;;;; -*- coding: utf-8; mode: lisp -*- ;;;; Copyright 2007, Matthias Andreas Benkard. ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; This file is part of The Mulkblog Project. ;;; ;;; The Mulkblog Project is free software. You can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the Affero General Public License as ;;; published by Affero, Inc.; either version 1 of the License, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; The Mulkblog Project is distributed in the hope that it will be ;;; useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ;;; of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; Affero General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the Affero General Public ;;; License in the COPYING file that comes with The Mulkblog Project; if ;;; not, write to Affero, Inc., 510 Third Street, Suite 225, San ;;; Francisco, CA 94107 USA. ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (in-package #:mulk.journal) (defun call-with-initialised-journal (func) (let* ((*site* (if (file-exists-p #p"/home/mulk") :mst-plus :nfs.net)) (*debugging-p* (eq *site* :mst-plus)) (*http-env* (http-get-env-vars)) (*subpath-query* (subseq (gethash "REQUEST_URI" *http-env*) (length (ecase *site* (:mst-plus (gethash "SCRIPT_NAME" *http-env*)) (:nfs.net "/journal"))))) (*subpath-string* (subseq *subpath-query* 0 (or (position #\? *subpath-query*) (length *subpath-query*)))) (*subpath* (split-sequence #\/ *subpath-string* :remove-empty-subseqs t)) (*action* (or (cond ((string= "feed" (first *subpath*)) :view-atom-feed) ((string= "comment-feed" (first *subpath*)) :view-comment-feed) ((string= "debug" (first *subpath*)) :view-debugging-page) ((string= "preview" (car (last *subpath*))) :preview-entry) ((string= "trackback" (car (last *subpath*))) :post-trackback) ((string= "save" (car (last *subpath*))) :save-entry) ((string= "moderate" (car (last *subpath*))) :moderate) ((string= "atom" (car (last *subpath*))) :view-atom-entry) (t nil)))) (*query* #+clisp (if (eq *action* :view-atom-entry) nil (mapcan #'(lambda (param) (list (keywordify param) (http-query-parameter param))) (http-query-parameter-list))) #-clisp '()) (*post-number* (parse-integer (or (first *subpath*) (getf *query* :id "")) :junk-allowed t #|| :radix 12 ||#)) (*method* (keywordify (gethash "REQUEST_METHOD" *http-env*))) (*if-modified-since* #+clisp (ext:getenv "HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE") #-clisp nil) (*script-filename* (pathname-as-file (or (gethash "SCRIPT_FILENAME" *http-env*) "/home/mulk/Dokumente/Projekte/Mulkblog/journal.cgi"))) (*script-dir* (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory *script-filename*))) (*site-root* (ecase *site* (:mst-plus *script-dir*) (:nfs.net #+clisp (format nil "~A/" (ext:getenv "NFSN_SITE_ROOT")) #-clisp (error "Don't know where to look for stuff.")))) (*data-dir* (ecase *site* (:mst-plus *script-dir*) (:nfs.net (merge-pathnames #p"protected/journal/" *site-root*)))) (*cache-dir* (merge-pathnames #p"cache/" *data-dir*)) (*wordpress-key* (with-open-file (file (merge-pathnames "wordpress-api-key.key" *data-dir*)) (read-line file))) (database-file (merge-pathnames #p"journal.sqlite3" *data-dir*)) (sqlite-library (merge-pathnames #p"libsqlite3.so" (ecase *site* (:mst-plus #p"/usr/lib/") (:nfs.net #p"/usr/local/lib/"))))) (when (null *action*) (setq *action* (if *post-number* :view :index))) (clsql:push-library-path *script-dir*) (clsql:push-library-path #p"/usr/local/lib/") (push *script-dir* clsql-sys:*foreign-library-search-paths*) (clsql-uffi::load-uffi-foreign-library) (uffi:load-foreign-library (merge-pathnames "clsql_uffi.so" *script-dir*)) (uffi:load-foreign-library sqlite-library) (clsql:with-database (db (list (namestring database-file)) :database-type :sqlite3 :make-default t) (assert db) (funcall func)))) (defun dispatch-admin-action () #.(locally-enable-sql-reader-syntax) (case *action* (:preview-entry (let ((entry (and *post-number* (find-entry *post-number*)))) (preview-entry (or (getf *query* :title nil) (and entry (title-of entry)) "") (or (getf *query* :body nil) (and entry (body-of entry)) "") *post-number*))) (:save-entry (with-transaction () (let* ((entry (if *post-number* (find-entry *post-number*) (make-instance 'journal-entry :id (make-journal-entry-id) :uuid (make-uuid) :date (get-universal-time) :last-modification nil :categories () :comments ())))) (when *post-number* (setf (last-modification-of entry) (get-universal-time))) (setf *post-number* (id-of entry)) (setf (body-of entry) (getf *query* :body) (title-of entry) (getf *query* :title)) (update-records-from-instance entry))) (show-web-journal)) (:moderate (let* ((id (getf *query* :id nil)) (type (getf *query* :type nil)) (acceptp (getf *query* :acceptp nil)) (table (if (string= type "trackback") 'journal_trackback 'journal_comment))) (with-transaction () (when (and id type acceptp (string= acceptp "t")) (update-records table :where [= [id] id] :av-pairs `((spam_p "f")))) (when (and id type acceptp (string= acceptp "f")) (update-records table :where [= [id] id] :av-pairs `((spam_p "t"))))) (show-moderation-page))) (:view-atom-entry (cond ((string= *method* "GET") (show-atom-entry)) ((member *method* '("POST" "PUT") :test 'equal) (with-transaction () (let* ((entry (if (string= *method* "PUT") (find-entry *post-number*) (make-instance 'journal-entry :id (make-journal-entry-id) :uuid (make-uuid) :date (get-universal-time) :last-modification nil :categories () :comments ())))) (when (string= *method* "PUT") (setf (last-modification-of entry) (get-universal-time))) (let* ((post-data (with-output-to-string (out) (loop for line = (read-line *standard-input* nil nil nil) while line do (write-line line out)))) (xml (xmls:parse post-data)) (entry-elements (cddr xml)) (content-element (find "content" entry-elements :key 'car :test 'equal)) (content (caddr content-element)) (title-element (find "title" entry-elements :key 'cat :test 'equal)) (content-type (cadr (assoc "type" (cadr content-element)))) (content-mode (cadr (assoc "type" (cadr content-element))))) (when content-element (setf (body-of entry) (etypecase content (null "") (cons (xmls:toxml content :indent t)) (string content)))) (when title-element (setf (title-of entry) (or (caddr title-element) ""))) (setf (entry-type-of entry) "html")) (update-records-from-instance entry))) (show-atom-entry)))) (otherwise (show-web-journal))) #.(restore-sql-reader-syntax-state)) (defun dispatch-user-action () #.(locally-enable-sql-reader-syntax) (case *action* (:post-comment (with-transaction () (let* ((entry (find-entry *post-number*)) (comment (make-instance 'journal-comment :id (make-journal-comment-id) :uuid (make-uuid) :entry-id (id-of entry) :date (get-universal-time) :author (getf *query* :author) :email (getf *query* :email) :website (getf *query* :website) :body (getf *query* :comment-body) :submitter-ip (gethash "REMOTE_ADDR" *http-env*) :submitter-user-agent (gethash "HTTP_USER_AGENT" *http-env*)))) (push comment (comments-about entry)) (with-slots (spam-p) comment (setq spam-p (detect-spam comment :referrer (gethash "HTTP_REFERER" *http-env*))) (when spam-p (push (format nil "

Ihr Kommentar wurde als ~ mögliche unerwünschte ~ Werbung (Spam) klassifiert. Der ~ Inhaber dieses Journals wird Ihre ~ Nachricht manuell moderieren ~ müssen, weshalb eine ~ Veröffentlichung noch etwas ~ auf sich warten lassen kann.

~ ~

Wenn Sie ganz sichergehen ~ wollen, daß Ihr Beitrag ~ veröffentlicht wird, dann ~ können Sie versuchen, ihn ~ abzuändern und erneut ~ einzuschicken.

~ ~

Hinweis: Diese Website verwendet ~ Akismet ~ für die Spamerkennung.

") *journal-warnings*)) (unless spam-p (push (format nil "

Unmoderierte Kommentierung wurde ~ aufgrund des hohen Spamaufkommens ~ in diesem Blog deaktiviert. Ihr Kommentar ~ wurde daher an den Betreiber des Blogs ~ geschickt, welcher ihn freischalten wird, ~ sobald er dazu kommt.

") *journal-warnings*))) (update-records-from-instance comment) (update-records-from-instance entry) (unless (spamp comment) (update-records 'journal_comment :where [= [slot-value 'journal-comment 'id] (id-of comment)] :av-pairs `((spam_p nil)))) (when (eq *site* :nfs.net) (mail-comment *notification-email* comment entry)))) (show-web-journal)) (:post-trackback (with-transaction () (let* ((entry (find-entry *post-number*)) (trackback (make-instance 'journal-trackback :id (make-journal-trackback-id) :uuid (make-uuid) :entry-id (id-of entry) :date (get-universal-time) :blog-name (getf *query* :blog_name) :title (getf *query* :title) :excerpt (getf *query* :excerpt) :url (getf *query* :url) :submitter-ip (gethash "REMOTE_ADDR" *http-env*) :submitter-user-agent (gethash "HTTP_USER_AGENT" *http-env*)))) (http-send-headers "application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8") (cond ((getf *query* :url) (push trackback (trackbacks-about entry)) (with-slots (spam-p) trackback (setq spam-p (detect-spam trackback :referrer (gethash "HTTP_REFERER" *http-env*)))) (update-records-from-instance trackback) (update-records-from-instance entry) (unless (spamp trackback) (update-records 'journal_trackback :where [= [slot-value 'journal-trackback 'id] (id-of trackback)] :av-pairs `((spam_p nil)))) (when (eq *site* :nfs.net) (mail-trackback *notification-email* trackback entry)) (format t "~&~&0~&")) (t (format t "~&~&1~&No URI was provided.~&")))))) (:view-atom-feed (show-atom-feed)) (:view-comment-feed (show-comment-feed)) (:view-debugging-page (show-debugging-page)) (otherwise (show-web-journal))) #.(restore-sql-reader-syntax-state)) #+clisp (defun journal-main () (let ((encoding (ext:make-encoding :charset charset:utf-8))) (ext:letf* ((custom:*terminal-encoding* encoding) (custom:*foreign-encoding* encoding) (custom:*misc-encoding* encoding) (custom:*pathname-encoding* encoding) (custom:*default-file-encoding* encoding)) (with-initialised-journal (let ((*random-state* (make-random-state t))) (if (member "--admin-mode" (coerce (ext:argv) 'list) :test #'string=) (dispatch-admin-action) (dispatch-user-action))))))) #+clisp (defun cl-user::script-main () (dolist (env-var '("HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL" "HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE")) (pushnew env-var http::*http-env-vars*)) (http:http-init) (setq cffi:*default-foreign-encoding* :iso-8859-15) (handler-bind ((error #' (lambda (e) (declare (ignorable e)) (<:html (<:head (<:title "Kompottkins Weisheiten: Fehler")) (<:body (<:h1 "Kompottkins Weisheiten: Fehlerbericht") (<:p "Leider ist waehrend der Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage ein Fehler aufgetreten. Wir bitten dies zu entschuldigen. Ein detaillierter Fehlerbericht folgt.") (<:pre (<:as-html (with-output-to-string (out) #+clisp (system::pretty-print-condition e out) #+clisp (system::print-backtrace :out out))))))))) (journal-main)))