path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 77 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/src/mulk/benki/book_marx.clj b/src/mulk/benki/book_marx.clj
index e5e8701..bbaa9f6 100644
--- a/src/mulk/benki/book_marx.clj
+++ b/src/mulk/benki/book_marx.clj
@@ -84,8 +84,7 @@
(cq/sort [:date#desc])))
(defpage "/marx" {}
- (let [user (session/get :user)
- marks (bookmarks-visible-by user)]
+ (let [marks (bookmarks-visible-by *user*)]
(layout bookmarx-list-page "Book Marx"
[:div {:id "login-message"
@@ -133,9 +132,8 @@
(.toString feed)))))
(defpage "/marx/feed" {}
- (let [user (session/get :user)]
- (response/content-type "application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8"
- (marx-feed-for-user user))))
+ (response/content-type "application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8"
+ (marx-feed-for-user *user*)))
(defpage "/marx/tags" {}
@@ -188,8 +186,7 @@
title :title, tags :tags, visibility :visibility,
origin :origin}
- (let [tagseq (map string/trim (string/split tags #","))
- user (session/get :user)]
+ (let [tagseq (map string/trim (string/split tags #","))]
(let [bookmark (sql/with-query-results
@@ -197,7 +194,7 @@
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
- user uri title description visibility]
+ *user* uri title description visibility]
(:id (first (into () results))))]
(doseq [tag tagseq]
(sql/insert-values :bookmark_tags [:bookmark :tag] [bookmark tag]))))))
diff --git a/src/mulk/benki/main.clj b/src/mulk/benki/main.clj
index 169b60b..7ec01ec 100644
--- a/src/mulk/benki/main.clj
+++ b/src/mulk/benki/main.clj
@@ -3,11 +3,14 @@
(:use [clojure core repl pprint]
[hiccup core page-helpers]
- [mulk.benki util config])
+ [mulk.benki util config db])
(:require [noir server options]
[mulk.benki wiki auth book_marx]
- [noir.session :as session]))
+ [noir.session :as session]
+ [noir.request :as request]
+ [ :as sql])
+ (:import [java.math BigDecimal BigInteger]))
(defn wrap-utf-8 [handler]
@@ -37,9 +40,24 @@
;; (is must-revalidate even valid for server responses?)
+(defn wrap-auth-token [handler]
+ (fn [request]
+ (binding [*user*
+ (or (when-let [key (get-in request [:params :auth])]
+ (with-dbt
+ (sql/with-query-results results
+ ["SELECT \"user\" AS uid FROM page_keys
+ WHERE page = ? AND \"key\" = ?"
+ (:uri request)
+ (BigDecimal. (BigInteger. key 36))]
+ (:uid (first results)))))
+ (session/get :user))]
+ (handler request))))
(do-once ::init
(noir.server/add-middleware #(wrap-utf-8 %))
(noir.server/add-middleware #(wrap-base-uri %))
+ (noir.server/add-middleware #(wrap-auth-token %))
(noir.server/add-middleware #(wrap-cache-control %))
(noir.server/add-middleware #(ring.middleware.file/wrap-file % "static")))
diff --git a/src/mulk/benki/util.clj b/src/mulk/benki/util.clj
index 3600f9e..0c91b7d 100644
--- a/src/mulk/benki/util.clj
+++ b/src/mulk/benki/util.clj
@@ -7,12 +7,17 @@
[noir.request :as request]
[noir.response :as response]
[ :as sql])
- (:import [java.text DateFormat]))
+ (:import [java.text DateFormat]
+ [ SecureRandom]
+ [java.math BigInteger]))
(def fmt clojure.pprint/cl-format)
+(def ^:dynamic *user*)
(defonce #^:private finished-initializations (atom #{}))
(defmacro do-once [key & body]
@@ -42,21 +47,20 @@
(:bottom kind)]))
-(defn fresolve [s & args]
- (resolve-uri (apply fmt nil s args)))
-(defn link [& args]
+(defn linkrel [& args]
(match [(vec args)]
- [[:login]] (fresolve "/login")
- [[:marx]] (fresolve "/marx")
- [[:marx :submit]] (fresolve "/marx/submit")
- [[:marx id]] (fresolve "/marx/~a" id)
- [[:wiki title & xs]] (fresolve "/wiki/~a~@[~a~]" title (first xs))
+ [[:login]] (fmt nil "/login")
+ [[:marx]] (fmt nil "/marx")
+ [[:marx :submit]] (fmt nil "/marx/submit")
+ [[:marx id]] (fmt nil "/marx/~a" id)
+ [[:wiki title & xs]] (fmt nil "/wiki/~a~@[~a~]" title (first xs))
+(defn link [& args]
+ (resolve-uri (apply linkrel args)))
(defn call-with-auth [thunk]
- (if (session/get :user)
+ (if *user*
(do (session/flash-put! (:uri (request/ring-request)))
(response/redirect "/login"))))
@@ -70,3 +74,8 @@
(defn format-date [x]
(.format (DateFormat/getDateTimeInstance DateFormat/FULL DateFormat/FULL)
+(defonce secure-random (SecureRandom.))
+(defn genkey []
+ ;;(.toString (BigInteger. 260 secure-random) 32)
+ (BigInteger. 260 secure-random))
diff --git a/src/mulk/benki/webutil.clj b/src/mulk/benki/webutil.clj
index 37b93a3..3a2cb1e 100644
--- a/src/mulk/benki/webutil.clj
+++ b/src/mulk/benki/webutil.clj
@@ -8,15 +8,40 @@
[noir.request :as request]
[noir.response :as response]
[ :as sql])
- (:import [java.text DateFormat]))
+ (:import [java.text DateFormat]
+ [java.math BigDecimal]))
+(defn authlink []
+ (with-dbt
+ (let [req (request/ring-request)
+ user *user*
+ uri (:uri req)
+ dkey (sql/with-query-results results
+ ["SELECT * FROM page_keys WHERE \"user\" = ? AND page = ?"
+ user uri]
+ (if-let [rec (first results)]
+ (:key rec)
+ (let [key (BigDecimal. (genkey))]
+ (sql/with-query-results results
+ ["INSERT INTO page_keys(\"user\", page, \"key\")
+ VALUES (?, ?, ?)
+ RETURNING \"key\""
+ user uri key]
+ (:key (first results))))))
+ key (.toBigIntegerExact dkey)]
+ (fmt nil "~A?auth=~A" uri (.toString key 36)))))
(defpartial login-message []
- (let [user-id (session/get :user)
- user (and user-id
+ (let [user (and *user*
(with-dbt (sql/with-query-results results
- ["SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?" user-id]
+ ["SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?" *user*]
(first results))))]
- (if user-id
- [:div {:class "logged-in-as"} (:first_name user) " " (:last_name user)]
+ (if *user*
+ [:div {:class "logged-in-as"}
+ (:first_name user) " " (:last_name user)
+ " "
+ [:a {:href (authlink)} "[authlink]"]]
[:div {:class "not-logged-in"} [:a {:href (link :login)} "Log in"]])))