/* -*- mode: objc; coding: utf-8 -*- */ /* Étoilisp/Mulklisp, a Common Lisp subset for the Étoilé runtime. * Copyright (C) 2008 Matthias Andreas Benkard. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #import "MLKInterpretedClosure.h" #import "MLKCons.h" #import "MLKDynamicContext.h" #import "MLKEnvironment.h" #import "MLKFuncallable.h" #import "MLKInterpreter.h" #import "MLKLexicalContext.h" #import "MLKLexicalEnvironment.h" #import "MLKPackage.h" #import "MLKReader.h" #import "MLKRoot.h" #import "MLKSymbol.h" #import "NSObject-MLKPrinting.h" #import "runtime-compatibility.h" #import "util.h" #import #import #import #import #include static MLKPackage *cl; static MLKPackage *sys; static MLKSymbol *IF; static MLKSymbol *IN_PACKAGE; static MLKSymbol *DECLARE; static MLKSymbol *PROGN; static MLKSymbol *TAGBODY; static MLKSymbol *GO; static MLKSymbol *CATCH; static MLKSymbol *THROW; static MLKSymbol *_MACROLET; static MLKSymbol *LAMBDA; static MLKSymbol *LET; static MLKSymbol *APPLY; static MLKSymbol *FUNCALL; static MLKSymbol *FUNCTION; static MLKSymbol *EVAL; static MLKSymbol *QUOTE; static MLKSymbol *SETQ; static MLKSymbol *SETF; static MLKSymbol *SET; static MLKSymbol *_FSET; static MLKSymbol *PROGV; static MLKSymbol *UNWIND_PROTECT; static MLKSymbol *VALUES; static MLKSymbol *_DEFMACRO; static MLKSymbol *_LAMBDA; static MLKSymbol *_LOOP; @implementation MLKInterpreter +(void) initialize { cl = [MLKPackage findPackage:@"COMMON-LISP"]; sys = [MLKPackage findPackage:@"TOILET-SYSTEM"]; IF = [cl intern:@"IF"]; IN_PACKAGE = [cl intern:@"IN-PACKAGE"]; DECLARE = [cl intern:@"DECLARE"]; PROGN = [cl intern:@"PROGN"]; TAGBODY = [cl intern:@"TAGBODY"]; GO = [cl intern:@"GO"]; CATCH = [cl intern:@"CATCH"]; THROW = [cl intern:@"THROW"]; LAMBDA = [cl intern:@"LAMBDA"]; LET = [cl intern:@"LET"]; _MACROLET = [sys intern:@"%MACROLET"]; _LOOP = [sys intern:@"%LOOP"]; APPLY = [cl intern:@"APPLY"]; EVAL = [cl intern:@"EVAL"]; FUNCALL = [cl intern:@"FUNCALL"]; FUNCTION = [cl intern:@"FUNCTION"]; QUOTE = [cl intern:@"QUOTE"]; SETQ = [cl intern:@"SETQ"]; SETF = [cl intern:@"SETF"]; SET = [cl intern:@"SET"]; _FSET = [sys intern:@"%FSET"]; PROGV = [cl intern:@"PROGV"]; VALUES = [cl intern:@"VALUES"]; UNWIND_PROTECT = [cl intern:@"UNWIND-PROTECT"]; _DEFMACRO = [sys intern:@"%DEFMACRO"]; _LAMBDA = [sys intern:@"%LAMBDA"]; } +(NSArray*) eval:(id)program inLexicalContext:(MLKLexicalContext *)context withEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)lexenv { return (NSArray *)[self eval:program inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:NO]; } #define RETURN_VALUE(thing) \ { return [NSArray arrayWithObject:nullify(thing)]; } +(NSArray*) eval:(id)program inLexicalContext:(MLKLexicalContext *)context withEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)lexenv expandOnly:(BOOL)expandOnly { MLKDynamicContext *dynamicContext = [MLKDynamicContext currentContext]; // NSLog (@"eval: %@", [program descriptionForLisp]); if (!program || [program isKindOfClass:[MLKSymbol class]]) { //NSLog (@"Processing symbol."); if ([context symbolNamesSymbolMacro:program]) { id macrofun = [context macroForSymbol:program]; id expansion = [macrofun applyToArray: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: program, context, nil]]; return [self eval:expansion inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly]; } else if ([context variableIsLexical:program]) { //NSLog (@"Processing lexical variable %@.", [program descriptionForLisp]); //NSLog (@"Lexical environment: %@.", lexenv); //NSLog (@"Lexical variable value: %@.", [lexenv valueForSymbol:program]); if (expandOnly) RETURN_VALUE (program); RETURN_VALUE ([lexenv valueForSymbol:program]); } else { //NSLog (@"Processing special variable %@.", [program descriptionForLisp]); //NSLog (@"Dynamic context: %@.", dynamicContext); //NSLog (@"Special variable value: %@.", [dynamicContext valueForSymbol:program]); if (expandOnly) RETURN_VALUE (program); RETURN_VALUE ([dynamicContext valueForSymbol:program]); } } else if (![program isKindOfClass:[MLKCons class]]) { // Everything that is not a list or a symbol evaluates to itself. RETURN_VALUE (program); } else { id car = [program car]; if ([car isKindOfClass:[MLKSymbol class]] || !car) { if (car == APPLY) { MLKCons *rest = denullify([[self eval:[[[program cdr] cdr] car] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0]); id function = denullify([[self eval:[[program cdr] car] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0]); if (expandOnly) RETURN_VALUE ([MLKCons cons:APPLY with:[MLKCons cons:function with:[MLKCons cons:rest with:nil]]]); if ([function isKindOfClass:[MLKSymbol class]]) function = [lexenv functionForSymbol:function]; return [function applyToArray:(rest ? (id)[rest array] : (id)[NSArray array])]; } else if (car == CATCH) { id catchTag; NSArray *values; MLKDynamicContext *newctx; NS_DURING { catchTag = [[self eval:[[program cdr] car] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0]; if (!expandOnly) { newctx = [[MLKDynamicContext alloc] initWithParent:dynamicContext variables:nil handlers:nil restarts:nil catchTags:[NSSet setWithObject:catchTag] activeHandlerEnvironment:nil]; [newctx pushContext]; } values = [self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:[[program cdr] cdr]] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly]; if (expandOnly) NS_VALUERETURN ([NSArray arrayWithObject: [MLKCons cons:CATCH with:[MLKCons cons:catchTag with:values]]], NSArray *); [MLKDynamicContext popContext]; RELEASE (newctx); NS_VALUERETURN (values, NSArray *); } NS_HANDLER { [MLKDynamicContext popContext]; RELEASE (newctx); if ([[localException name] isEqualToString:@"MLKThrow"]) { id thrownTag = [[localException userInfo] objectForKey:@"THROWN TAG"]; if (thrownTag == catchTag) return [[localException userInfo] objectForKey:@"THROWN OBJECTS"]; else [localException raise]; } else [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; return nil; } else if (car == _DEFMACRO) { // No real lambda lists here. This SYS::%DEFMACRO is // really as low-level as it gets. id name = [[program cdr] car]; id lambdaListAndBody = [[program cdr] cdr]; id function; if (expandOnly) { id lambdaList = [lambdaListAndBody car]; id body = [lambdaListAndBody cdr]; id body_expansion = denullify([[self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:body] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0]); RETURN_VALUE ([MLKCons cons:_DEFMACRO with:[MLKCons cons:name with:[MLKCons cons:lambdaList with:[MLKCons cons:body_expansion with:nil]]]]); } function = denullify([[self eval:[MLKCons cons:_LAMBDA with:lambdaListAndBody] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0]); [context addMacro:function forSymbol:name]; RETURN_VALUE (name); } else if (car == EVAL) { NSArray *evaluand = denullify([[self eval:[[program cdr] car] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0]); if (expandOnly) RETURN_VALUE ([MLKCons cons:EVAL with:[MLKCons cons:evaluand with:nil]]); return [self eval:evaluand inLexicalContext:[MLKLexicalContext globalContext] withEnvironment:[MLKLexicalEnvironment globalEnvironment]]; } else if (car == FUNCTION) { id functionName = [[program cdr] car]; if ([functionName isKindOfClass:[MLKCons class]] && ([functionName car] == LAMBDA || [functionName car] == _LAMBDA)) { return [self eval:functionName inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly]; } else if (expandOnly) { RETURN_VALUE (program); } else { // FIXME: Function names need not be symbols. id function = [lexenv functionForSymbol:functionName]; RETURN_VALUE (function); } } else if (car == IF) { id condition = [[program cdr] car]; id consequent = [[[program cdr] cdr] car]; // Incidentally works for the two-clause case: id alternative = [[[[program cdr] cdr] cdr] car]; id condition_value = denullify([[self eval:condition inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0]); if (expandOnly) { id conseq_expansion = denullify([[self eval:consequent inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0]); id alt_expansion = denullify([[self eval:alternative inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0]); RETURN_VALUE ([MLKCons cons:IF with:[MLKCons cons:condition_value with:[MLKCons cons:conseq_expansion with:[MLKCons cons:alt_expansion with:nil]]]]); } if (!condition_value) return [self eval:alternative inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly]; else return [self eval:consequent inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly]; } else if (car == IN_PACKAGE) { if (expandOnly) RETURN_VALUE (program); id cadr = [[program cdr] car]; id package = [MLKPackage findPackage:stringify(cadr)]; [[MLKDynamicContext currentContext] setValue:package forSymbol:[[MLKPackage findPackage:@"COMMON-LISP"] intern:@"*PACKAGE*"]]; RETURN_VALUE (package); } else if (car == _LAMBDA) { // A bare-bones LAMBDA without a real lambda list. What // would be a lambda list in a real LAMBDA form must be a // symbol here. id lambdaList = [[program cdr] car]; id body = [[program cdr] cdr]; MLKInterpretedClosure *closure; if (expandOnly) { id body_expansion = denullify([[self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:body] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0]); RETURN_VALUE ([MLKCons cons:_LAMBDA with:[MLKCons cons:lambdaList with:[MLKCons cons:body_expansion with:nil]]]); } closure = AUTORELEASE ([[MLKInterpretedClosure alloc] initWithBodyForms:body lambdaListName:lambdaList context:context environment:lexenv]); return [NSArray arrayWithObject:nullify(closure)]; } else if (car == _MACROLET) { id declarations; id clauses; id body; NSArray *result; MLKLexicalContext *ctx; body = [[program cdr] cdr]; if ([[body car] isKindOfClass:[MLKCons class]] && [[body car] car] == DECLARE) { declarations = [[body car] cdr]; body = [body cdr]; } else { declarations = nil; } ctx = AUTORELEASE ([[MLKLexicalContext alloc] initWithParent:context variables:nil functions:nil goTags:nil macros:nil compilerMacros:nil symbolMacros:nil declarations:declarations]); clauses = [[program cdr] car]; while (clauses) { id clause = [clauses car]; id name, value; name = [clause car]; value = denullify([[self eval:[MLKCons cons:_LAMBDA with:[clause cdr]] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:NO] //! objectAtIndex:0]); [ctx addMacro:value forSymbol:name]; clauses = [clauses cdr]; } result = [self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:body] inLexicalContext:ctx withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly]; if (expandOnly) { RETURN_VALUE ([MLKCons cons:LET with:[MLKCons cons:nil with:[MLKCons cons:[MLKCons cons:DECLARE with:declarations] with:[[result objectAtIndex:0] cdr]]]); } else { return result; } } else if (car == LET) { id declarations; id clauses; id body; NSArray *result; MLKLexicalContext *ctx; MLKLexicalEnvironment *env; MLKDynamicContext *dynctx; body = [[program cdr] cdr]; if ([[body car] isKindOfClass:[MLKCons class]] && [[body car] car] == DECLARE) { declarations = [[body car] cdr]; body = [body cdr]; } else { declarations = nil; } if (expandOnly) { id body_expansion = denullify([[self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:body] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0]); RETURN_VALUE ([MLKCons cons:LET with:[MLKCons cons:[[program cdr] car] with:[MLKCons cons:declarations with:[MLKCons cons:body_expansion with:nil]]]]); } env = AUTORELEASE ([[MLKLexicalEnvironment alloc] initWithParent:lexenv variables:nil functions:nil]); ctx = AUTORELEASE ([[MLKLexicalContext alloc] initWithParent:context variables:nil functions:nil goTags:nil macros:nil compilerMacros:nil symbolMacros:nil declarations:declarations]); dynctx = [[MLKDynamicContext alloc] initWithParent:dynamicContext variables:nil handlers:nil restarts:nil catchTags:nil activeHandlerEnvironment:nil]; clauses = [[program cdr] car]; while (clauses) { id clause = [clauses car]; id variable, value; if (!clause || [clause isKindOfClass:[MLKSymbol class]]) { variable = clause; value = nil; } else if ([clause cdr] == nil) { variable = [clause car]; value = nil; } else { variable = [clause car]; value = denullify([[self eval:[[clause cdr] car] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv] objectAtIndex:0]); } [ctx addVariable:variable]; if ([ctx variableIsLexical:variable]) { [env addValue:value forSymbol:variable]; } else { [dynctx addValue:value forSymbol:variable]; } clauses = [clauses cdr]; } [dynctx pushContext]; NS_DURING { result = [self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:body] inLexicalContext:ctx withEnvironment:env]; } NS_HANDLER { [MLKDynamicContext popContext]; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; [MLKDynamicContext popContext]; RELEASE (dynctx); return result; } else if (car == _LOOP) { id rest; if (expandOnly) { RETURN_VALUE ([MLKCons cons:_LOOP with:[[[self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:[program cdr]] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:YES] objectAtIndex:0] cdr]]); } while (YES) { rest = program; while ((rest = [rest cdr])) { [self eval:[rest car] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly]; } } RETURN_VALUE (nil); // never reached } else if (car == PROGN) { id result = nil; id rest = program; NSMutableArray *results = [NSMutableArray array]; while ((rest = [rest cdr])) { result = [self eval:[rest car] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly]; if (expandOnly) [results addObjectsFromArray:result]; } if (expandOnly) { RETURN_VALUE ([MLKCons cons:PROGN with:[MLKCons listWithArray:results]]); } else return result; } else if (car == QUOTE) { if (expandOnly) RETURN_VALUE (program); RETURN_VALUE ([[program cdr] car]); } else if (car == SETQ) { id symbol = [[program cdr] car]; id value = [[self eval:[[[program cdr] cdr] car] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0]; id rest = [[[program cdr] cdr] cdr]; if (![program cdr]) RETURN_VALUE (nil); if ([context symbolNamesSymbolMacro:symbol]) { id macrofun = [context symbolMacroForSymbol:symbol]; id expansion = [macrofun applyToArray: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: program, context, nil]]; return [self eval: [MLKCons cons:SETF with: [MLKCons cons:expansion with: [[program cdr] cdr]]] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly]; } if (expandOnly) { RETURN_VALUE ([MLKCons cons:SETQ with:[MLKCons cons:symbol with:[MLKCons cons:value with:denullify([[self eval: [MLKCons cons:SETQ with:rest] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0])]]]); } if ([context variableIsLexical:symbol]) [lexenv setValue:value forSymbol:symbol]; else if ([dynamicContext bindingForSymbol:symbol]) [dynamicContext setValue:value forSymbol:symbol]; else // FIXME: Maybe print a warning. [[MLKDynamicContext globalContext] addValue:value forSymbol:symbol]; if (rest) return [self eval:[MLKCons cons:SETQ with:rest] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv]; else RETURN_VALUE (value); } else if (car == SET) { id symbol = [[self eval:[[program cdr] car] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0]; id value = [[self eval:[[[program cdr] cdr] car] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0]; if (expandOnly) RETURN_VALUE ([MLKCons cons:SET with:[MLKCons cons:symbol with:[MLKCons cons:value with:nil]]]); if ([dynamicContext bindingForSymbol:symbol]) [dynamicContext setValue:value forSymbol:symbol]; else [[MLKDynamicContext globalContext] addValue:value forSymbol:symbol]; return [NSArray arrayWithObject:symbol]; } else if (car == _FSET) { // Like SET, but for the function cell. id symbol = [[self eval:[[program cdr] car] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0]; id value = [[self eval:[[[program cdr] cdr] car] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0]; if (expandOnly) RETURN_VALUE ([MLKCons cons:_FSET with:[MLKCons cons:symbol with:[MLKCons cons:value with:nil]]]); [[MLKLexicalContext globalContext] addFunction:symbol]; [[MLKLexicalEnvironment globalEnvironment] addFunction:value forSymbol:symbol]; return [NSArray arrayWithObject:symbol]; } else if (car == TAGBODY) { //FIXME: ... } else if (car == THROW) { id catchTag; NSArray *values; NSDictionary *userInfo; catchTag = [[self eval:[[program cdr] car] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0]; values = [self eval:[[[program cdr] cdr] car] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly]; if (expandOnly) RETURN_VALUE ([MLKCons cons:THROW with:[MLKCons cons:denullify(catchTag) with:[MLKCons cons:denullify([values objectAtIndex:0]) with:nil]]]); userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: catchTag, @"THROWN TAG", values, @"THROWN OBJECTS", nil]; if ([dynamicContext catchTagIsEstablished:denullify (catchTag)]) [[NSException exceptionWithName:@"MLKThrow" reason:[NSString stringWithFormat: @"THROW: tag %@, values %@.", [catchTag descriptionForLisp], [values descriptionForLisp]] userInfo:userInfo] raise]; else // FIXME: This should really be a condition rather than // an exception. See CLHS THROW. [[NSException exceptionWithName:@"MLKControlError" reason:[NSString stringWithFormat: @"THROW without a corresponding CATCH: tag %@, values %@.", [catchTag descriptionForLisp], [values descriptionForLisp]] userInfo:userInfo] raise]; return nil; } else if (car == UNWIND_PROTECT) { NSArray *results; if (expandOnly) { id protectee = [self eval:[[program cdr] car] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly]; id protection = [self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:[[program cdr] cdr]] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly]; RETURN_VALUE ([MLKCons cons:UNWIND_PROTECT with:[MLKCons cons:protectee with:[MLKCons cons:protection with:nil]]]); } NS_DURING { results = [self eval:[[program cdr] car] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv]; } NS_HANDLER { [self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:[[program cdr] cdr]] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly]; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; [self eval:[MLKCons cons:PROGN with:[[program cdr] cdr]] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv]; return results; } else if (car == VALUES) { id results = [NSMutableArray array]; id rest = program; while ((rest = [rest cdr])) { [results addObject: [[self eval:[rest car] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0]]; } if (expandOnly) RETURN_VALUE ([MLKCons cons:VALUES with:[MLKCons listWithArray:results]]); return results; } else { if ([context symbolNamesFunction:car]) { id function; MLKCons *rest = [program cdr]; NSMutableArray *args = [NSMutableArray array]; while (rest) { id result = [[self eval:[rest car] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0]; [args addObject:result]; rest = [rest cdr]; } if (expandOnly) { RETURN_VALUE ([MLKCons cons:[program car] with:[MLKCons listWithArray:args]]); } else { function = [lexenv functionForSymbol:car]; return [function applyToArray:args]; } } else if ([context symbolNamesMacro:car]) { id macrofun = [context macroForSymbol:car]; id expansion = denullify([[macrofun applyToArray: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: program, context, nil]] objectAtIndex:0]); return [self eval:expansion inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly]; } else { NSMutableArray *args = [NSMutableArray array]; MLKCons *rest = [program cdr]; NSArray *results; while (rest) { id result = [[self eval:[rest car] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly] objectAtIndex:0]; [args addObject:result]; rest = [rest cdr]; } if (expandOnly) { RETURN_VALUE ([MLKCons cons:[program car] with:[MLKCons listWithArray:args]]); } results = [MLKRoot dispatch:car withArguments:args]; if (results) { return results; } else { [NSException raise:@"MLKNoSuchOperatorException" format:@"%@ does not name a known operator.", [car descriptionForLisp]]; return nil; } } } } else if ([car isKindOfClass:[MLKCons class]] && [car car] == LAMBDA) { return [self eval:[MLKCons cons:FUNCALL with:program] inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:lexenv expandOnly:expandOnly]; } else { [NSException raise:@"MLKInvalidExpressionException" format:@"%@ is not a valid operator name.", [car descriptionForLisp]]; return nil; } } } +(BOOL) load:(MLKStream *)stream verbose:(BOOL)verbose print:(BOOL)print { id eofValue = [[NSObject alloc] init]; while (YES) { id result; id expansion; //NSLog (@"; LOAD: Reding a form."); id code = [MLKReader readFromStream:stream eofError:NO eofValue:eofValue recursive:NO preserveWhitespace:NO]; //NSLog (@"; LOAD: Reading finished."); NSString *formdesc; //NSLog (@"%@", code); //NSLog (@"%@", [code descriptionForLisp]); //NSLog (@"%@", stream); //NSLog (@"..."); if (code == eofValue) break; if ([code isKindOfClass:[MLKCons class]] && [code cdr]) formdesc = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(%@ %@ ...)", [[code car] descriptionForLisp], [[[code cdr] car] descriptionForLisp]]; else formdesc = [code descriptionForLisp]; //fprintf (stderr, "; COMPILE-MINIMALLY: %s\n", [formdesc UTF8String]); fprintf (stderr, "; LOAD: %s\n", [formdesc UTF8String]); expansion = denullify([[MLKInterpreter eval:code inLexicalContext:[MLKLexicalContext globalContext] withEnvironment:[MLKLexicalEnvironment globalEnvironment] expandOnly:YES] objectAtIndex:0]); if ([code isKindOfClass:[MLKCons class]] && [code cdr]) formdesc = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(%@ %@ ...)", [[expansion car] descriptionForLisp], [[[expansion cdr] car] descriptionForLisp]]; else formdesc = [expansion descriptionForLisp]; //fprintf (stderr, "; LOAD: %s\n", [formdesc UTF8String]); result = [MLKInterpreter eval:expansion inLexicalContext:[MLKLexicalContext globalContext] withEnvironment:[MLKLexicalEnvironment globalEnvironment] expandOnly:NO]; //NSLog (@"; LOAD: Top-level form evaluated."); if (print) { //FIXME //NSLog (@"; LOAD: Fnord. Primary value: %@", // [[result objectAtIndex:0] descriptionForLisp]); } } //NSLog (@"; LOAD: END"); return YES; } @end