/* -*- mode: objc; coding: utf-8 -*- */ /* Étoilisp/Mulklisp, a Common Lisp subset for the Étoilé runtime. * Copyright (C) 2008 Matthias Andreas Benkard. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #import #import #import #import #import "MLKCons.h" #import "MLKDynamicContext.h" #import "MLKEnvironment.h" #import "MLKLinkedList.h" #import "MLKPackage.h" #import "MLKReadtable.h" #import "MLKSymbol.h" #import "MLKInteger.h" #define MAKE_ENVIRONMENT(variable, parent, parent_member) \ (variable \ ? (id) [[MLKEnvironment alloc] \ initWithParent:(parent \ ? (id) parent_member \ : nil) \ bindings:vars] \ : (id) (parent ? (id) RETAIN (parent_member) : nil)); static MLKDynamicContext *global_context; @implementation MLKDynamicContext +(void) initialize { NSMutableDictionary *vars = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; MLKPackage *cl = [MLKPackage packageWithName:@"COMMON-LISP" nicknames:[NSSet setWithObject:@"CL"]]; MLKPackage *clUser = [MLKPackage packageWithName:@"COMMON-LISP-USER" nicknames:[NSSet setWithObject:@"CL-USER"]]; MLKPackage *keyword = [MLKPackage packageWithName:@"KEYWORD" nicknames:[NSSet set]]; MLKSymbol *t = [cl intern:@"T"]; MLKReadtable *readtable = [[MLKReadtable alloc] init]; // FIXME: Initialise stuff. #define INIT(VARNAME, VALUE) [vars setObject:VALUE forKey:[cl intern:VARNAME]] INIT(@"*BREAK-ON-SIGNALS*", nil); INIT(@"*COMPILE-FILE-PATHNAME*", nil); INIT(@"*COMPILE-FILE-TRUENAME*", nil); INIT(@"*COMPILE-PRINT*", nil); INIT(@"*COMPILE-VERBOSE*", t); // INIT(@"*DEBUG-IO*", ); INIT(@"*DEBUGGER-HOOK*", nil); // INIT(@"*DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS*", ); // INIT(@"*ERROR-OUTPUT*", ); INIT(@"*FEATURES*", [MLKCons cons:[keyword intern:@"ETOILET"] with:[MLKCons cons:[keyword intern:@"COMMON-LISP"] with:[MLKCons cons:[keyword intern:@"ANSI-CL"] with:nil]]]); INIT(@"*GENSYM-COUNTER*", [MLKInteger integerWithInt:0]); INIT(@"*LOAD-PATHNAME*", nil); INIT(@"*LOAD-PRINT*", nil); INIT(@"*LOAD-TRUENAME*", nil); INIT(@"*LOAD-VERBOSE*", t); // INIT(@"*MACROEXPAND-HOOK*", ); INIT(@"*MODULES*", nil); INIT(@"*PACKAGE*", clUser); INIT(@"*PRINT-ARRAY*", t); INIT(@"*PRINT-BASE*", [MLKInteger integerWithInt:10]); INIT(@"*PRINT-CASE*", [keyword intern:@"UPCASE"]); INIT(@"*PRINT-CIRCLE*", nil); INIT(@"*PRINT-ESCAPE*", t); INIT(@"*PRINT-GENSYM*", t); INIT(@"*PRINT-LENGTH*", nil); INIT(@"*PRINT-LEVEL*", nil); INIT(@"*PRINT-LINES*", nil); INIT(@"*PRINT-MISER-WIDTH*", nil); // INIT(@"*PRINT-PPRINT-DISPATCH*", ); INIT(@"*PRINT-PRETTY*", t); INIT(@"*PRINT-RADIX*", nil); INIT(@"*PRINT-READABLY*", nil); INIT(@"*PRINT-RIGHT-MARGIN*", nil); // INIT(@"*QUERY-IO*", ); // INIT(@"*RANDOM-STATE*", ); INIT(@"*READ-BASE*", [MLKInteger integerWithInt:10]); INIT(@"*READ-DEFAULT-FLOAT-FORMAT*", [cl intern:@"SINGLE-FLOAT"]); INIT(@"*READ-EVAL*", t); INIT(@"*READ-SUPPRESS*", nil); //FIXME: Support in reader INIT(@"*READTABLE*", readtable); // INIT(@"*STANDARD-INPUT*", ); // INIT(@"*STANDARD-OUTPUT*", ); // INIT(@"*TERMINAL-IO*", ); // INIT(@"*TRACE-OUTPUT* ", ); global_context = [[self alloc] initWithParent:nil variables:vars handlers:nil restarts:nil catchTags:nil activeHandlerEnvironment:nil]; } -(MLKDynamicContext *) initWithParent:(MLKDynamicContext *)aContext variables:(NSDictionary *)vars handlers:(NSDictionary *)handlers restarts:(NSDictionary *)restarts catchTags:(NSDictionary *)catchTags activeHandlerEnvironment:(MLKEnvironment *)handlerEnv; { self = [super init]; ASSIGN (_parent, (aContext ? aContext : [MLKDynamicContext currentContext])); _environment = MAKE_ENVIRONMENT(vars, _parent, _parent->_environment); _conditionHandlers = MAKE_ENVIRONMENT(handlers, _parent, _parent->_conditionHandlers); _restarts = MAKE_ENVIRONMENT(restarts, _parent, _parent->_restarts); _catchTags = MAKE_ENVIRONMENT(catchTags, _parent, _parent->_catchTags); ASSIGN (_activeHandlerEnvironment, handlerEnv ? (id) handlerEnv : (_parent ? (id) (_parent->_activeHandlerEnvironment) : nil)); return self; } -(MLKDynamicContext *) pushContext { [[[NSThread currentThread] threadDictionary] setObject:self forKey:@"MLKDynamicContext"]; return self; } +(MLKDynamicContext *) currentContext { MLKDynamicContext *context = [[[NSThread currentThread] threadDictionary] objectForKey:@"MLKDynamicContext"]; if (context) return context; else return global_context; } +(MLKDynamicContext *) popContext { MLKDynamicContext *context = [self currentContext]; [[[NSThread currentThread] threadDictionary] setObject:context->_parent forKey:@"MLKDynamicContext"]; return context; } -(MLKEnvironment *) environment { return _environment; } -(id) findRestart:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { NS_DURING { return [_restarts valueForBinding:symbol]; } NS_HANDLER { if ([[localException name] isEqualToString: @"MLKUndefinedVariableException"]) NS_VALUERETURN (nil, id); else [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; return nil; } -(id) findHandler:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { NS_DURING { if (_activeHandlerEnvironment) return [[_activeHandlerEnvironment parent] valueForBinding:symbol]; else return [_conditionHandlers valueForBinding:symbol]; } NS_HANDLER { if ([[localException name] isEqualToString: @"MLKUndefinedVariableException"]) NS_VALUERETURN (nil, id); else [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; return nil; } -(id) findCatchTag:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { NS_DURING { return [_catchTags valueForBinding:symbol]; } NS_HANDLER { if ([[localException name] isEqualToString: @"MLKUndefinedVariableException"]) NS_VALUERETURN (nil, id); else [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; return nil; } -(id) valueForBinding:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { return [[self environment] valueForBinding:symbol]; } -(void) setValue:(id)value forBinding:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { [[self environment] setValue:value forBinding:symbol]; } -(void) addValue:(id)value forBinding:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { [[self environment] addValue:value forBinding:symbol]; } -(void) addBinding:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { [[self environment] addBinding:symbol]; } -(BOOL) boundp:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { return [[self environment] boundp:symbol]; } -(void) makunbound:(MLKSymbol *)symbol { [[self environment] makunbound:symbol]; } -(void) dealloc { RELEASE (_conditionHandlers); RELEASE (_restarts); RELEASE (_catchTags); RELEASE (_activeHandlerEnvironment); RELEASE (_environment); RELEASE (_parent); [super dealloc]; } @end