/* -*- mode: objc; coding: utf-8 -*- */ /* Objective-CL, an Objective-C bridge for Common Lisp. * Copyright (C) 2007 Matthias Andreas Benkard. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * . */ #import "libobjcl.h" #import "PyObjC/libffi_support.h" #import "PyObjC/objc_support.h" #import "PyObjC/objc-runtime-compat.h" #import #include #include #ifdef __NEXT_RUNTIME__ #include #endif static NSAutoreleasePool *objcl_autorelease_pool = NULL; /* Preallocate an exception to throw when memory is all used up. */ NSException *objcl_oom_exception = NULL; void objcl_initialise_runtime (void) { if (!objcl_autorelease_pool) objcl_autorelease_pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; if (!objcl_oom_exception) { objcl_oom_exception = [NSException exceptionWithName: @"MLKOutOfMemoryException" reason: @"Out of memory" userInfo: nil]; [objcl_oom_exception retain]; } } void objcl_shutdown_runtime (void) { if (objcl_autorelease_pool) { [objcl_autorelease_pool release]; objcl_autorelease_pool = NULL; } if (objcl_oom_exception) { [objcl_oom_exception release]; objcl_oom_exception = NULL; } } #ifdef USE_LIBFFI id objcl_invoke_with_types (int argc, char *return_typespec, char *arg_typespecs[], void *return_value, void **argv) { IMP method; int i; ffi_cif cif; ffi_type *return_type; ffi_type *arg_types[argc + 2]; ffi_status status; id receiver = *((id*)argv[0]); SEL method_selector = *((SEL*)argv[1]); static ffi_type *id_type = NULL; static ffi_type *sel_type = NULL; if (!id_type) id_type = objcl_pyobjc_arg_signature_to_ffi_type ("@"); if (!sel_type) sel_type = objcl_pyobjc_arg_signature_to_ffi_type (":"); NS_DURING { #ifdef __NEXT_RUNTIME__ if (objcl_object_is_class (receiver)) method = class_getClassMethod (receiver, method_selector)->method_imp; else method = class_getInstanceMethod ([receiver class], method_selector)->method_imp; #else method = objc_msg_lookup (receiver, method_selector); /* Alternatively: method = [receiver methodForSelector: method_selector]; */ #endif if (method == NULL) [[NSException exceptionWithName: @"MLKNoApplicableMethod" reason: @"Tried to call a non-existent method." userInfo: nil] raise]; return_type = objcl_pyobjc_signature_to_ffi_return_type (return_typespec); arg_types[0] = id_type; arg_types[1] = sel_type; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) arg_types[i + 2] = objcl_pyobjc_arg_signature_to_ffi_type (arg_typespecs[i]); status = ffi_prep_cif (&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, argc + 2, return_type, arg_types); if (status != FFI_OK) { [[NSException exceptionWithName: @"MLKInvalidFFITypeException" reason: @"FFI type is invalid (this is probably a bug)." userInfo: nil] raise]; } ffi_call (&cif, FFI_FN (method), return_value, argv); } NS_HANDLER { NS_VALUERETURN (localException, id); } NS_ENDHANDLER return NULL; } #endif Class objcl_find_class (const char *class_name) { #ifdef __NEXT_RUNTIME__ return objc_lookUpClass (class_name); #else return objc_lookup_class (class_name); #endif } Class objcl_find_meta_class (const char *class_name) { #ifdef __NEXT_RUNTIME__ return objc_getMetaClass (class_name); #else /* FIXME: Is this correct? */ Class class = objcl_find_class (class_name); if (class == NULL || class == nil) return NULL; else return class_get_meta_class (class); #endif } SEL objcl_find_selector (const char *selector_name) { #ifdef __NEXT_RUNTIME__ if (!(sel_isMapped ((SEL) selector_name))) /* XXX Does this work? */ return NULL; else return sel_getUid (selector_name); #else return sel_get_any_uid (selector_name); #endif } SEL objcl_intern_selector (const char *selector_name) { /* sel_registerName and sel_register_name seem not to be necessary here. */ #ifdef __NEXT_RUNTIME__ return sel_getUid (selector_name); #else return sel_get_uid (selector_name); #endif } const char * objcl_class_name (Class class) { const char *ns_name; char *name; ns_name = [(NSStringFromClass (class)) UTF8String]; name = malloc (strlen (ns_name) + 1); strcpy (name, ns_name); return name; } Class objcl_class_superclass (Class class) { #ifdef __NEXT_RUNTIME__ return class_getSuperclass (class); #else return class_get_super_class (class); #endif } const char * objcl_selector_name (SEL selector) { const char *ns_name; char *name; ns_name = [(NSStringFromSelector (selector)) UTF8String]; name = malloc (strlen (ns_name) + 1); strcpy (name, ns_name); return name; } IMP objcl_get_method_implementation (id object, SEL selector) { #ifdef __NEXT_RUNTIME__ if (objcl_object_is_class (object)) { return class_getClassMethod (object, selector)->method_imp; } else { return class_getInstanceMethod ([object class], selector)->method_imp; } #else return objc_msg_lookup (object, selector); #endif } BOOL objcl_object_is_class (id obj) { #ifdef __NEXT_RUNTIME__ return [obj class] == obj; #else /* return CLS_ISCLASS (obj); */ return object_is_class (obj); #endif } BOOL objcl_object_is_meta_class (id obj) { #ifdef __NEXT_RUNTIME__ /* FIXME: What to do here? */ return objcl_object_get_meta_class (obj) == obj; #else /* return CLS_ISMETA (ptr); */ if (objcl_object_is_class (obj)) return class_is_meta_class (obj); else return object_is_meta_class (obj); #endif } Class objcl_object_get_class (id obj) { #ifdef __NEXT_RUNTIME__ /* XXX? return obj->isa; */ return [obj class]; #else return object_get_class (obj); #endif } Class objcl_object_get_meta_class (id obj) { #ifdef __NEXT_RUNTIME__ /* FIXME: What to do here? */ return objc_getMetaClass ([(NSStringFromClass ([obj class])) UTF8String]); #else if (objcl_object_is_class (obj)) return class_get_meta_class (obj); else return object_get_meta_class (obj); #endif } id objcl_get_nil (void) { return nil; } long objcl_get_yes (void) { if (sizeof (YES) > sizeof (long)) fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: objcl_get_yes: YES might not fit into a long.\n"); return YES; } long objcl_get_no (void) { if (sizeof (NO) > sizeof (long)) fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: objcl_get_no: NO might not fit into a long.\n"); return NO; } const char * objcl_get_runtime_type (void) { #ifdef __NEXT_RUNTIME__ return "NeXT"; #else return "GNU"; #endif } int objcl_objc2_p (void) { #ifdef __OBJC2__ return 1; #else return 0; #endif } long objcl_sizeof_type (const char *typespec) { if (sizeof (ssize_t) > sizeof (long)) fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: objcl_sizeof_typespec: Size might not fit into a long.\n"); return PyObjCRT_SizeOfType (typespec); } long objcl_sizeof_return_type (const char *typespec) { if (sizeof (ssize_t) > sizeof (long)) fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: objcl_sizeof_return_typespec: Size might not fit into a long.\n"); return PyObjCRT_SizeOfReturnType (typespec); } long objcl_alignof_type (const char *typespec) { if (sizeof (ssize_t) > sizeof (long)) fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: objcl_align_typespec: Alignment might not fit into a long.\n"); return PyObjCRT_AlignOfType (typespec); }