path: root/protocols.lisp
diff options
authorMatthias Benkard <>2008-02-21 21:13:50 +0100
committerMatthias Benkard <>2008-02-21 21:13:50 +0100
commit6bce20c29f61e10077ad896ba54144719f8346f8 (patch)
treecade88e9efdecccd147921c79de4b5d17bb1f632 /protocols.lisp
parent7f73b91fcc4afea1170feb20327615d63431cc6f (diff)
Make protocols a type of class.
Diffstat (limited to 'protocols.lisp')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/protocols.lisp b/protocols.lisp
index 072a0f2..8a8f809 100644
--- a/protocols.lisp
+++ b/protocols.lisp
@@ -5,15 +5,16 @@
(defun find-protocol (name &optional (errorp t))
- (let ((protocol (gethash name *protocols* nil)))
- (when (and errorp (null protocol))
- (error "There is no protocol named ~A." name))
- protocol))
+ (find-class name errorp))
(defun (setf find-protocol) (protocol name &optional errorp)
(declare (ignore errorp))
- (setf (gethash name *protocols*) protocol))
+ (setf (find-class name) protocol))
+(defun protocol-name (protocol)
+ (class-name protocol))
(defun conforms-to-p (class protocol)
@@ -56,15 +57,17 @@
-(defclass protocol ()
- ((name :initarg :name
- :reader protocol-name)
- (superprotocols :initarg :superprotocols
- :reader protocol-superprotocols)
- (methods :initarg :methods
- :reader protocol-methods)
- (options :initarg :options
- :reader protocol-options)))
+(defclass protocol (standard-class)
+ ((methods :initarg :methods
+ :reader protocol-methods)))
+(defmethod validate-superclass (class (superclass protocol))
+ t)
+(defmethod validate-superclass ((class standard-class) (superclass protocol))
+ t)
(defmacro define-protocol (name superprotocols methods &rest options)
@@ -73,22 +76,11 @@
superprotocols ::= (*name*\\*)
methods ::= ((method-name [\\* | class-name]\\*)\\*)"
- `(progn
- (when (find-protocol ',name nil)
- (warn (make-condition 'simple-style-warning
- :format-control "Redefining protocol ~A."
- :format-arguments (list ',name))))
- (setf (find-protocol ',name)
- (make-instance 'protocol
- :name ',name
- :superprotocols (mapcar #'find-protocol ',superprotocols)
- :methods ',methods
- :options ',options))))
-(defmethod print-object ((protocol protocol) stream)
- (print-unreadable-object (protocol stream)
- (format stream "PROTOCOL ~A" (protocol-name protocol))))
+ `(defclass ,name ,(or superprotocols '(t))
+ ()
+ (:metaclass protocol)
+ (:methods ,@methods)
+ ,@options))
(defun ensure-conformance (class-name protocol-designator)
@@ -97,7 +89,9 @@ methods ::= ((method-name [\\* | class-name]\\*)\\*)"
(t protocol-designator)))
(protocol-name (protocol-name protocol))
(conforming-p nil))
- (with-slots (name superprotocols methods options)
+ (with-accessors ((name protocol-name)
+ (superprotocols class-direct-superclasses)
+ (methods protocol-methods))
(loop for method in methods
for (name . raw-argument-class-list) = method
@@ -142,8 +136,9 @@ methods ::= ((method-name [\\* | class-name]\\*)\\*)"
;; We have to use MAPCAR because we
;; don't want short-circuiting.
(mapcar #'(lambda (superprotocol)
- (ensure-conformance class-name
- superprotocol))
+ (or (not (typep superprotocol 'protocol))
+ (ensure-conformance class-name
+ superprotocol)))
(ensure-method #'%conforms-to-p
'(lambda (x y) t)
@@ -152,7 +147,17 @@ methods ::= ((method-name [\\* | class-name]\\*)\\*)"
(ensure-method #'%really-conforms-to-p
`(lambda (x y) ,really-conforming-p)
:specializers (list (intern-eql-specializer (find-class class-name))
- (intern-eql-specializer (find-protocol protocol-name))))))))
+ (intern-eql-specializer (find-protocol protocol-name))))
+ (let ((original-class (find-class class-name)))
+ (unless (subtypep original-class protocol)
+ (let ((new-class-name (gensym (symbol-name class-name))))
+ (setf (class-name original-class) new-class-name)
+ (setf (find-class new-class-name) original-class)
+ (setf (find-class class-name)
+ (ensure-class
+ class-name
+ :direct-superclasses (list original-class protocol)
+ :metaclass (class-of original-class))))))))))
(defmacro implement-protocols (class protocols &body definitions)