/* -*- mode: objc; coding: utf-8 -*- */ #import "Foundation/Foundation.h" #include typedef struct objcl_object { char* type; union { id id_val; SEL sel_val; char char_val; short short_val; int int_val; long long_val; long long long_long_val; float float_val; double double_val; BOOL bool_val; char *charptr_val; void *ptr_val; } data; } *OBJCL_OBJ_DATA; void objcl_initialise_runtime (void); void objcl_shutdown_runtime (void); void * objcl_invoke_instance_method (OBJCL_OBJ_DATA receiver, const char *method_name, int argc, ...); void * objcl_invoke_class_method (OBJCL_OBJ_DATA class, const char *method_name, int argc, ...); void * objcl_find_class (const char *class_name); /* Return a null-terminated list of type information strings. The first entry describes the type of the method's return value. */ char ** objcl_query_arglist_info (void *receiver, const char *method_name);