
Mulklib: purely functional integer maps for C


This library implements Patricia Trees in C, providing fast, purely functional maps keyed by integers.


  1. Patricia trees are very amenable to structure sharing.

  2. Furthermore, big-endian Patricia trees are especially efficient when indices are allocated sequentially.

  3. Finally, bitmapping improves the performance of copying because copying an array is much cheaper than copying an equivalent branch in a tree.


Build with something like the following:

make CC=gcc LIB_PREFIX=lib LIB_SUFFIX=.so

The defaults are CC=clang LIB_PREFIX=lib LIB_SUFFIX=.dylib, which is all right for Mac OS X but not so great on other systems. They are also subject to change, since they depend on my development environment. (Of course, if you feel the urge to make the build system a little smarter, patches are always welcome.)

If building and installing a library consisting of a single object file seems like overkill to you (it sure does to me), you may prefer simply integrating the source files (bitmapped_patricia_tree.c, bitmapped_patricia_tree.h) into your own project directly.


Main Concepts

A Bitmapped Patricia Tree (BPT) maps integer keys to void* values.

BPTs provide a functional, Lisp-like interface. All modifying operations (bpt_assoc and bpt_dissoc, which add and remove entries, respectively) return a new BPT with the requested changes applied, although by default, they may destructively modify the original BPT for improved performance.

Destructive modification can be prohibited by sealing the original BPT using the bpt_seal procedure. Note that there is practically no performance overhead in sealing (the seal being just a boolean flag), so there is nothing wrong with using bitmapped Patricia Trees in a purely functional manner by calling bpt_seal after every operation.

An empty BPT is represented as NULL.


// This is a very basic example of using BPTs that blissfully neglects memory
// management in favor of didactic simplicity.
// For a more complete example, see bpt_test.c in the source distribution.

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "bitmapped_patricia_tree.h"

void print_tree(bpt_t b) {
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    if (bpt_has_key(b, i)) {
      printf(" %d -> %s\n", i, bpt_get(b, i));

int main() {
  bpt_t b1, b2;

  // Create b1.
  b1 = bpt_assoc(NULL, 0, "zero");     //functional (obviously)
  b1 = bpt_assoc(b1,   1, "one");      //|
  b1 = bpt_assoc(b1,   2, "two");      //|destructive!
  b1 = bpt_assoc(b1,   3, "three");    //|
  b1 = bpt_assoc(b1,   4, "four");     //|

  // Make b1 functional.

  // Make b2 a structure-sharing copy of b1.
  b2 = bpt_assoc(b1,   0, "null");     //functional, as b1 is sealed
  b2 = bpt_assoc(b2,   3, "a triple"); //destructive

  // Modifying b1 does not affect b2.
  b1 = bpt_assoc(b1,   5, "five");     //destructive

  printf("Map 1:\n");
  printf("\nMap 2:\n");

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;


Map 1:
 0 -> zero
 1 -> one
 2 -> two
 3 -> three
 4 -> four
 5 -> five

Map 2:
 0 -> null
 1 -> one
 2 -> two
 3 -> a triple
 4 -> four


typedef int32_t bpt_key_t;

// Querying
void *bpt_get(bpt_t bpt, bpt_key_t key);
bool bpt_has_key(bpt_t bpt, bpt_key_t key);

// Adding and Removing Entries
bpt_t bpt_assoc(bpt_t bpt, bpt_key_t key, void *item);
bpt_t bpt_dissoc(bpt_t bpt, bpt_key_t key);

// Managing Memory
void bpt_retain(bpt_t bpt);
void bpt_release(bpt_t bpt);
void bpt_dealloc(bpt_t bpt);
void bpt_set_dealloc_hook(bpt_t bpt, bpt_key_t key, void (*hook)(bpt_key_t key, void* value));

// Making Maps Functional
void bpt_seal(bpt_t bpt);