diff options
4 files changed, 55 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/project.clj b/project.clj
index 464c3d5..b035db4 100644
--- a/project.clj
+++ b/project.clj
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
[org.clojure/tools.logging "0.2.3"]
[org.clojure/tools.macro "0.1.1"]
[org.clojure/tools.namespace "0.1.0"]
- [org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.0.5"]
+ ;;[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.0.5"]
[org.clojure/tools.trace "0.7.1"]
;; Web app utilities
@@ -32,6 +32,13 @@
[lamina "0.5.0-alpha3"] ;-alpha4
[noir-async "1.1.0-beta9"]
+ ;; Trial-by-error dependencies
+ ;;
+ ;; Netty 3.5.2.Final seems to be required for
+ ;; Immutant deployment --- throws weird
+ ;; NoClassDefFound errors otherwise.
+ [io.netty/netty "3.5.2.Final"]
;; Relational database access
[clojureql "1.0.3"]
[postgresql "9.1-901.jdbc4"]
@@ -115,4 +122,11 @@
:source-path "src"
;;:jvm-opts ["-Xms32m"]
:main mulk.benki.main
+ :immutant {:resolve-dependencies true
+ :context-path "/"
+ ;;:virtual-host ""
+ ;;:nrepl-port 4112
+ ;;:swank-port 4005 ;alternatively: set in config.sexp
+ :init mulk.benki.main/init!
+ }
:min-lein-version "2.0.0")
diff --git a/resources/config.sexp.sample b/resources/config.sexp.sample
index 5f3f696..804117d 100644
--- a/resources/config.sexp.sample
+++ b/resources/config.sexp.sample
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
:tag-base ""
:web-port 3001
:mode :production ;or :dev
+ :swank {:enabled true ;will be assumed true if absent
+ :port 4005
+ :bind ""}
:xmpp {:enabled true ;will be assumed true if absent
:user "benki"
:service-name ""
diff --git a/src/mulk/benki/main.clj b/src/mulk/benki/main.clj
index 35f6e03..9849a31 100644
--- a/src/mulk/benki/main.clj
+++ b/src/mulk/benki/main.clj
@@ -143,17 +143,36 @@
(Class/forName ""))
+(defn run-immutant-swank!
+ "Call `immutant.repl/start-swank` with the Swank configuration
+ specified in `benki-config`. If loading the immutant.repl namespace
+ fails, ignore the error and return `nil` without doing anything. In
+ case of success, return true." []
+ (when-let [swank-config (get @benki-config :swank)]
+ (when (and (get swank-config :enabled true)
+ (try
+ (require 'immutant.repl)
+ true
+ (catch Exception e
+ false)))
+ ((ns-resolve 'immutant.repl 'start-swank)
+ (:bind swank-config) (:port swank-config))
+ true)))
+(defn init! []
+ (init-config!)
+ (init-middleware!)
+ (noir.server/load-views-ns 'mulk.benki)
+ (init-security!)
+ (future (run-immutant-swank!))
+ (future (require 'mulk.benki.xmpp)
+ ((ns-resolve 'mulk.benki.xmpp 'init-xmpp!)))
+ (future (require 'mulk.benki.lazychat)
+ ((ns-resolve 'mulk.benki.lazychat 'init-lazychat!)))
+ (future (reset! server (run-server))))
(defn -main [& args]
- (do
- (init-config!)
- (init-middleware!)
- (noir.server/load-views-ns 'mulk.benki)
- (init-security!)
- (future (require 'mulk.benki.xmpp)
- ((ns-resolve 'mulk.benki.xmpp 'init-xmpp!)))
- (future (require 'mulk.benki.lazychat)
- ((ns-resolve 'mulk.benki.lazychat 'init-lazychat!)))
- (future (reset! server (run-server))))
+ (init!)
(loop []
(Thread/sleep 1000000)
diff --git a/src/mulk/benki/util.clj b/src/mulk/benki/util.clj
index 366e9c0..db27432 100644
--- a/src/mulk/benki/util.clj
+++ b/src/mulk/benki/util.clj
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
[noir.request :as request]
[noir.response :as response]
[ :as sql]
- [clojure.pprint])
+ [clojure.pprint]
+ [ :as logging])
(:import [java.text DateFormat]
[ SecureRandom]
[java.math BigInteger]
@@ -145,15 +146,11 @@
;;;; * Debugging
-(defonce logger
- (org.apache.log4j.Logger/getLogger "eu.mulk.benki"))
+(defmacro info [& args]
+ `(logging/info ~@args))
-(defn info [s]
- (.info logger s))
-(defn log [s]
- (.info logger s))
-(defn debug [s]
- (.debug logger s))
+(defmacro debug [& args]
+ `(logging/debug ~@args))
+(defmacro log [& args]
+ `(logging/info ~@args))