In order to use the module, follow these steps: 1. Find the Natural Docs directory. On my system, it's /usr/share/perl5/naturaldocs. I will call this directory ${NATURAL_DOCS} from now on. 2. Copy to ${NATURAL_DOCS}/Modules/NaturalDocs/Languages/. 3. Open ${NATURAL_DOCS}/Modules/NaturalDocs/ and look for a bunch of lines starting with “use NaturalDocs::Languages::”. On my system, these lines are very much at the beginning of the file. 4. When you've found the spot, insert the following line somewhere around there: use NaturalDocs::Languages::ObjC; 5. You may want to add the following lines to your Languages.txt: Language: Objective-C Extension: h m mm Shebang String: objc Ignore Prefix in Index: MLK + - Line Comment: // Block Comment: /* */ Package Separator: :: Class Prototype Enders: + - @end Function Prototype Enders: ; { Variable Prototype Enders: ; = Perl Package: NaturalDocs::Languages::ObjC That's it. Have fun! Matthias