diff options
authorMatthias Benkard <>2007-09-24 16:53:48 +0200
committerMatthias Benkard <>2007-09-24 16:53:48 +0200
commit28f59fbe2973dbf81f1cfda7127b9a0357878e63 (patch)
parenteec49f5b95266253a1f82497d828236fc43a3dfd (diff)
Support protocol inheritance.
2 files changed, 56 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/example.lisp b/example.lisp
index e2e48d5..39f33b4 100644
--- a/example.lisp
+++ b/example.lisp
@@ -31,22 +31,30 @@
(defgeneric multiply (x stream))
(defgeneric invert (x))
(defclass a () ())
-;; Note the style warnings signalled by the following.
-(implement-protocols a (additive multiplicative serialisable)
- (defmethod add ((x a) (y a)))
- (defmethod negate ((x a)))
- (defmethod multiply ((x a) y)))
+;; The following should signal five style warnings about missing methods.
+(implement-protocols a (serialisable-field))
+(defclass b () ())
+;; Note the two style warnings signalled by the following.
+(implement-protocols b (additive multiplicative serialisable)
+ (defmethod add ((x b) (y b)))
+ (defmethod negate ((x b)))
+ (defmethod multiply ((x b) y)))
-(print (conforms-to-p 'a 'additive))
-(print (really-conforms-to-p 'a 'additive))
-(print (conforms-to-p 'a 'multiplicative))
-(print (really-conforms-to-p 'a 'multiplicative))
-(print (conforms-to-p 'a 'printable))
-(print (really-conforms-to-p 'a 'printable))
+(print (conforms-to-p 'b 'additive))
+(print (really-conforms-to-p 'b 'additive))
+(print (conforms-to-p 'b 'multiplicative))
+(print (really-conforms-to-p 'b 'multiplicative))
+(print (conforms-to-p 'b 'printable))
+(print (really-conforms-to-p 'b 'printable))
-(implement-protocols a (printable))
+;; The following works because PRINT-OBJECT is specialised over T.
+(implement-protocols b (printable))
-(print (conforms-to-p 'a 'printable))
-(print (really-conforms-to-p 'a 'printable))
+(print (conforms-to-p 'b 'printable))
+(print (really-conforms-to-p 'b 'printable))
diff --git a/protocols.lisp b/protocols.lisp
index a5f2102..0634847 100644
--- a/protocols.lisp
+++ b/protocols.lisp
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
(in-package #:mulk.protocols)
-(declaim (optimize debug safety (speed 0) (space 0)))
(defvar *protocols* (make-hash-table))
@@ -26,7 +23,10 @@
(real-protocol (typecase protocol
(symbol (find-protocol protocol))
(t protocol))))
- (%conforms-to-p real-class real-protocol)))
+ (or (%conforms-to-p real-class real-protocol)
+ (some #'(lambda (superclass)
+ (conforms-to-p superclass real-protocol))
+ (class-direct-superclasses real-class)))))
(defun really-conforms-to-p (class protocol)
@@ -36,7 +36,10 @@
(real-protocol (typecase protocol
(symbol (find-protocol protocol))
(t protocol))))
- (%really-conforms-to-p real-class real-protocol)))
+ (or (%really-conforms-to-p real-class real-protocol)
+ (some #'(lambda (superclass)
+ (really-conforms-to-p superclass real-protocol))
+ (class-direct-superclasses real-class)))))
(defgeneric %conforms-to-p (class protocol))
@@ -88,8 +91,12 @@ methods ::= ((method-name [\\* | class-name]\\*)\\*)"
(format stream "PROTOCOL ~A" (protocol-name protocol))))
-(defun ensure-conformance (class-name protocol-name)
- (let ((protocol (find-protocol protocol-name)))
+(defun ensure-conformance (class-name protocol-designator)
+ (let* ((protocol (typecase protocol-designator
+ (symbol (find-protocol protocol-designator))
+ (t protocol-designator)))
+ (protocol-name (protocol-name protocol))
+ (conforming-p nil))
(with-slots (name superprotocols methods options)
(loop for method in methods
@@ -112,20 +119,29 @@ methods ::= ((method-name [\\* | class-name]\\*)\\*)"
(first method)
(protocol-name protocol))))
- finally (return (null missing-methods))))))
+ finally (setq conforming-p (null missing-methods)))
+ (let ((really-conforming-p
+ (and conforming-p
+ (every #'identity
+ ;; We have to use MAPCAR because we
+ ;; don't want short-circuiting.
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (superprotocol)
+ (ensure-conformance class-name
+ superprotocol))
+ superprotocols)))))
+ (ensure-method #'%conforms-to-p
+ '(lambda (x y) t)
+ :specializers (list (intern-eql-specializer (find-class class-name))
+ (intern-eql-specializer (find-protocol protocol-name))))
+ (ensure-method #'%really-conforms-to-p
+ `(lambda (x y) ,really-conforming-p)
+ :specializers (list (intern-eql-specializer (find-class class-name))
+ (intern-eql-specializer (find-protocol protocol-name))))))))
(defmacro implement-protocols (class protocols &body definitions)
- ,@(mapcan #'(lambda (protocol)
- `((let ((conformance (ensure-conformance ',class ',protocol)))
- (defmethod %really-conforms-to-p
- ((class (eql (find-class ',class)))
- (protocol (eql (find-protocol ',protocol))))
- conformance))
- (defmethod %conforms-to-p
- ((class (eql (find-class ',class)))
- (protocol (eql (find-protocol ',protocol))))
- t)))
+ ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (protocol)
+ `(ensure-conformance ',class ',protocol))