diff options
authorMatthias Andreas Benkard <>2012-02-26 11:48:55 +0100
committerMatthias Andreas Benkard <>2012-02-26 11:48:55 +0100
commitc70875677ff1f89c9a26083065be996987a57927 (patch)
parent4d4c47b67e53683456691b9e5d828ba777ed6691 (diff)
Wiki: Detect http and https URIs and anchorize them automatically.
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/mulk/benki/wiki.clj b/src/mulk/benki/wiki.clj
index 141eda1..a083247 100644
--- a/src/mulk/benki/wiki.clj
+++ b/src/mulk/benki/wiki.clj
@@ -18,14 +18,7 @@
(def pages (table :wiki_pages))
-(defn- html-insert-wikilinks [text]
- (clojure.string/replace
- text
- #"\p{javaUpperCase}+\p{javaLowerCase}+\p{javaUpperCase}+\p{javaLowerCase}+\w+"
- (fn [x] (fmt nil "<a href=\"~a\" class=\"benkilink\">~a</a>" (link :wiki x) x))))
-(defn- wikilinkify [tag-soup]
+(defn- tagsoup-map-text [fun tag-soup]
(let [doc (org.jsoup.Jsoup/parse tag-soup) ]
(doseq [node (into [] (.select doc "*"))
subnode (into [] (.childNodes node))]
@@ -33,16 +26,50 @@
(let [new-node (org.jsoup.nodes.Element.
(org.jsoup.parser.Tag/valueOf "span")
- (.html new-node (html-insert-wikilinks (.text subnode)))
+ (.html new-node (fun (.text subnode)))
(.replaceWith subnode new-node)
(.unwrap new-node))))
(-> doc (.select "body") (.html))))
+(defn- html-insert-wikilinks [text]
+ (clojure.string/replace
+ text
+ #"\p{javaUpperCase}+\p{javaLowerCase}+\p{javaUpperCase}+\p{javaLowerCase}+\w+"
+ (fn [x] (fmt nil "<a href=\"~a\" class=\"benkilink\">~a</a>" (link :wiki x) x))))
+(defn- html-insert-hyperlinks [text]
+ (clojure.string/replace
+ text
+ ;; Regex taken from:
+ ;;
+ #"\(?\bhttps?://[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%?=~_()|!:,.;]*[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%=~_()|]"
+ (fn [x]
+ (let [parens? (and (.startsWith x "(") (.endsWith x ")"))
+ uri (if parens?
+ (subs x 1 (- (count subs) 2))
+ x)]
+ (fmt nil "~a<a href=\"~a\" class=\"benkiautohref\">~a</a>~a"
+ (if parens? "(" "")
+ uri
+ uri
+ (if parens? ")" ""))))))
+(defn- wikilinkify [tag-soup]
+ (tagsoup-map-text html-insert-wikilinks tag-soup))
+(defn- hrefify [tag-soup]
+ (tagsoup-map-text html-insert-hyperlinks tag-soup))
(defn- unwikilinkify [tag-soup]
(let [doc (org.jsoup.Jsoup/parse tag-soup)]
(doseq [node (-> doc (.select ".benkilink") (.unwrap))])
(-> doc (.select "body") (.html))))
+(defn- unhrefify [tag-soup]
+ (let [doc (org.jsoup.Jsoup/parse tag-soup)]
+ (doseq [node (-> doc (.select ".benkiautohref") (.unwrap))])
+ (-> doc (.select "body") (.html))))
(def ^{:private true} wiki-page
;; Aloha Editor
@@ -78,7 +105,7 @@
(layout wiki-page
(fmt nil "~A — Benki~@[/~A~] " title revision-id)
(if revision
- [:div#wiki-page-content (wikilinkify (:content revision))]
+ [:div#wiki-page-content (wikilinkify (hrefify (:content revision)))]
[:div#wiki-page-content [:p "This page does not exist yet."]])
[:div#wiki-page-footer {:style "text-align: right"}
@@ -127,7 +154,7 @@
(sort [:date#desc]))
revision (first @revisions)
page (:page revision)
- dbcontent (unwikilinkify content)]
+ dbcontent (unhrefify (unwikilinkify content))]
(if-let [user (Integer. (session/get :user))]
(let [page-id (if page page (:id (insert-empty-page)))]
(when-not (= (:content revision) dbcontent) ;skip if content unmodified
@@ -135,5 +162,5 @@
[:page :title :content :author :format]
[page-id title dbcontent user "html5"]))
- {:stetus 200, :headers {}, :body (wikilinkify dbcontent)})
+ {:stetus 200, :headers {}, :body (wikilinkify (hrefify dbcontent))})
{:status 403, :headers {}, :body ""}))))