#author Matthias Benkard #date 2008-06-14 - (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d") #title Mulklisp Development Diary #desc Random news and stuff about just another random pet project ; Time-stamp: <2008-06-14 17:00:29 mulk> ; ; C-c i t insert-time-stamp ; C-c C-t muse-project-publish-this-file ; C-c C-e muse-edit-link-at-point ; C-c C-i muse-insert-thing ---- Context: [[http://matthias.benkard.de/mulklisp][The Mulklisp Project]]. ---- * 2008-06-14, 16:41:55 CEST ** Another Random Piece of Vaporware is Born Here I go again, starting yet another little pet software project whose chance of surviving for more than a few months is limited, but hey, it'd not be me if I didn't start bragging about it before having written even a single line of code, right? So here we go! I intend Mulklisp (which is obviously a preliminary, WebShaka-style proto-name) to become a Lisp compiler for the Étoilé runtime (and maybe Mac OS X as well, but that's of a lower priority) with the following features: * A proper subset of ANSI Common Lisp, with an eye towards full ANSI compliance in the far future. * CFFI support. * Lexical **and** dynamic scoping. * Integration with the Étoilé object system. * DEFMACRO. * Hygienic macros by way of Explicit Renaming and Syntactic Closures. * Read macros. (?) * TAGBODY and GO. (?) * CATCH and THROW. (?) * Places (that is, SETF). * A package system. * Arrays and hash tables compatible with their Common Lisp counterparts, but based on the Étoilé/GNUstep ones. * Direct compilation to Étoilé runtime code (as with Étoilé Smalltalk). * A REPL. * Conditions and restarts. * Multiple namespaces. * Bignums and rationals. * JIT and explicit compilation (COMPILE) via LLVM. (?) * Optional static typing with Cells-based/Hindley-Milner/whatever type inference. (?) Well, that's what I'm dreaming of. At least now you have something new to joke about in place of Duke Nukem Forever (which is coming out Practically Tomorrow! Preorder today!). Maybe I ought to change my nickname from Kompottkin to Vaporwarepottkin. ---- *Matthias Benkard, (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d, %k:%M %Z")* http://matthias.benkard.de/ ; Local Variables: ; mode: muse ; End: