;;;; -*- coding: utf-8; mode: lisp -*- ;;;; Copyright 2009, Matthias Andreas Benkard. ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; This file is part of The Mulkblog Project. ;;; ;;; The Mulkblog Project is free software. You can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the Affero General Public License as ;;; published by Affero, Inc.; either version 1 of the License, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; The Mulkblog Project is distributed in the hope that it will be ;;; useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ;;; of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; Affero General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the Affero General Public ;;; License in the COPYING file that comes with The Mulkblog Project; if ;;; not, write to Affero, Inc., 510 Third Street, Suite 225, San ;;; Francisco, CA 94107 USA. ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (in-package #:mulk.journal) #.(setf *readtable* (copy-readtable)) #.(setf (readtable-case *readtable*) :invert) (defun mulk.journal.xml-rpc::metaWeblog.newPost (blogid username password struct publish) (declare (ignore blogid username publish)) (flet ((do-stuff () (with-slots (categories pub-date guid description link comments title) struct (create-or-edit-post description title)))) (cond ((string= password *xml-rpc-key*) (do-stuff)) (t (with-wsse-authentication () (do-stuff)))))) (defun mulk.journal.xml-rpc::metaWeblog.editPost (postid username password struct publish) (declare (ignore username publish)) (setq postid (etypecase postid (string (parse-integer postid)) (number postid))) (flet ((do-stuff () (with-slots (categories pub-date guid description link comments title) struct (create-or-edit-post description title :post-id postid)))) (cond ((string= password *xml-rpc-key*) (do-stuff)) (t (with-wsse-authentication () (do-stuff)))))) (defun mulk.journal.xml-rpc::metaWeblog.getPost (postid username password) (declare (ignore username password)) (setq postid (etypecase postid (string (parse-integer postid)) (number postid))) (with-slots (title date body categories last-modification id uuid) (find-entry postid) (xml-rpc-struct :CATEGORIES (map 'vector #'uuid-of categories) :pubDate (xml-rpc-time date) :GUID uuid :POSTID (format nil "~D" id) :DESCRIPTION (htmlise-entry (find-entry postid)) :LINK (link-to :view :post-id postid :absolute t) :permaLink (link-to :view :post-id postid :absolute t) :COMMENTS (link-to :view :post-id postid :absolute t) :TITLE title))) (defun mulk.journal.xml-rpc::metaWeblog.getCategories (blogid username password) (declare (ignore blogid username password)) #()) (defun mulk.journal.xml-rpc::metaWeblog.getRecentPosts (blogid username password number-of-posts) (declare (ignore blogid)) (loop for post-id from (or (find-largest-post-id) 0) above (max 0 (- (or (find-largest-post-id) 0) number-of-posts)) collect (mulk.journal.xml-rpc::metaWeblog.getPost post-id username password))) (defun mulk.journal.xml-rpc::blogger.getUsersBlogs (appkey username password) (declare (ignore appkey username password)) (list (xml-rpc-struct :BLOGID "0" :blogName "Kompottkins Weisheiten" :URL (link-to :view :absolute t)))) ;; Not implemented: blogger.getUserInfo blogger.setTemplate blogger.getTemplate blogger.newPost blogger.editPost (defun create-or-edit-post (body title &key entry-type post-id) (with-transaction () (let* ((entry (if post-id (find-entry post-id) (make-instance 'journal-entry :id (make-journal-entry-id) :uuid (make-uuid) :date (get-universal-time) :last-modification nil :categories () :comments ())))) (unless post-id (setf (last-modification-of entry) (get-universal-time))) (setf (body-of entry) (etypecase body (null "") (cons (xmls:toxml body :indent t)) (string body))) (setf (title-of entry) (or title "")) (setf (entry-type-of entry) (or entry-type "html")) (update-records-from-instance entry) ;; Update static files. (update-journal)))) (defun mulk.journal.xml-rpc::|pingback.ping| (source-uri target-uri) #.(locally-enable-sql-reader-syntax) (prog1 (let* ((last-uri-component (first (split-sequence #\/ target-uri :from-end t :count 1))) (entry-id (ignore-errors (parse-integer last-uri-component))) (entry (and entry-id (ignore-errors (find-entry entry-id))))) (unless entry (error (make-condition 'xml-rpc-fault :code #x20))) (with-transaction () (let ((existing-pingbacks (select 'journal-pingback :where [and [= [slot-value 'journal-pingback 'entry-id] entry-id] [= [slot-value 'journal-pingback 'url] source-uri]] :flatp t))) (when existing-pingbacks (error (make-condition 'xml-rpc-fault :code #x30))) (let ((pingback (make-instance 'journal-pingback :id (make-journal-pingback-id) :entry-id entry-id :uuid (make-uuid) :date (get-universal-time) :url source-uri :submitter-ip (http-getenv "REMOTE_ADDR") :submitter-user-agent (http-getenv "HTTP_USER_AGENT") :spamp nil))) (update-records-from-instance pingback) (update-records 'journal_pingback :where [= [slot-value 'journal-pingback 'id] (id-of pingback)] :av-pairs `((spam_p nil))) (when (eq *site* :nfs.net) (mail-pingback *notification-email* pingback entry)))))) #.(restore-sql-reader-syntax-state)))