/* -*- mode: objc; coding: utf-8 -*- */ /* Objective-CL, an Objective-C bridge for Common Lisp. * Copyright (C) 2007 Matthias Andreas Benkard. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * . */ #import "Foundation/NSException.h" #import "Foundation/NSLock.h" #include #include "../config.h" #import "PyObjC/pyobjc.h" #import "PyObjC/objc_support.h" #import "PyObjC/objc-runtime-compat.h" #ifdef USE_LIBFFI #ifdef HAVE_FFI_H #include #elif HAVE_FFI_FFI_H #include #else /* We are using our own build of libffi. */ #include #endif #endif #ifdef __NEXT_RUNTIME__ typedef Ivar IVAR_T; #else typedef struct objc_ivar *IVAR_T; #endif extern NSException *objcl_oom_exception; extern id objcl_current_exception; extern NSRecursiveLock *objcl_current_exception_lock; void objcl_initialise_runtime (void); void objcl_shutdown_runtime (void); id objcl_invoke_with_types (int argc, Class superclass_for_send_super, char *return_typespec, char *arg_typespecs[], void *return_value, void **argv); Class objcl_find_class (const char *class_name); Class objcl_find_meta_class (const char *class_name); SEL objcl_find_selector (const char *selector_name); SEL objcl_intern_selector (const char *selector_name); /* Return a null-terminated list of type information strings. The first entry describes the type of the method's return value. */ char ** objcl_query_arglist_info (void *receiver, const char *method_name); const char * objcl_class_name (Class class); Class objcl_class_superclass (Class class); const char * objcl_selector_name (SEL selector); IMP objcl_get_method_implementation (id object, SEL selector, Class superclass_for_send_super); BOOL objcl_object_is_class (id obj); BOOL objcl_object_is_meta_class (id obj); Class objcl_object_get_class (id obj); Class objcl_object_get_meta_class (id obj); id objcl_get_nil (void); /* In principle, we do not know whether a BOOL fits into a long. In practise, it is very likely. */ long objcl_get_yes (void); long objcl_get_no (void); const char * objcl_get_runtime_type (void); int objcl_objc2_p (void); long objcl_sizeof_type (const char *typespec); long objcl_sizeof_return_type (const char *typespec); long objcl_alignof_type (const char *typespec); void objcl_set_slot_value (id obj, const char *ivar_name, void *value); void objcl_get_slot_value (id obj, const char *ivar_name, void *value_out); /* The following function returns a freshly consed array that the caller must deallocate. */ IVAR_T * objcl_class_direct_slots (Class class, unsigned int *count, unsigned int *element_size); const char * objcl_slot_name (IVAR_T ivar); const char * objcl_slot_type (IVAR_T ivar); IMP objcl_create_imp (IMP callback, int argc, const char *return_typespec, const char *arg_typespecs[]); void objcl_acquire_lock (id lock); void objcl_release_lock (id lock); Class objcl_create_class (const char *class_name, Class superclass, int protocol_number, const char *protocol_names[], int ivar_number, const char *ivar_names[], const char *ivar_typespecs[]); void objcl_add_method (Class class, SEL method_name, IMP callback, int argc, const char *return_typespec, const char *arg_typespecs[], const char *signature); void objcl_finalise_class (Class class); int objcl_class_backed_by_lisp_class_p (Class class); void objcl_class_set_backed_by_lisp_class (Class class, int backed_p); int objcl_object_backed_by_lisp_class_p (id object);