(in-package #:mulk.objective-cl) ;;; (@* "Method invocation") (defun invoke (receiver message-start &rest message-components) "Send a message to an Objective C instance. ## Arguments and Values: *receiver* --- an Objective C wrapper object. *message-start* --- a **symbol**. *message-components* --- an alternating **list** of **object**s and **symbol**s. Returns: *result* --- the return value of the method invocation. ## Description: All even-numbered *message components* are collected in order and the resulting **list** used as if as additional **argument**s to __invoke-by-name__. All uneven-numbered *message components*, which must be **symbol**s, are first split into parts separated by hyphens and each part converted into a **string** according to the following rules: 1. The first part is fully converted to **lowercase**. 2. Any additional parts are also fully converted to **lowercase** except for their first letters, which are left intact. 3. If the symbol is a **keyword**, the resulting **string** is suffixed by a **colon** (`:'). After that, all parts are concatenated in order to form a single *message name component*. The *message name components* are in turn concatenated in order to form the *message name* which is used as if as the second **argument** to __invoke-by-name__. ## Examples: (invoke (find-objc-class 'ns-string) :string-with-c-string \"Mulk.\") ;=> # (invoke (find-objc-class 'ns-object) 'self) ;=> # (invoke (find-objc-class 'ns-object) 'name) ;=> \"NSObject\" (invoke (find-objc-class 'ns-string) :string-with-c-string \"Mulk.\" :encoding 4) ;=> # ## See also: __invoke-by-name__" (check-type receiver (or id objc-class exception) "an Objective C instance (ID, OBJC-CLASS or EXCEPTION)") (do* ((components-left (cons message-start message-components) (cddr components-left)) (message-list (list message-start) (cons (first components-left) message-list)) (arglist (if (null (rest components-left)) nil (list (second components-left))) (if (null (rest components-left)) arglist (cons (second components-left) arglist)))) ((null (cddr components-left)) (apply #'invoke-by-name receiver (symbol-list->message-name (nreverse message-list)) (nreverse arglist))))) (defun invoke-by-name (receiver method-name &rest args) "Send a message to an Objective C object by the name of the method. ## Arguments and Values: *receiver* --- an Objective C wrapper object. *method-name* --- a **string**. *args* --- a list of **object**s. Returns: *result* --- the return value of the method invocation. ## Examples: (invoke-by-name (find-objc-class 'ns-string) \"stringWithCString:\" \"Mulk.\") ;=> # (invoke-by-name (find-objc-class 'ns-object) \"self\") ;=> # (invoke-by-name (find-objc-class 'ns-string) \"stringWithCString:encoding:\" \"Mulk.\" 4) ;=> # ## See also: __invoke__" (check-type receiver (or id objc-class exception) "an Objective C instance (ID, OBJC-CLASS or EXCEPTION)") (let* ((arglist (arglist-intersperse-types (mapcar #'lisp->obj-data args))) (return-value (apply-macro '%objcl-invoke-class-method (lisp->obj-data receiver) method-name (length args) arglist))) (when *trace-method-calls* (format t "~&Invoking [~A].~%" method-name)) (unwind-protect (let ((value (let ((*skip-retaining* (or *skip-retaining* (constructor-name-p method-name)))) (obj-data->lisp return-value)))) (if (typep value 'condition) (cerror "Return NIL from OBJCL-INVOKE-CLASS-METHOD" value) value)) (dealloc-obj-data return-value)))) #+nil (defun invoke-instance-method-by-name (receiver method-name &rest args) (let* ((arglist (arglist-intersperse-types (mapcar #'lisp->obj-data args))) (return-value (apply-macro '%objcl-invoke-instance-method (lisp->obj-data receiver) method-name (length args) arglist))) (format t "~&Invoking <~A>.~%" method-name) (unwind-protect (let ((value (let ((*skip-retaining* (or *skip-retaining* (constructor-name-p method-name)))) (obj-data->lisp return-value)))) (if (typep value 'condition) (cerror "Return NIL from OBJCL-INVOKE-INSTANCE-METHOD" value) value)) (dealloc-obj-data return-value)))) ;;; (@* "Helper functions") (defun arglist-intersperse-types (arglist) (mapcan #'(lambda (arg) (list :pointer arg)) arglist)) (defun constructor-name-p (method-name) (flet ((method-name-starts-with (prefix) (and (>= (length method-name) (length prefix)) (or (and (string= prefix (subseq method-name 0 (length prefix))) (or (= (length method-name) (length prefix)) (not (lower-case-p (char method-name (length prefix)))))))))) (or (method-name-starts-with "alloc") (method-name-starts-with "new"))))