/* -*- mode: objc; coding: utf-8 -*- */ /* Toilet Lisp, a Common Lisp subset for the Étoilé runtime. * Copyright (C) 2008 Matthias Andreas Benkard. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 #define _GNU_SOURCE // for RTLD_DEFAULT #define _ISOC99_SOURCE #import "MLKInterpretedClosure.h" #import "MLKCons.h" #import "MLKDynamicContext.h" #import "MLKEnvironment.h" #import "MLKForeignProcedure.h" #import "MLKFuncallable.h" #import "MLKInterpreter.h" #import "MLKLexicalContext.h" #import "MLKLexicalEnvironment.h" #import "MLKLLVMCompiler.h" #import "MLKPackage.h" #import "MLKReader.h" #import "MLKRoot.h" #import "MLKSymbol.h" #import "NSObject-MLKPrinting.h" #import "globals.h" #import "runtime-compatibility.h" #import "special-symbols.h" #import "util.h" #import #import #import #import #import #import #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #ifndef _BSD_SOURCE #define _BSD_SOURCE #endif #undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE // needed at least on Mac OS X for RTLD_DEFAULT to be defined #include #endif #define RETURN_VALUE(thing) \ { return [NSArray arrayWithObject:nullify(thing)]; } static id PRIMARY (NSArray *array) __attribute__ ((pure)); static id PRIMARY (NSArray *array) { if ([array count] > 0) return [array objectAtIndex:0]; else return nil; } @implementation MLKInterpreter +(void) initialize { ensure_symbols (); } +(id) compile:(id)object inContext:(MLKLexicalContext *)context { return PRIMARY ([self eval:object inLexicalContext:context withEnvironment:[MLKLexicalEnvironment globalEnvironment]]); } +(NSArray*) eval:(id)program inLexicalContext:(MLKLexicalContext *)context withEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)lexenv { id form = [MLKForm formWithObject:program inContext:context forCompiler:self]; return [form interpretWithEnvironment:lexenv]; } +(BOOL) load:(MLKCharacterStream *)stream verbose:(BOOL)verbose print:(BOOL)print { id eofValue = [[NSObject alloc] init]; int level = MLKIntWithInteger ([[MLKDynamicContext currentContext] valueForSymbol:[sys intern:@"*LOAD-LEVEL*"]]); int i; while (YES) { id result; id expansion; //NSLog (@"; LOAD: Reding a form."); id code; //NSLog (@"; LOAD: Reading finished."); NSString *formdesc; NSAutoreleasePool *pool; //NSLog (@"%@", MLKPrintToString(code)); //NSLog (@"%@", stream); //NSLog (@"..."); pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; code = [MLKReader readFromStream:stream eofError:NO eofValue:eofValue recursive:NO preserveWhitespace:NO]; if (code == eofValue) break; if (MLKInstanceP(code) && [code isKindOfClass:[MLKCons class]] && [code cdr]) formdesc = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(%@ %@ ...)", MLKPrintToString([code car]), MLKPrintToString([[code cdr] car])]; else formdesc = MLKPrintToString(code); //fprintf (stderr, "; COMPILE-MINIMALLY: %s\n", [formdesc UTF8String]); fprintf (stderr, "; "); for (i = 0; i < level; i++) fprintf (stderr, "| "); fprintf (stderr, "LOAD: %s\n", [formdesc UTF8String]); if (MLKLoadCompilesP) { expansion = code; result = [MLKDefaultCompiler eval:code]; } else { expansion = code; result = [MLKInterpreter eval:expansion inLexicalContext:[MLKLexicalContext globalContext] withEnvironment:[MLKLexicalEnvironment globalEnvironment]]; } LRELEASE (pool); if (print) { //FIXME //NSLog (@"; LOAD: Fnord. Primary value: %@", // MLKPrintToString([result objectAtIndex:0])); } } return YES; } @end @implementation MLKForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) interpret { return [self interpretWithEnvironment:[MLKLexicalEnvironment globalEnvironment]]; } -(NSArray *) interpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { NSArray *values; #if 0 BOOL trace = NO; //if ([dynamicContext valueForSymbol:V_INITP]) // trace = YES; //if (trace) NSLog (@"; EVAL END: %@", MLKPrintToString(_form)); values = [self reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:env]; //if (trace) NSLog (@"; EVAL: %@", MLKPrintToString(_form)); #elif 0 NS_DURING { values = [self reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:env]; } NS_HANDLER { NSLog (@"; BROKEN EVAL: %@", MLKPrintToString(_form)); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; #else values = [self reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:env]; #endif return values; } -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { NSLog (@"WARNING: Unrecognised form type: %@", self); return [NSArray array]; } @end @implementation MLKSelfEvaluatingForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { RETURN_VALUE (_form); } @end @implementation MLKSymbolForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { if ([_context variableIsLexical:_form]) { // NSLog (@"Lexical?"); RETURN_VALUE ([env valueForSymbol:_form]); } else { // NSLog (@"Special?"); RETURN_VALUE ([[MLKDynamicContext currentContext] valueForSymbol:_form]); } } @end @implementation MLKCatchForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { id catchTag; NSArray *values; MLKDynamicContext *newctx; catchTag = PRIMARY ([_tagForm interpretWithEnvironment:env]); NS_DURING { newctx = [[MLKDynamicContext alloc] initWithParent:[MLKDynamicContext currentContext] variables:nil handlers:nil restarts:nil catchTags:[NSSet setWithObject:catchTag] activeHandlerEnvironment:nil]; [newctx pushContext]; values = [self interpretBodyWithEnvironment:env]; NS_VALUERETURN (values, NSArray *); } NS_HANDLER { [MLKDynamicContext popContext]; LRELEASE (newctx); if ([[localException name] isEqualToString:@"MLKThrow"]) { id thrownTag = [[localException userInfo] objectForKey:@"THROWN TAG"]; if (thrownTag == catchTag) return [[localException userInfo] objectForKey:@"THROWN OBJECTS"]; else [localException raise]; } else [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; [MLKDynamicContext popContext]; LRELEASE (newctx); return nil; } @end @implementation MLKForeignLambdaForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { // FIXME: Support library designators. int (*function)(); #ifdef _WIN32 // FIXME //EnumProcessModules (...); //GetProcAddress (..., [_foreignName UTF8String]); #else function = dlsym (RTLD_DEFAULT, [_foreignName UTF8String]); #endif NSMutableArray *argtypes = [NSMutableArray array]; int i; for (i = 0; i < _argc; i++) [argtypes addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:_argumentTypes[i]]]; RETURN_VALUE (LAUTORELEASE ([[MLKForeignProcedure alloc] initWithCode:function argumentTypes:argtypes returnType:_returnType])); } @end @implementation MLKLambdaFunctionForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { return [_lambdaForm interpretWithEnvironment:env]; } @end @implementation MLKSimpleFunctionForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { RETURN_VALUE ([env functionForSymbol:_functionName]); } @end @implementation MLKIfForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { id cndval = denullify(PRIMARY([_conditionForm interpretWithEnvironment:env])); if (cndval) return [_consequentForm interpretWithEnvironment:env]; else return [_alternativeForm interpretWithEnvironment:env]; } @end @implementation MLKInPackageForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { id package = [MLKPackage findPackage:stringify(_packageDesignator)]; [[MLKDynamicContext currentContext] setValue:package forSymbol:[[MLKPackage findPackage:@"COMMON-LISP"] intern:@"*PACKAGE*"]]; RETURN_VALUE (package); } @end @implementation MLKSimpleLambdaForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { id closure = LAUTORELEASE ([[MLKInterpretedClosure alloc] initWithForm:self environment:env]); RETURN_VALUE (closure); } @end @implementation MLKSimpleFletForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { int i; MLKLexicalEnvironment *newenv = [MLKLexicalEnvironment environmentWithParent:env variables:nil functions:nil]; for (i = 0; i < [_functionBindingForms count]; i++) { [[_functionBindingForms objectAtIndex:i] interpretWithEnvironment:newenv]; } return [self interpretBodyWithEnvironment:newenv]; } @end @implementation MLKSimpleFunctionBindingForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { id value = [_compiler compile:[MLKCons cons:_LAMBDA with:_tail] inContext:_context]; [env addFunction:value forSymbol:_name]; return nil; } @end @implementation MLKLetForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { int i; NSArray *values; MLKLexicalEnvironment *newenv; MLKDynamicContext *dynctx; newenv = [MLKLexicalEnvironment environmentWithParent:env variables:nil functions:nil]; dynctx = [[MLKDynamicContext alloc] initWithParent:[MLKDynamicContext currentContext] variables:nil handlers:nil restarts:nil catchTags:nil activeHandlerEnvironment:nil]; for (i = 0; i < [_variableBindingForms count]; i++) { id variable = [[_variableBindingForms objectAtIndex:i] name]; id value = PRIMARY([[_variableBindingForms objectAtIndex:i] interpretWithEnvironment:env]); if ([_bodyContext variableIsLexical:variable]) { [newenv addValue:value forSymbol:variable]; } else { [dynctx addValue:value forSymbol:variable]; } } [dynctx pushContext]; NS_DURING { values = [self interpretBodyWithEnvironment:newenv]; } NS_HANDLER { [MLKDynamicContext popContext]; LRELEASE (dynctx); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; [MLKDynamicContext popContext]; LRELEASE (dynctx); return values; } @end @implementation MLKVariableBindingForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { return [_valueForm interpretWithEnvironment:env]; } @end @implementation MLKSimpleLoopForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { while (YES) { [self interpretBodyWithEnvironment:env]; } RETURN_VALUE (nil); // never reached } @end @implementation MLKMultipleValueCallForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { NSMutableArray *results = [NSMutableArray array]; int i; id function = PRIMARY ([_functionForm interpretWithEnvironment:env]); for (i = 0; i < [_bodyForms count]; i++) { NSArray *values = [[_bodyForms objectAtIndex:i] interpretWithEnvironment:env]; [results addObjectsFromArray:values]; } return [function applyToArray:results]; } @end @implementation MLKProgNForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { return [self interpretBodyWithEnvironment:env]; } @end @implementation MLKBodyForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) interpretBodyWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { int i; NSArray *values = [NSArray array]; for (i = 0; i < [_bodyForms count]; i++) { values = [[_bodyForms objectAtIndex:i] interpretWithEnvironment:env]; } return values; } @end @implementation MLKProgVForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { id variables = PRIMARY([_variableListForm interpretWithEnvironment:env]); id values = PRIMARY([_valueListForm interpretWithEnvironment:env]); MLKDynamicContext *dynctx; id result; dynctx = [[MLKDynamicContext alloc] initWithParent:[MLKDynamicContext currentContext] variables:nil handlers:nil restarts:nil catchTags:nil activeHandlerEnvironment:nil]; for (; variables; (variables = [variables cdr], values = [values cdr])) { id var = [variables car]; id value = [values car]; [dynctx addValue:value forSymbol:var]; } [dynctx pushContext]; NS_DURING { result = [self interpretBodyWithEnvironment:env]; } NS_HANDLER { [MLKDynamicContext popContext]; LRELEASE (dynctx); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; [MLKDynamicContext popContext]; LRELEASE (dynctx); return result; } @end @implementation MLKQuoteForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { RETURN_VALUE (_quotedData); } @end @implementation MLKThrowForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { id catchTag; NSArray *values; NSDictionary *userInfo; catchTag = PRIMARY([_tagForm interpretWithEnvironment:env]); values = [_valueForm interpretWithEnvironment:env]; userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: catchTag, @"THROWN TAG", values, @"THROWN OBJECTS", nil]; if ([[MLKDynamicContext currentContext] catchTagIsEstablished:denullify (catchTag)]) [[NSException exceptionWithName:@"MLKThrow" reason:[NSString stringWithFormat: @"THROW: tag %@, values %@.", MLKPrintToString(catchTag), MLKPrintToString(values)] userInfo:userInfo] raise]; else // FIXME: This should really be a condition rather than // an exception. See CLHS THROW. [[NSException exceptionWithName:@"MLKControlError" reason:[NSString stringWithFormat: @"THROW without a corresponding CATCH: tag %@, values %@.", MLKPrintToString(catchTag), MLKPrintToString(values)] userInfo:userInfo] raise]; return nil; } @end @implementation MLKUnwindProtectForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { NSArray *results; NS_DURING { results = [_protectedForm interpretWithEnvironment:env]; } NS_HANDLER { [self interpretBodyWithEnvironment:env]; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; [self interpretBodyWithEnvironment:env]; return results; } @end @implementation MLKFunctionCallForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { int i; NSMutableArray *args = [NSMutableArray array]; for (i = 0; i < [_argumentForms count]; i++) { id result = PRIMARY([[_argumentForms objectAtIndex:i] interpretWithEnvironment:env]); [args addObject:result]; } if (![_context symbolNamesFunction:_head]) { [NSException raise:@"MLKNoSuchOperatorException" format:@"%@ does not name a known operator.", MLKPrintToString(_head)]; return nil; } else { id function = [env functionForSymbol:_head]; return [function applyToArray:args]; } } @end @implementation MLKSetQForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { int i; id value = nil; MLKDynamicContext *dynamicContext = [MLKDynamicContext currentContext]; for (i = 0; i < [_variables count]; i++) { id symbol = denullify([_variables objectAtIndex:i]); value = PRIMARY([[_valueForms objectAtIndex:i] interpretWithEnvironment:env]); if ([_context variableIsLexical:symbol]) [env setValue:value forSymbol:symbol]; else if ([dynamicContext bindingForSymbol:symbol]) [dynamicContext setValue:value forSymbol:symbol]; else // FIXME: Maybe print a warning. [[MLKDynamicContext globalContext] addValue:value forSymbol:symbol]; } RETURN_VALUE (value); } @end @implementation MLKFSetQForm (MLKInterpretation) -(NSArray *) reallyInterpretWithEnvironment:(MLKLexicalEnvironment *)env { int i; id value = nil; for (i = 0; i < [_functionNames count]; i++) { id symbol = denullify([_functionNames objectAtIndex:i]); value = PRIMARY([[_valueForms objectAtIndex:i] interpretWithEnvironment:env]); if ([_context symbolNamesFunction:symbol]) { [env setFunction:value forSymbol:symbol]; } else { // FIXME: Maybe print a warning. [[MLKLexicalContext globalContext] addFunction:symbol]; [[MLKLexicalEnvironment globalEnvironment] addFunction:value forSymbol:symbol]; } } RETURN_VALUE (value); } @end