;;;; Objective-CL, an Objective-C bridge for Common Lisp. ;;;; Copyright (C) 2007 Matthias Andreas Benkard. ;;;; ;;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;;;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;;; along with this program. If not, see ;;;; . (in-package #:mulk.objective-cl) ;;;; (@* "Convenience types") (deftype c-pointer () '(satisfies pointerp)) (deftype argument-number () `(integer 0 ,call-arguments-limit)) ;;;; (@* "Foreign data types") (defctype char-pointer :pointer) ;;;; (@* "Objective-C object wrapper classes") (defclass c-pointer-wrapper () ((pointer :type c-pointer :reader pointer-to :initarg :pointer :initform (cffi:null-pointer)))) (defclass selector (c-pointer-wrapper) () (:documentation "An Objective-C method selector. ## Description: Method selectors are Objective-C's equivalent to what Common Lisp calls **symbols**. Their use is restricted to retrieving methods by name. __selector__ objects cannot be created by means of __make-instance__. Use __find-selector__ instead. ## See also: __find-selector__")) (defclass id (c-pointer-wrapper) () (:documentation "An instance of an Objective-C class. ## Description: The class __id__ serves as a general-purpose container for all kinds of Objective-C objects that are instances of some Objective-C class, that is, neither primitive C values nor __selector__, __class__ or __exception__ objects. __id__ objects cannot be created by means of __make-instance__. Use a suitable class method instead as you would in Objective-C. ## Examples: (invoke (find-objc-class 'ns-object) 'self) ;=> # (invoke (find-objc-class 'ns-string) :string-with-c-string \"Mulk.\") ;=> # (invoke (find-objc-class 'ns-string) 'new) ;=> # ## See also: __invoke__, __invoke-by-name__, __exception__")) (defclass objc-class (c-pointer-wrapper) () (:documentation "")) (defclass objc-meta-class (c-pointer-wrapper) ((meta-class-for-class :type (or null id objc-class) :initarg :meta-class-for-class :reader meta-class-for-class)) (:documentation "")) (define-condition exception (error) ((pointer :type c-pointer :accessor pointer-to :initarg :pointer)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "The Objective-C runtime has issued an exception of ~ type `~A'.~&~ Reason: ~A." (invoke-by-name (invoke-by-name condition "name") "UTF8String") (invoke-by-name (invoke-by-name condition "reason") "UTF8String")))) (:documentation "The condition type for Objective-C exceptions. ## Description: Whenever an Objective-C call made by means of __invoke__ or __invoke-by-name__ raises an exception, the exception is propagated to the Lisp side by being encapsulated in an __exception__ object and signaled. Note that it is currently impossible to directly extract the original Objective-C exception from an __exception__ object, although it might arguably be desirable to do so. As __exception__ objects behave just like __id__ objects in almost all circumstances, this is not much of a problem, though. If you really do need an __id__ instance rather than an __exception__, you can simply send it the `self' message. ## Examples: \(With __install-reader-syntax__ enabled.) (handler-case [NSArray selph] ; oops, typo (exception (e) e)) ;=> # (class-of *) ;=> # (class-of [** self]) ;=> # ## See also: __id__")) (defclass opaque-struct (c-pointer-wrapper) ((name :type (or null string) :accessor struct-name :initarg :name))) (defclass tagged-struct (c-pointer-wrapper) ((name :type (or null string) :accessor struct-name :initarg :name) (children :type list :accessor struct-children :initarg :children))) (defclass opaque-union (c-pointer-wrapper) ((name :type (or null string) :accessor struct-name :initarg :name))) (defclass tagged-union (c-pointer-wrapper) ((name :type (or null string) :accessor struct-name :initarg :name) (children :type list :accessor struct-children :initarg :children))) (defclass tagged-array (c-pointer-wrapper) ((element-type :type symbol :accessor tagged-array-element-type :initarg :element-type))) (defgeneric type-info (thing)) (defmethod type-info ((thing opaque-struct)) (with-slots (name) thing (list* 'struct '(opaque) name))) (defmethod type-info ((thing tagged-struct)) (with-slots (name children) thing (list* 'struct '() name (mapcar #'type-info children)))) (defgeneric objcl-eql (obj1 obj2)) (defmethod objcl-eql ((obj1 c-pointer-wrapper) (obj2 c-pointer-wrapper)) (pointer-eq (pointer-to obj1) (pointer-to obj2))) (defmethod objcl-eql (obj1 obj2) (eql obj1 obj2))