(in-package #:mulk.objective-cl) (defvar *runtime-initialisation-level* 0) (defvar *skip-retaining* nil) (defvar *in-make-pointer-wrapper-p* nil "A debugging tool that helps identify direct MAKE-INSTANCE calls that ought not be there.") (defvar *trace-method-calls* nil "Whether to print trace messages of all Objective C method calls. ## Value Type: a **generalized boolean**. ## Initial Value: __nil__. ## Description: Sometimes it is useful to find out exactly which message calls are done in a piece of code that is executed. If __*trace-method-calls*__ is **true**, Objective CL tries to print trace messages to __*terminal-io*__ that can be useful for understanding the behaviour both of application code and the internals of Objective CL itself. If __*trace-method-calls*__ is __nil__ (which is the default), no trace messages are printed. Note that there is currently no way of determining the receivers of messages. As this limitation severely limits the usefulness of the trace messages, it is expected to be lifted in a future version of Objective CL. ## Examples: \(With __install-reader-syntax__ enabled.) (defvar *tmp*) (setq *trace-method-calls* t) (setq *tmp* [NSString new]) ; Invoking [new]. (setq *tmp* [NSString string]) ; Invoking [string]. ; Invoking [retain]. (setq *tmp* nil) (gc :full t) ; Invoking [release]. ; Invoking [release]. (setq *trace-method-calls* nil) \(Note that objects created by a call to `new' are not retained, because it is the user's (that is, the Objective CL framework's) responsibility to release them, while convenience constructors such as `string' return objects that have already had `autorelease' called on them and must thus be retained not to be garbage-collected prematurely.) ## Affected By: __*terminal-io*__ ## See also: __invoke__, __invoke-by-name__")