#import "runtime-compatibility.h" #import "functions.h" #import #import #import "MLKSymbol.h" #define DEFINE_GMP_OPERATION(SIGNATURE, TYPE, GMPOP, RETTYPE, OBJTYPE, CONSTRUCTOR) \ -(RETTYPE *) SIGNATURE \ { \ TYPE##_t mpval; \ RETTYPE *result; \ \ TYPE##_init (mpval); \ GMPOP; \ result = [OBJTYPE CONSTRUCTOR mpval]; \ TYPE##_clear (mpval); \ \ return result; \ } static id nullify (id value) __attribute__ ((pure, unused)); static id denullify (id value) __attribute__ ((pure, unused)); static id stringify (id value) __attribute__ ((pure, unused)); static id nullify (id value) { if (value) return value; else return [NSNull null]; } static id denullify (id value) { if (value == [NSNull null]) return nil; else return value; } static id stringify (id thing) { // FIXME: Some cases may be missing. if (!thing) return @"NIL"; if ([thing isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) return thing; else if ([thing isKindOfClass:[MLKSymbol class]]) return [thing name]; [NSException raise:@"MLKTypeError" format:@"Can't coerce %@ to a string.", MLKPrintToString(thing)]; return nil; }