemplateGroup)
(com.sun.syndication.io SyndFeedInput XmlReader)
(com.sun.syndication.feed.synd SyndFeed SyndEntry)
(java.net URL))
- (use compojure))
+ (use compojure
+ clojure.contrib.zip-filter.xml))
(Class/forName "org.sqlite.JDBC")
@@ -117,6 +120,102 @@
(.setAttributes {"feed_name" (select-feed-name user feed)
"entries" (select-entries user feed nil)})))))
+(defn unescape [text]
+ ;; FIXME
+ ;(StringEscapeUtils/unescapeHtml text)
+ text)
+(defn startparse-tagsoup [s ch]
+ (doto (org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser.)
+ (.setContentHandler ch)
+ (.parse s)))
+(defn make-string-input [string]
+ (org.xml.sax.InputSource. (java.io.StringReader. string)))
+(defn html->xhtml [html]
+ (xml/parse (make-string-input html) startparse-tagsoup))
+(defn text->xhtml [text]
+ {:tag :div :attrs nil :content [{:tag :p :attrs nil :content [text]}]})
+(defn safe-tag?
+ "Is the given foreign element safe for inclusion in the output?"
+ [xml]
+ (#{;; Formatting
+ :b :bdo :big :br :center :font :em :i :pre :s :small :span
+ :strike :strong :sub :sup :tt :u :xmp
+ ;; Semantic markup
+ :abbr :acronym :cite :code :del :dir :ins :kbd :q :samp :var
+ ;; Headings
+ :h1 :h2 :h3 :h4 :h5 :h6
+ ;; Hypertext
+ :a
+ ;; Text blocks
+ :blockquote :div :p :ol :ul
+ ;; Lists
+ :dd :dfn :dl :dt :li :menu :optgroup :option
+ ;; Tables
+ :caption :col :colgroup :table :tbody :td
+ ;;
+ :area :img :hr :map
+ ;; Forms
+ :button :fieldset :form :input :label :legend :textarea :tfoot
+ :th :thead :tr
+ ;; Disallowed
+ ;;:address :applet :base :basefont :body :frame :frameset :head
+ ;;:html :iframe :isindex :link :meta :noframes :noscript :object
+ ;;:param :script :style :title
+ }
+ (xml :tag)))
+(defn tag-to-kill?
+ "Is the given element to be removed from the content completely (as opposed
+to merely being replaced with a div element)?"
+ [xml]
+ (#{:applet :base :basefont :frame :frameset :head :iframe :isindex
+ :link :meta :object :param :script :style :title}
+ (xml :tag)))
+(defn retag [xml new-tag-name]
+ (assoc xml
+ :tag new-tag-name
+ :attrs nil))
+(defn prepare-content
+ [xml]
+ "Make HTML content safe for displaying by removing suspicious content."
+ ;; FIXME: Output a string rather than a tree.
+ (let [tree (-> (zip/xml-zip xml)
+ (zip/edit retag :div))]
+ (loop [loc tree]
+ (if (zip/end? loc)
+ (zip/root loc)
+ (recur (let [node (zip/node loc)]
+ (zip/next
+ (cond (or (string? node) (safe-tag? node)) loc
+ (tag-to-kill? node) (zip/remove loc)
+ true (zip/edit loc retag :span)))))))))
+(defn entry-xhtml-content [entry]
+ (sql/with-query-results
+ [{content :content, content-type :content_type}]
+ [(str "SELECT content, content_type" ;, content_source
+ " FROM entry"
+ " WHERE entry.id = ?")
+ entry]
+ (let [content-source nil]
+ (cond (nil? content)
+ nil
+ (= content-type "xhtml")
+ (prepare-content (xml/parse (make-string-input content)))
+ (or (= content-type "html") (= content-type "text/html"))
+ (prepare-content (html->xhtml (unescape content)))
+ (or (= content-type "text") (nil? content-type))
+ (prepare-content (text->xhtml content))
+ true
+ nil))))
(defn show-subscriptions [user feed active-entry-id]
(.toString (doto (.getInstanceOf templates "index")
@@ -127,7 +226,9 @@
"active_feed_id" feed
"active_feed_title" (and feed
(select-feed-name user feed))
- "title" "Subscriptions"})))))
+ "title" "Subscriptions"
+ "xhtml_content" (and active-entry-id
+ (entry-xhtml-content active-entry-id))})))))
(defmacro with-session
"Rebind Compojure's magic lexical variables as vars."
@@ -297,6 +398,7 @@
[:language "text"]
[:content "blob"]
[:content_type "text"]
+ [:content_source "text"]
[:iri "text"]
[:link "text"]
[:published "timestamp"]