;;;; Objective-CL, an Objective-C bridge for Common Lisp. ;;;; Copyright (C) 2007 Matthias Andreas Benkard. ;;;; ;;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License ;;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of ;;;; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this program. If not, see ;;;; . (in-package #:mulk.objective-cl) (defvar *objcl-foreign-default-initform* (gensym)) (defclass foreign-slot-definition-mixin () ((foreign-name :initarg :foreign-name :initform nil :accessor slot-definition-foreign-name :type (or null string)) (foreign-type :initarg :foreign-type :initform nil :accessor slot-definition-foreign-type) (foreign-slot :initarg :foreign-slot :initform nil :accessor slot-definition-foreign-slot) #+#:unused (property :initarg :property :accessor slot-definition-property-p :type boolean))) (defclass foreign-direct-slot-definition (foreign-slot-definition-mixin c2mop:standard-direct-slot-definition) ()) (defclass foreign-effective-slot-definition (foreign-slot-definition-mixin c2mop:standard-effective-slot-definition) ()) (defmethod c2mop:validate-superclass ((class objective-c-meta-class) (superclass standard-class)) t) (defmethod c2mop:validate-superclass ((class objective-c-class) (superclass standard-class)) t) (defmethod c2mop:validate-superclass ((class objective-c-class) (superclass objective-c-class)) t) (defmethod c2mop:direct-slot-definition-class ((class objective-c-class) &rest initargs) (if (some #'(lambda (symbol) (let ((nada '#:nada)) (not (eq nada (getf initargs symbol nada))))) '(:foreign-type :foreign-name :foreign-slot)) (find-class 'foreign-direct-slot-definition) (find-class 'c2mop:standard-direct-slot-definition))) (defmethod c2mop:effective-slot-definition-class ((class objective-c-class) &rest initargs) (if (some #'(lambda (symbol) (let ((nada '#:nada)) (not (eq nada (getf initargs symbol nada))))) '(:foreign-type :foreign-name :foreign-slot)) (find-class 'foreign-effective-slot-definition) (find-class 'c2mop:standard-effective-slot-definition))) (defmethod c2mop:compute-effective-slot-definition ((class objective-c-class) name direct-slot-definitions) (etypecase (first direct-slot-definitions) (foreign-direct-slot-definition (let ((direct-slot (first direct-slot-definitions))) (with-accessors ((type c2mop:slot-definition-type) (readers c2mop:slot-definition-readers) (writers c2mop:slot-definition-writers) (initargs c2mop:slot-definition-initargs) (initform c2mop:slot-definition-initform) (allocation c2mop:slot-definition-allocation) (initfunction c2mop:slot-definition-initfunction) (foreign-type slot-definition-foreign-type) (foreign-name slot-definition-foreign-name) (foreign-slot slot-definition-foreign-slot)) direct-slot (make-instance 'foreign-effective-slot-definition :type (or type t) :name name :readers (or readers nil) :writers (or writers nil) :initargs (or initargs nil) :initform (or initform *objcl-foreign-default-initform*) :location nil :allocation (or allocation :instance) :initfunction (or initfunction #'(lambda () (or initform *objcl-foreign-default-initform*))) :foreign-type foreign-type :foreign-name foreign-name :foreign-slot foreign-slot :class class)))) (c2mop:standard-direct-slot-definition (call-next-method)))) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((slot-definition foreign-effective-slot-definition) &key foreign-name foreign-slot foreign-type name class &allow-other-keys) (when (and (not foreign-name) (not foreign-slot)) (setf foreign-name (slot-name->foreign-slot-name name) (slot-value slot-definition 'foreign-name) foreign-name)) (cond ((and foreign-name foreign-slot)) (foreign-name (setf foreign-slot (or (find foreign-name (mapcan #'objcl-class-direct-slots (c2mop:compute-class-precedence-list class)) :key #'objcl-slot-name :test #'string=) (error "There is no Objective-C slot named ~A in class ~A" foreign-name class)) (slot-value slot-definition 'foreign-slot) foreign-slot)) (foreign-slot (setf foreign-name (objcl-slot-name foreign-slot) (slot-value slot-definition 'foreign-name) foreign-name))) (unless foreign-type (setf (slot-value slot-definition 'foreign-type) foreign-slot))) (defmethod c2mop:slot-value-using-class ((class objective-c-class) instance (effective-slot-definition foreign-effective-slot-definition)) (with-slots (foreign-name foreign-type) effective-slot-definition (cffi:convert-from-foreign (%objcl-slot-value (pointer-to instance) foreign-name) (typespec->c-type foreign-type)))) (defmethod (setf c2mop:slot-value-using-class) (value (class objective-c-class) instance (effective-slot-definition foreign-effective-slot-definition)) ;; If we are directed to set the slot to the default initform dummy ;; value, we have probably been called during initialisation. In this ;; case, do nothing. There may or may not be useful information ;; present in the foreign slot at this time. (unless (eq value *objcl-foreign-default-initform*) (with-slots (foreign-name foreign-type) effective-slot-definition ;; FIXME: What to do about memory management here? Strings are ;; possibly the most problematic case here. ;; ;; FIXME: This won't work at all right now, because ;; %OBJCL-SET-SLOT-VALUE expects a pointer to the value that it ;; should store as an argument, not the value itself. For structs ;; and related things that can't be reasonably passed by value, ;; this is good news. For everything else, it means just a bit ;; more work. (cerror "Do nothing" "FIXME") #+(or) (%objcl-set-slot-value instance foreign-name (cffi:convert-to-foreign value (typespec->c-type foreign-type)))))) (defmethod c2mop:slot-boundp-using-class ((class objective-c-class) instance (effective-slot-definition foreign-effective-slot-definition)) (declare (ignore instance)) t) (defmethod c2mop:slot-makunbound-using-class ((class objective-c-class) instance effective-slot-definition) (declare (ignore instance)) (etypecase effective-slot-definition (c2mop:standard-effective-slot-definition (call-next-method)) (foreign-effective-slot-definition (cerror "Continue without doing anything" "Tried to SLOT-MAKUNBOUND a foreign slot")))) (defmethod c2mop:compute-slots ((class objective-c-class)) ;; FIXME: Maybe add lots of foreign slots here whose presence the ;; Objective-C runtime tells us. (call-next-method)) (defmethod initialize-instance :around ((class objective-c-class) &rest args &key pointer &allow-other-keys) ;; We scavenge the class and its superclasses for foreign slots and ;; add them to our :DIRECT-SLOTS keyword argument. (let ((key-args (copy-list args))) (dolist (objc-slot (objcl-class-direct-slots/pointer pointer)) (pushnew (list :name (intern (string-upcase (objcl-slot-name objc-slot)) (find-package '#:objective-c-classes)) :foreign-name (objcl-slot-name objc-slot) :foreign-type (parse-typespec (objcl-slot-type objc-slot))) (getf key-args :direct-slots) :key #'(lambda (slotd) (getf slotd :name)))) (apply #'call-next-method class key-args))) #+(or) (defmethod make-instance ((class-name (eql 'objective-c-class)) &rest initargs) (let ((class (call-next-method))) class)) #+(or) (defmethod c2mop:class-direct-superclasses ((class objective-c-class)) (list (objcl-class-superclass class))) #+(or) (defmethod shared-initialize :after ((class objective-c-class) slot-names &rest initargs) ) (defmethod initialize-instance ((class objective-c-class) &key documentation name plist direct-superclasses direct-slots direct-default-initargs pointer wrapped-foreign-class) (call-next-method)) (defmethod reinitialize-instance ((class objective-c-class) &key documentation name plist direct-superclasses direct-slots direct-default-initargs pointer wrapped-foreign-class) (call-next-method)) (defmethod initialize-instance ((class objective-c-meta-class) &key documentation name plist direct-superclasses direct-slots direct-default-initargs pointer) (call-next-method)) (defmethod reinitialize-instance ((class objective-c-meta-class) &key documentation name plist direct-superclasses direct-slots direct-default-initargs pointer) (call-next-method)) #+(or) (defmethod c2mop:compute-effective-slot-definition ((class objective-c-class) slot-name direct-slots) (call-next-method)) #+(or) (make-instance 'objective-c-class :wrapped-foreign-class "NSString") #+(or) (c2mop:ensure-class 'ns-string :metaclass 'objective-c-class :wrapped-foreign-class "NSString") #+(or) (defclass ns-string () ((bla :foreign-type 'string :foreign-name "_bla" :accessor ns-string-bla) (nothing :accessor ns-string-nothing :initarg :ns-string :initform 100)) (:metaclass objective-c-classes::+ns-string) (:wrapped-foreign-class "NSString"))