/* -*- mode: objc; coding: utf-8 -*- */ /* Toilet Lisp, a Common Lisp subset for the Étoilé runtime. * Copyright (C) 2008 Matthias Andreas Benkard. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "MLKCons.h" #import "MLKDynamicContext.h" #import "MLKLexicalContext.h" #import "MLKLexicalEnvironment.h" #import "MLKEnvironment.h" #import "MLKPackage.h" #import "MLKParenReader.h" #import "MLKReadtable.h" #import "MLKSymbol.h" #import "MLKInteger.h" #import "runtime-compatibility.h" #import "special-symbols.h" #import "util.h" #include #define MAKE_ENVIRONMENT(variable, parent, parent_member) \ [[MLKEnvironment alloc] \ initWithParent:(parent \ ? (id) parent_member \ : nil) \ values:variable] static MLKLexicalContext *global_context; @implementation MLKLexicalContext +(void) initialize { MLKLexicalEnvironment *globalenv = [MLKLexicalEnvironment globalEnvironment]; global_context = [[self alloc] initWithParent:nil variables:[globalenv variables] functions:[globalenv functions] goTags:nil macros:nil compilerMacros:nil symbolMacros:nil declarations:nil]; ensure_symbols (); } -(MLKLexicalContext *) initWithParent:(MLKLexicalContext *)aContext variables:(NSSet *)vars functions:(NSSet *)functions goTags:(NSDictionary *)goTags macros:(NSDictionary *)macros compilerMacros:(NSDictionary *)compilerMacros symbolMacros:(NSDictionary *)symbolMacros declarations:(id)declarations { self = [super init]; LASSIGN (_parent, (aContext ? aContext : [MLKLexicalContext globalContext])); LASSIGN (_variables, [NSMutableSet setWithSet:vars]); LASSIGN (_functions, [NSMutableSet setWithSet:functions]); _goTags = MAKE_ENVIRONMENT (goTags, _parent, _parent->_goTags); _macros = MAKE_ENVIRONMENT (macros, _parent, _parent->_macros); _compilerMacros = MAKE_ENVIRONMENT (compilerMacros, _parent, _parent->_compilerMacros); _symbolMacros = MAKE_ENVIRONMENT (symbolMacros, _parent, _parent->_symbolMacros); LASSIGN (_knownMacros, [NSMutableSet setWithArray:[macros allKeys]]); LASSIGN (_knownSymbolMacros, [NSMutableSet setWithArray:[symbolMacros allKeys]]); LASSIGN (_declarations, declarations); _functionInfo = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; _variableInfo = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; return self; } +(MLKLexicalContext *) contextWithParent:(MLKLexicalContext *)context variables:(NSSet *)vars functions:(NSSet *)functions goTags:(NSDictionary *)goTags macros:(NSDictionary *)macros compilerMacros:(NSDictionary *)compilerMacros symbolMacros:(NSDictionary *)symbolMacros declarations:(id)declarations { return LAUTORELEASE ([[self alloc] initWithParent:context variables:vars functions:functions goTags:goTags macros:macros compilerMacros:compilerMacros symbolMacros:symbolMacros declarations:declarations]); } +(MLKLexicalContext *) globalContext { return global_context; } -(id ) macroForSymbol:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { return [_macros valueForSymbol:symbol]; } -(void) addMacro:(id )value forSymbol:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { [_knownMacros addObject:symbol]; [_macros addValue:value forSymbol:symbol]; } -(void) setMacro:(id )value forSymbol:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { [_macros setValue:value forSymbol:symbol]; } -(id ) compilerMacroForSymbol:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { return [_compilerMacros valueForSymbol:symbol]; } -(void) addCompilerMacro:(id )value forSymbol:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { [_knownCompilerMacros addObject:symbol]; [_compilerMacros addValue:value forSymbol:symbol]; } -(void) setCompilerMacro:(id )value forSymbol:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { [_compilerMacros setValue:value forSymbol:symbol]; } -(id ) symbolMacroForSymbol:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { return [_symbolMacros valueForSymbol:symbol]; } -(void) addSymbolMacro:(id )value forSymbol:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { [_knownSymbolMacros addObject:symbol]; [_symbolMacros addValue:value forSymbol:symbol]; } -(void) setSymbolMacro:(id )value forSymbol:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { [_symbolMacros setValue:value forSymbol:symbol]; } -(id) goTagForSymbol:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { return [_goTags valueForSymbol:symbol]; } -(id) declarations { return _declarations; } -(void) addDeclaration:(id)declaration { LASSIGN (_declarations, [MLKCons cons:declaration with:_declarations]); } -(id) contextForVariable:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { if ([_variables containsObject:nullify(symbol)]) return self; else if (_parent) return [_parent contextForVariable:symbol]; else return nil; } -(id) contextForFunction:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { if ([_functions containsObject:nullify(symbol)]) return self; else if (_parent) return [_parent contextForFunction:symbol]; else return nil; } -(BOOL) symbolNamesFunction:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { symbol = nullify (symbol); if ([_functions containsObject:symbol]) return YES; else if ([_knownMacros containsObject:symbol]) return NO; else return (_parent && [_parent symbolNamesFunction:symbol]); } -(BOOL) symbolNamesMacro:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { symbol = nullify (symbol); if ([_functions containsObject:symbol]) return NO; else if ([_knownMacros containsObject:symbol]) return YES; else return (_parent && [_parent symbolNamesMacro:symbol]); } -(BOOL) symbolNamesSymbolMacro:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { symbol = nullify (symbol); if ([_variables containsObject:symbol]) return NO; else if ([_knownSymbolMacros containsObject:symbol]) return YES; else return (_parent && [_parent symbolNamesSymbolMacro:symbol]); } -(BOOL) variableIsLexical:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { id rest; symbol = symbol ? (id)symbol : (id)[NSNull null]; if ([_variables containsObject:symbol]) { // The variable was introduced in this lexical context. rest = _declarations; while (rest) { id item = [rest car]; if ([item isKindOfClass:[MLKCons class]] && [[item cdr] car] == symbol) { if ([item car] == LEXICAL) return YES; else if ([item car] == SPECIAL) return NO; } rest = [rest cdr]; } // Has the variable been globally proclaimed special? rest = [MLKLexicalContext globalContext]->_declarations; while (rest) { id item = [rest car]; if ([[item cdr] car] == symbol) { if ([item car] == LEXICAL) return YES; else if ([item car] == SPECIAL) return NO; } rest = [rest cdr]; } // The variable is apparently neither locally nor pervasively // special. return YES; } // We don't know anything about a variable of the given name. Ask the // parent environment. If there is no parent, nobody seems to know // anything about the variable, so we assume it's a special one. else return (_parent && [_parent variableIsLexical:symbol]); } -(BOOL) functionIsInline:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { if ([_functions containsObject:symbol]) { id rest = _declarations; while (rest) { id item = [rest car]; if ([item isKindOfClass:[MLKCons class]] && [[item cdr] car] == symbol) { if ([item car] == INLINE) return YES; else if ([item car] == NOTINLINE) return NO; } rest = [rest cdr]; } return NO; } else return (_parent && [_parent functionIsInline:symbol]); } -(void) addVariable:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { symbol = symbol ? (id)symbol : (id)[NSNull null]; [_variables addObject:symbol]; } -(void) addFunction:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { symbol = symbol ? (id)symbol : (id)[NSNull null]; [_functions addObject:symbol]; } -(id) deepPropertyForVariable:(id)name key:(id)key { NSDictionary *props = [_variableInfo objectForKey:nullify(name)]; id property; if (props && (property = [props objectForKey:key])) return property; else if (!_parent || [_variables containsObject:nullify(name)]) return nil; else return [_parent deepPropertyForVariable:name key:key]; } -(void) setDeepProperty:(id)object forVariable:(id)name key:(id)key { // Changes propagate up to the origin of the binding. If there is no // lexically apparent binding, the property is set in the global // context. This does not make it pervasive, however. if (!_parent || [_variables containsObject:nullify(name)]) { NSMutableDictionary *props = [_variableInfo objectForKey:nullify(name)]; if (!props) { props = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; [_variableInfo setObject:props forKey:nullify(name)]; } [props setObject:object forKey:key]; } else { [_parent setDeepProperty:object forVariable:name key:key]; } } -(id) deepPropertyForFunction:(id)name key:(id)key { NSDictionary *props = [_functionInfo objectForKey:nullify(name)]; id property; if (props && (property = [props objectForKey:key])) return property; else if (!_parent || [_functions containsObject:nullify(name)]) return nil; else return [_parent deepPropertyForFunction:name key:key]; } -(void) setDeepProperty:(id)object forFunction:(id)name key:(id)key { if (!_parent || [_functions containsObject:nullify(name)]) { NSMutableDictionary *props = [_functionInfo objectForKey:nullify(name)]; if (!props) { props = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; [_functionInfo setObject:props forKey:nullify(name)]; } [props setObject:object forKey:key]; } else { [_parent setDeepProperty:object forFunction:name key:key]; } } -(void *) functionCellForSymbol:(id)name { id prop = [self deepPropertyForFunction:name key:@"LEXCTX.function-cell"]; if (!prop) { void *cell = malloc (sizeof(id (*)())); prop = [NSValue valueWithPointer:cell]; [self setDeepProperty:prop forFunction:name key:@"LEXCTX.function-cell"]; return cell; } else { return [prop pointerValue]; } } -(void *) closureDataPointerForSymbol:(id)name { id prop = [self deepPropertyForFunction:name key:@"LEXCTX.closure-data"]; if (!prop) { void *cell = malloc (sizeof(id (*)())); prop = [NSValue valueWithPointer:cell]; [self setDeepProperty:prop forFunction:name key:@"LEXCTX.closure-data"]; return cell; } else { return [prop pointerValue]; } } -(id) bindingForSymbol:(id)name { id prop = [self deepPropertyForVariable:name key:@"LEXCTX.variable-binding"]; if (!prop) { id binding = [[MLKBinding alloc] init]; [self setDeepProperty:binding forVariable:name key:@"LEXCTX.variable-binding"]; return binding; } else { return prop; } } -(void) dealloc { LRELEASE (_macros); LRELEASE (_compilerMacros); LRELEASE (_symbolMacros); LRELEASE (_knownMacros); LRELEASE (_knownCompilerMacros); LRELEASE (_knownSymbolMacros); LRELEASE (_goTags); LRELEASE (_functions); LRELEASE (_variables); LRELEASE (_declarations); LRELEASE (_parent); LRELEASE (_variableInfo); LRELEASE (_functionInfo); [super dealloc]; } @end