The license expressed in the file COPYING.PyObjC applies to the following files in the `Objective-C/PyObjC' directory: * objc-runtime-apple.h * objc-runtime-apple.m * objc-runtime-compat.h * objc-runtime-compat.m * objc-runtime-gnu.h * objc-runtime-gnu.m * objc_support.h * objc_support.m * libffi_support.h * libffi_support.m * pyobjc-compat.h The following files in the `Objective-C/JIGS' directory are governed by the file COPYING.JIGS or, at your option, the file COPYING or any later version of the GNU LGPL: * ObjcRuntimeUtilities.c * ObjcRuntimeUtilities.h * ObjcRuntimeUtilities2.m All other files of this project are governed by the license expressed in the file COPYING, which contains the full text of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3. The program as a whole is also governed by the GNU LGPLv3 (that is, the file COPYING), as per the requirements of the latter.