/* -*- mode: objc; coding: utf-8 -*- */ /* Étoilisp/Mulklisp, a Common Lisp subset for the Étoilé runtime. * Copyright (C) 2008 Matthias Andreas Benkard. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 // strtof #import "MLKSingleFloat.h" #import "MLKDoubleFloat.h" #import "runtime-compatibility.h" #import #include #include #include @implementation MLKSingleFloat -(MLKSingleFloat *) initWithIntegerPart:(NSString *)intPart negative:(BOOL)negative fractionalPart:(NSString *)fractPart exponent:(NSString *)exponent exponentNegative:(BOOL)exponentNegative { self = [super init]; char *locale; // FIXME: This is probably not thread-safe. locale = setlocale (LC_NUMERIC, NULL); setlocale (LC_NUMERIC, "C"); // strtof or sscanf -- is there a difference? sscanf ([[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%c%@.%@e%c%@", (negative ? '-' : '+'), intPart, fractPart, (exponentNegative ? '-' : '+'), ([exponent length] > 0 ? (id)exponent : (id)@"0")] UTF8String], "%f", &value); setlocale (LC_NUMERIC, locale); return self; } +(MLKSingleFloat *) singleFloatWithIntegerPart:(NSString *)intPart negative:(BOOL)negative fractionalPart:(NSString *)fractPart exponent:(NSString *)exponent exponentNegative:(BOOL)exponentNegative { return AUTORELEASE ([[self alloc] initWithIntegerPart:intPart negative:negative fractionalPart:fractPart exponent:exponent exponentNegative:exponentNegative]); } -(MLKSingleFloat *) initWithFloat:(float)aFloat { self = [super init]; value = aFloat; return self; } +(MLKSingleFloat *) singleFloatWithFloat:(float)aFloat { return AUTORELEASE ([[self alloc] initWithFloat:aFloat]); } -(float) floatValue { return value; } -(double) doubleValue { return value; } -(MLKFloat *) add:(MLKFloat *)arg { if ([arg isKindOfClass:[MLKDoubleFloat class]]) return [MLKDoubleFloat doubleFloatWithDouble:(value + [arg doubleValue])]; else return [MLKSingleFloat singleFloatWithFloat:(value + [arg floatValue])]; } -(MLKFloat *) subtract:(MLKFloat *)arg { if ([arg isKindOfClass:[MLKDoubleFloat class]]) return [MLKDoubleFloat doubleFloatWithDouble:(value - [arg doubleValue])]; else return [MLKSingleFloat singleFloatWithFloat:(value - [arg floatValue])]; } -(MLKFloat *) multiplyWith:(MLKFloat *)arg { if ([arg isKindOfClass:[MLKDoubleFloat class]]) return [MLKDoubleFloat doubleFloatWithDouble:(value * [arg doubleValue])]; else return [MLKSingleFloat singleFloatWithFloat:(value * [arg floatValue])]; } -(MLKFloat *) divideBy:(MLKFloat *)arg { if ([arg isKindOfClass:[MLKDoubleFloat class]]) return [MLKDoubleFloat doubleFloatWithDouble:(value / [arg doubleValue])]; else return [MLKSingleFloat singleFloatWithFloat:(value / [arg floatValue])]; } -(NSString *) description { NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%e", value]; int i; for (i = 0; i < [str length]; i++) { if ([str characterAtIndex:i] == 'e') { str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@s%@", [str substringToIndex:i], [str substringFromIndex:(i+1)]]; return str; } } return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@s0",str]; } @end