(in-package #:mulk.objective-cl) (pushnew (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "Objective-C" "shared_obj") :type "" :name "") (asdf:component-pathname (asdf:find-system '#:objective-cl))) cffi:*foreign-library-directories*) (define-foreign-library libobjcl (:unix (:or "libobjcl.so" "libobjcl.so.0")) (t (:default "libobjcl"))) (use-foreign-library libobjcl) ;; FIXME: docs (defcfun ("objcl_initialise_runtime" initialise-runtime) :void) (setf (documentation #'initialise-runtime 'function) "Initialise the Objective C runtime. ## Description: The function __initialise-runtime__ makes all the necessary arrangements for object instantiation and method calls to work. In particular, it creates an autorelease pool in order to make the use of Objective C's semiautomatic reference counting memory management possible, which is used internally by Objective CL. Note that, as the autorelease pool created by __initialise-runtime__ is currently only deallocated and its containees released when __shutdown-runtime__ is called, it is generally advisable to make use of AppKit's automatic creation and deletion auf autorelease pools, if possible. Naturally, AppKit-based applications need not worry about this, but be aware that they do need to call __initialise-runtime__ before making any other Objective C calls. ## See also: __shutdown-runtime__") ;; FIXME: docs (defcfun ("objcl_shutdown_runtime" shutdown-runtime) :void) (setf (documentation #'shutdown-runtime 'function) "Shut the Objective C runtime down. ## Description: The function __shutdown-runtime__ cleans the environment up. In particular, it tries to release all the objects retained in any autorelease pools created by __initialise-runtime__. Note that even if you make use of AppKit, which manages its own autorelease pools, you must call __initialise-runtime__ before making any Objective C calls, and you should call __shutdown-runtime__ when you are finished with Objective C, since Objective CL makes use of autoreleased objects internally before you are even able to retrieve any objects or classes, let alone send messages to them. ## See also: __initialise-runtime__") (defcfun ("objcl_invoke_instance_method" %objcl-invoke-instance-method) obj-data (receiver obj-data) (method-name :string) (argc :int) &rest) (defcfun ("objcl_invoke_class_method" %objcl-invoke-class-method) obj-data (receiver obj-data) (method-name :string) (argc :int) &rest) (defcfun ("objcl_find_class" %objcl-find-class) :pointer (class-name :string)) (defcfun ("objcl_class_name" %objcl-class-name) :string (class obj-data)) (defun find-objc-class (class-name) "Retrieve an Objective C class by name. ## Arguments and Values: *class-name* --- a **symbol** or a **string**. Returns: *class* --- an __objc-class__ object representing the Objective C class whose name is *class-name*. ## Description: If *class-name* is a **symbol** which does not contain a hyphen, its **name** is converted to **lowercase** except for the first letter, which is left intact, and the resulting **string** used as if directly given as an **argument** to __find-objc-class__. If *class-name* is a **symbol** which contains a hyphen, its **name** is split into components separated by hyphens and each component converted into a **string** according to the following rules: 1. The first component is fully converted to **uppercase** except for its first letter, which is left intact. 2. Any additional components have all of their letters converted to **lowercase**, except for their first letters, which are left intact. After that, the components are concatenated in order and the resulting **string** used as if directly given as an **argument** to __find-objc-class__. ## Examples: (find-objc-class \"NSObject\") ;=> # (find-objc-class 'ns-object) ;=> # (find-objc-class 'nsobject) ;=> NIL ## Rationale: The first component of an Objective C class name is conventionally thought of as a namespace identifier. It is therefore sensible to expect it to be converted to **uppercase** by default, which is the conventional case for namespace identifiers in Objective C." (typecase class-name (string (find-objc-class-by-name class-name)) (symbol (find-objc-class-by-name (symbol->objc-class-name class-name))))) (defun find-objc-class-by-name (class-name) (let ((obj-data (%objcl-find-class class-name))) (prog1 (if (null-pointer-p (foreign-slot-value (foreign-slot-value obj-data 'obj-data 'data) 'obj-data-union 'class-val)) nil (obj-data->lisp obj-data)) (dealloc-obj-data obj-data)))) (defun objcl-class-name (class) (declare (type (or objc-class id exception) class)) (let ((obj-data (foreign-alloc 'obj-data))) (with-foreign-slots ((type data) obj-data obj-data) (setf (foreign-slot-value data 'obj-data-union (etypecase class (objc-class 'class-val) (id 'id-val) (exception 'exc-val))) (pointer-to class)) (setf type (foreign-string-alloc (etypecase class (objc-class "#") (id "@") (exception "E"))))) (prog1 (%objcl-class-name obj-data) (dealloc-obj-data obj-data))))