/* -*- mode: objc; coding: utf-8 -*- */ /* Toilet Lisp, a Common Lisp subset for the Étoilé runtime. * Copyright (C) 2008 Matthias Andreas Benkard. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #import "functions.h" #import "util.h" #import "MLKCharacter.h" #import "MLKInteger.h" #import "MLKPackage.h" #import "MLKSymbol.h" #import #import #include #include NSString *MLKPrintToString (id object) { if (object == nil) return @"()"; else if (MLKInstanceP (object)) return [object descriptionForLisp]; else if (MLKFixnumP (object)) return MLKPrintToString ([MLKInteger integerWithIntptr_t:(MLKIntWithFixnum (object))]); else { NSLog (@"MLKPrintToString: Encountered a really weird object at address %p", object); return @""; } } intptr_t MLKIntWithFixnum (id fixnum) { return ((intptr_t)fixnum >> 1); } id MLKFixnumWithInt (intptr_t value) { return (id)((value << 1) | 1); } intptr_t MLKIntWithInteger (id integer) { if (MLKFixnumP (integer)) return MLKIntWithFixnum (integer); else return [integer intValue]; } id MLKIntegerWithInt (intptr_t value) { #ifndef NO_FIXNUMS intptr_t maybeFixnum = (value << 1) | 1; if (value == (maybeFixnum >> 1)) return (id)maybeFixnum; else #endif return [MLKInteger integerWithIntptr_t:value]; } BOOL MLKFixnumP (id thing) { return ((intptr_t)thing & 1); } BOOL MLKInstanceP (id thing) { return !((intptr_t)thing & 1); } id MLKCanoniseInteger (MLKInteger *x) { if (MLKFixnumP (x)) { return x; } else if (MLKInstanceP (x)) { if ([x fitsIntoFixnum]) return [x fixnumValue]; else return x; } else { NSLog (@"MLKCanoniseInteger: Encountered a really weird object at address %p", x); return 0; } } id MLKAddFixnums (id x, id y) { intptr_t ix = MLKIntWithFixnum (x); intptr_t iy = MLKIntWithFixnum (y); intptr_t result = ix + iy; return MLKIntegerWithInt (result); } id MLKSubtractFixnums (id x, id y) { intptr_t ix = MLKIntWithFixnum (x); intptr_t iy = MLKIntWithFixnum (y); intptr_t result = ix - iy; return MLKIntegerWithInt (result); } id MLKIDivideFixnums (id x, id y) { intptr_t ix = MLKIntWithFixnum (x); intptr_t iy = MLKIntWithFixnum (y); intptr_t result = ix / iy; return MLKIntegerWithInt (result); } id MLKMultiplyFixnums (id x, id y) { id ix = [MLKInteger integerWithFixnum:x]; id iy = [MLKInteger integerWithFixnum:y]; id result = [ix multiplyWith:iy]; return MLKCanoniseInteger (result); } static MLKSymbol *INT, *SHORT, *LONG, *VOID, *POINTER, *UINT, *USHORT, *ULONG, *STRING, *ID, *BOOLEAN, *CLASS, *UNICHAR, *CHAR, *ERROR; static MLKPackage *keyword = nil, *cl = nil; #define INTERN_KEYWORD(VAR, NAME) \ LASSIGN (VAR, [keyword intern:NAME]) static void init_symbols () { if (keyword) return; cl = [MLKPackage findPackage:@"COMMON-LISP"]; keyword = [MLKPackage findPackage:@"KEYWORD"]; INTERN_KEYWORD (POINTER, @"POINTER"); INTERN_KEYWORD (SHORT, @"SHORT-INT"); INTERN_KEYWORD (USHORT, @"UNSIGNED-SHORT-INT"); INTERN_KEYWORD (INT, @"INT"); INTERN_KEYWORD (UINT, @"UNSIGNED-INT"); INTERN_KEYWORD (LONG, @"LONG-INT"); INTERN_KEYWORD (ULONG, @"UNSIGNED-LONG-INT"); INTERN_KEYWORD (STRING, @"STRING"); INTERN_KEYWORD (ID, @"ID"); INTERN_KEYWORD (BOOLEAN, @"BOOL"); INTERN_KEYWORD (CLASS, @"CLASS"); INTERN_KEYWORD (UNICHAR, @"UNICHAR"); INTERN_KEYWORD (CHAR, @"CHAR"); INTERN_KEYWORD (ERROR, @"ERROR"); INTERN_KEYWORD (VOID, @"VOID"); } MLKForeignType MLKForeignTypeWithTypeDesignator (id typeDesignator) { #define DESIGNATOR_CASE(TYPE, FOREIGN_TYPE) \ if (typeDesignator == TYPE) return MLKT_ ## FOREIGN_TYPE; init_symbols (); DESIGNATOR_CASE (POINTER, PTR) else DESIGNATOR_CASE (INT, INT) else DESIGNATOR_CASE (UINT, UINT) else DESIGNATOR_CASE (SHORT, SHORT) else DESIGNATOR_CASE (LONG, LONG) else DESIGNATOR_CASE (USHORT, USHORT) else DESIGNATOR_CASE (ULONG, ULONG) else DESIGNATOR_CASE (STRING, STRING) else DESIGNATOR_CASE (VOID, VOID) else DESIGNATOR_CASE (ID, ID) else DESIGNATOR_CASE (BOOLEAN, BOOL) else DESIGNATOR_CASE (CLASS, CLASS) else DESIGNATOR_CASE (UNICHAR, UNICHAR) else DESIGNATOR_CASE (CHAR, CHAR) else DESIGNATOR_CASE (ERROR, ERROR) else return MLKT_INVALID; } ffi_type *MLKFFITypeWithForeignType (MLKForeignType type) { #define FFI_TYPE_CASE(FOREIGN_TYPE, FFI_TYPE) \ case MLKT_ ## FOREIGN_TYPE: return &(ffi_type_ ## FFI_TYPE); switch (type) { FFI_TYPE_CASE (PTR, pointer); FFI_TYPE_CASE (INT, sint); FFI_TYPE_CASE (UINT, uint); FFI_TYPE_CASE (LONG, slong); FFI_TYPE_CASE (ULONG, ulong); FFI_TYPE_CASE (SHORT, sshort); FFI_TYPE_CASE (USHORT, ushort); FFI_TYPE_CASE (STRING, pointer); FFI_TYPE_CASE (VOID, void); FFI_TYPE_CASE (ID, pointer); FFI_TYPE_CASE (BOOL, schar); FFI_TYPE_CASE (CLASS, pointer); FFI_TYPE_CASE (UNICHAR, sshort); FFI_TYPE_CASE (CHAR, schar); FFI_TYPE_CASE (ERROR, pointer); case MLKT_INVALID: return NULL; } return NULL; } static id truify (BOOL value) { init_symbols (); return (value ? (id) [cl intern:@"T"] : nil); } id MLKLispValueWithForeignValue (void *source, MLKForeignType type) { switch (type) { case MLKT_INT: return MLKIntegerWithInt(*(int*)source); case MLKT_UINT: return MLKIntegerWithInt(*(unsigned*)source); case MLKT_LONG: return MLKIntegerWithInt(*(long*)source); case MLKT_ULONG: return MLKIntegerWithInt(*(unsigned long*)source); case MLKT_SHORT: return MLKIntegerWithInt(*(short*)source); case MLKT_USHORT: return MLKIntegerWithInt(*(unsigned short*)source); case MLKT_PTR: return MLKIntegerWithInt(*(intptr_t*)source); //FIXME case MLKT_STRING: return [NSString stringWithUTF8String:(*(char**)source)]; case MLKT_ID: return *(id*)source; case MLKT_BOOL: return truify (*(BOOL*)source); case MLKT_CLASS: return *(Class*)source; case MLKT_UNICHAR: return [MLKCharacter characterWithUnichar:(*(unichar*)source)]; case MLKT_CHAR: return [MLKCharacter characterWithUnichar:(*(char*)source)]; case MLKT_ERROR: return *(id*)source; // case MLKT_: return (*(*)source); case MLKT_INVALID: return nil; case MLKT_VOID: return nil; } return nil; } void MLKSetForeignValueWithLispValue (void *destination, id value, MLKForeignType type) { switch (type) { case MLKT_INT: *(int *)destination = MLKIntWithInteger (value); break; case MLKT_UINT: *(unsigned *)destination = MLKIntWithInteger (value); break; case MLKT_LONG: *(long *)destination = MLKIntWithInteger (value); break; case MLKT_ULONG: *(unsigned long *)destination = MLKIntWithInteger (value); break; case MLKT_SHORT: *(short *)destination = MLKIntWithInteger (value); break; case MLKT_USHORT: *(unsigned short *)destination = MLKIntWithInteger (value); break; case MLKT_PTR: *(void **)destination = value; break; case MLKT_STRING: *(const char **)destination = [value UTF8String]; break; case MLKT_ID: *(id*)destination = (MLKFixnumP (value) ? (id)[MLKInteger integerWithFixnum:value] : (id)value); break; case MLKT_BOOL: *(BOOL*)destination = (value != nil); break; case MLKT_CLASS: *(Class*)destination = (Class)value; break; case MLKT_UNICHAR: if (MLKFixnumP (value)) *(unichar*)destination = MLKIntWithFixnum (value); else if ([value isKindOfClass:[MLKInteger class]]) *(unichar*)destination = [value intValue]; else *(unichar*)destination = [value unicharValue]; break; case MLKT_CHAR: *(char*)destination = [value unicharValue]; break; case MLKT_ERROR: *(id*)destination = value; break; // case MLKT_: *(*)destination = ; break; case MLKT_INVALID: break; case MLKT_VOID: break; } } MLKForeignType MLKForeignTypeWithObjectiveCType (const char *typestring) { #define OBJC_TYPE_CASE(OBJCTYPE, TYPE) \ if (strcmp (typestring, @encode(OBJCTYPE)) == 0) return MLKT_ ## TYPE; OBJC_TYPE_CASE (BOOL, BOOL) else OBJC_TYPE_CASE (unichar, UNICHAR) else OBJC_TYPE_CASE (char, CHAR) else OBJC_TYPE_CASE (int, INT) else OBJC_TYPE_CASE (short, SHORT) else OBJC_TYPE_CASE (long, LONG) else OBJC_TYPE_CASE (unsigned, UINT) else OBJC_TYPE_CASE (unsigned short, USHORT) else OBJC_TYPE_CASE (unsigned long, ULONG) else OBJC_TYPE_CASE (void *, PTR) else OBJC_TYPE_CASE (char *, STRING) else OBJC_TYPE_CASE (id, ID) else OBJC_TYPE_CASE (Class, CLASS) else OBJC_TYPE_CASE (NSException *, ERROR) else OBJC_TYPE_CASE (void, VOID) else return MLKT_INVALID; } MLKForeignType MLKForeignTypeWithLispValue (id value); ffi_type *MLKFFITypeWithObjectiveCType (const char *typestring); ffi_type *MLKFFITypeWithLispValue (id value);