;;;; Objective-CL, an Objective-C bridge for Common Lisp. ;;;; Copyright (C) 2007 Matthias Andreas Benkard. ;;;; ;;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License ;;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of ;;;; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this program. If not, see ;;;; . (in-package #:mulk.objective-cl) (defun parse-typespec (typestring &optional return-type-p (start 0)) "Parse a typestring like \"@0:4{_NSRange=II}8\" into something like (ID ()). \"rn{_NSRange=II}8\" is parsed into (STRUCT (CONST IN) \"_NSRange\" :INTEGER :INTEGER). \"(sversion=\"version\"i\"next_free\"^v)\" is parsed into (UNION () \"sversion\" (:INT ((NAME \"version\"))) (POINTER ((NAME \"next_free\")) (:VOID ()))) Returns: (VALUES typespec byte-position string-position)" (let ((init-char (char typestring start)) (string-position start) (qualifiers (list))) (loop do (setq init-char (char typestring string-position)) while (let ((qualifier (case init-char (#\r 'const) (#\n 'in) (#\N 'inout) (#\o 'out) (#\O 'bycopy) (#\V 'oneway) (#\R 'byref) (#\" 'name)))) (and qualifier (incf string-position) (if (eq qualifier 'name) (let ((name-end (position #\" typestring :start string-position))) (push (list qualifier (subseq typestring string-position name-end)) qualifiers) (setf string-position (1+ name-end)) qualifier) (push qualifier qualifiers))))) (values (case init-char ((#\{ #\() (let* ((=-token (position #\= typestring :start start)) (closing-delim (position (ecase init-char (#\{ #\}) (#\( #\))) typestring :start start)) (name-end (if (and =-token closing-delim) (min =-token closing-delim) ;; An opaque struct whose contents ;; we don't know. (or closing-delim (error "Premature end of file in~ typespec: ~A." typestring)))) (named-p (and =-token (= name-end =-token))) (struct-name (subseq typestring (1+ string-position) name-end))) (list* (ecase init-char (#\{ 'struct) (#\( 'union)) (if named-p qualifiers (cons 'opaque qualifiers)) struct-name (progn (setq string-position (if named-p (1+ name-end) ; skip #\= name-end)) (loop until (char= (char typestring string-position) (ecase init-char (#\{ #\}) (#\( #\)))) collect (multiple-value-bind (typespec byte-position new-string-pos) (parse-typespec typestring nil string-position) (declare (ignore byte-position)) (setq string-position new-string-pos) typespec) ;; Skip end marker (right brace/paren). finally (incf string-position)))))) (#\^ (list 'pointer qualifiers (multiple-value-bind (typespec byte-pos new-str-pos) (parse-typespec typestring nil (1+ string-position)) (declare (ignore byte-pos)) (prog1 typespec (setq string-position new-str-pos))))) (#\[ (list 'array qualifiers (multiple-value-bind (count new-str-pos) (parse-integer typestring :start (1+ string-position) :junk-allowed t) (prog1 count (setq string-position new-str-pos))) (multiple-value-bind (typespec byte-pos new-str-pos) (parse-typespec typestring nil string-position) (declare (ignore byte-pos)) ;; Skip end marker (right bracket). (prog1 typespec (setq string-position (1+ new-str-pos)))))) (#\j (list 'complex qualifiers (multiple-value-bind (typespec byte-pos new-str-pos) (parse-typespec typestring nil (1+ string-position)) (declare (ignore byte-pos)) (prog1 typespec (setq string-position new-str-pos))))) (#\b (if (eq +runtime-type+ :gnu) (let (bit-field-starting-pos bit-field-typespec bit-field-length byte-position) (multiple-value-setq (bit-field-starting-pos string-position) (parse-integer typestring :start (1+ string-position) :junk-allowed t)) (multiple-value-setq (bit-field-typespec byte-position string-position) (parse-typespec typestring nil string-position)) (multiple-value-setq (bit-field-length string-position) (parse-integer typestring :start string-position :junk-allowed t)) (list 'bit-field qualifiers bit-field-starting-pos bit-field-length bit-field-typespec)) (list 'bit-field qualifiers nil (multiple-value-bind (bit-field-length new-string-pos) (parse-integer typestring :start (1+ string-position) :junk-allowed t) (setq string-position new-string-pos) bit-field-length)))) (otherwise (let ((children (list))) (prog1 (list* (case init-char (#\B :boolean) ;XXX :int? (#\c (if (and (eq +runtime-type+ :next) (or return-type-p (featurep 'cffi-features:ppc32))) :int :char)) (#\C (if (and (eq +runtime-type+ :next) (or return-type-p (featurep 'cffi-features:ppc32))) :unsigned-int :unsigned-char)) (#\s (if (and (eq +runtime-type+ :next) (or return-type-p (featurep 'cffi-features:ppc32))) :int :short)) (#\S (if (and (eq +runtime-type+ :next) (or return-type-p (featurep 'cffi-features:ppc32))) :unsigned-int :unsigned-short)) (#\i :int) (#\I :unsigned-int) (#\l :long) (#\L :unsigned-long) (#\q :long-long) (#\Q :unsigned-long-long) (#\f :float) (#\d :double) (#\v :void) (#\@ 'id) (#\# 'objective-c-class) (#\: 'selector) (#\* :string) (#\? :unknown) (otherwise (prog1 :unrecognised (push init-char children)))) qualifiers children) (incf string-position))))) #+(or) ; too greedy (=> bit-fields can't see their length!) (multiple-value-bind (byte-position new-string-pos) (parse-integer typestring :start string-position :junk-allowed t) (setq string-position new-string-pos) byte-position) #-(or) nil string-position))) (defun print-typespec-to-string (typespec) (with-output-to-string (out) (print-typespec typespec out))) (defun print-typespec (typespec &optional (stream *standard-output*)) "Convert a TYPESPEC into a typestring and write the result to a STREAM." (destructuring-bind (type-name modifiers &rest rest) typespec (dolist (modifier modifiers) (format stream "~A" (ecase modifier (const #\r) (in #\n) (inout #\N) (out #\o) (bycopy #\O) (oneway #\V) (byref #\R) (opaque "")))) (case type-name ((struct union) (destructuring-bind (name . children) rest (format stream "~C~A" (ecase type-name (struct #\{) (union #\()) name) (unless (member 'opaque modifiers) (format stream "=") (dolist (child children) (print-typespec child stream))) (format stream "~C" (ecase type-name (struct #\}) (union #\)))))) ((bit-field) (if (eq +runtime-type+ :gnu) (destructuring-bind (alignment length . children) rest (format stream "b~D" alignment) (dolist (child children) (print-typespec child stream)) (format stream "~D" length)) (destructuring-bind (alignment length . children) rest (declare (ignore alignment children)) (format stream "b~D" length)))) ((array) (destructuring-bind (length . children) rest (format stream "[~D" length) (dolist (child children) (print-typespec child stream)) (format stream "]"))) ((:unrecognised) (format stream "~{~A~}" rest)) (t (format stream "~A" (typespec-name->type-id type-name)) (dolist (child rest) (print-typespec child stream))))))