#! /usr/bin/env clisp ;;;; -*- coding: utf-8; mode: lisp -*- ;;;; Copyright 2007, Matthias Andreas Benkard. ;;; TAKE NOTICE: If you want to run this script from the command line or ;;; from a web server, be sure to use a core image including the systems ;;; this script depends upon. The DEFSYSTEM form below has mainly been ;;; written for purposes of documentation. (asdf:defsystem #:mulk.journal :description "Matthias Benkard's simple web journal engine" :licence "Affero General Public License, version 1 or higher" :depends-on (#:cl-ppcre #:cl-fad #:iterate #:cl-markdown #:parenscript #:yaclml #:lisp-cgi-utils #:alexandria)) ;;; The following does not generally work in a CGI setting because of ;;; security restrictions. Loading all the dependencies individually ;;; rather than using a core image would certainly be too slow for any ;;; serious CGI usage, anyway, so what the heck. #+nil (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op '#:mulk.journal) (defpackage #:mulk.journal (:nicknames #:journal) (:use #:cl #:fad #:iterate #:markdown #:yaclml #:http #:alexandria)) (in-package #:mulk.journal) (defun keywordify (thing) (if (null thing) thing (intern (etypecase thing (string (string-upcase thing)) (symbol (symbol-name thing))) '#:keyword))) (defparameter *query* (mapcan #'(lambda (param) (list (keywordify param) (http-query-parameter param))) (http-query-parameter-list)) "The HTTP query string transformed into a property list.") (defparameter *action* (keywordify (getf *query* :action)) "One of NIL, :INDEX, :VIEW-ATOM-FEED, :VIEW, :POST, :EDIT, and :PREVIEW.") (defparameter *post-number* (parse-integer (getf *query* :post "") :junk-allowed t #|| :radix 12 ||#) "The identification number of the journal entry to be acted upon. May be NIL.") (defparameter *method* (keywordify (gethash "REQUEST_METHOD" (http-get-env-vars))) "One of :GET, :POST, :PUT, and :DELETE.") (defparameter *journal-entries* '() "A list of JOURNAL-ENTRY objects.") (defparameter *http-env* (http-get-env-vars) "A hash table of HTTP environment variables.") (defclass journal-entry () ((id :type (integer 0) :accessor id-of :initarg :id) (title :type string :accessor title-of :initarg :title :initform "") (date :type (integer 0) :accessor date-of :initarg :date) (last-modification :type (or null (integer 0)) :accessor last-modification-of :initarg :last-modification :initform nil) (body :type string :accessor body-of :initarg :body :initform "") (categories :type list :accessor categories-of :initarg :categories :initform '()))) (defmethod shared-initialize ((journal-entry journal-entry) slot-names &key) (with-slots (id) journal-entry (when (or (eq slot-names t) (member 'id slot-names)) (setf id (1+ (reduce #'max *journal-entries* :key #'id-of :initial-value -1))))) (call-next-method)) (defun fixup-markdown-output (markup) ;; No, cl-markdown is certainly not perfect. ;; ;; First, convert " bla" into " bla" (note the ;; excess space to the right of the opening tag in the unprocessed ;; string, which we move to the left of the same opening tag, where we ;; expect it to make more sense in the general case). (loop for matches = (ppcre:all-matches "]*?> " markup) while (not (null matches)) do (progn (setf markup #+nil (delete-if (constantly t) markup :start (1- (second matches)) :end (second matches)) (replace markup markup :start1 (1+ (first matches)) :end1 (second matches) :start2 (first matches) :end2 (1- (second matches)))) (setf (elt markup (first matches)) #\Space))) markup) (defun journal-markup->html (markup) (if (string= "" markup) markup (handler-bind ((error ;; method-call-type-error or not ;; Work around a weird bug in cl-markdown or CLISP. (I ;; don't know which.) #'(lambda (c) (declare (ignore c)) #+nil (<:as-html (with-output-to-string (s) (system::pretty-print-condition c s))) (invoke-restart 'return nil)))) (fixup-markdown-output (with-output-to-string (s) ;; Normally, we shouldn't need to create our own stream to ;; write into, but this is, of course, yet another ;; CLISP/Markdown hack, because Markdown's default ;; *OUTPUT-STREAM* seems to spontaneously close itself, making ;; everything break when Markdown tries to render more stuff. (markdown markup :stream s)))))) (defun read-journal-entry (filename) (with-open-file (file filename :direction :input :external-format #+clisp charset:utf-8 #+sbcl :utf-8) (let ((*read-eval* nil)) (let ((data (read file))) (apply #'make-instance 'journal-entry data))))) (defun read-journal-entries () (let ((directory (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "journal-entries") :name nil) (pathname-as-file (or (gethash "SCRIPT_FILENAME" *http-env*) "/home/mulk/Dokumente/Projekte/Mulkblog/journal.cgi")))))) (journal-entries (list))) (when (file-exists-p directory) (walk-directory directory #'(lambda (x) (push (read-journal-entry x) journal-entries)) :test (complement #'directory-pathname-p))) (sort journal-entries #'>= :key #'id-of))) (defmacro regex-case (string &body clauses) (once-only (string) `(cond ,@(loop for (keys . forms) in clauses collect `(,(if (and (symbolp keys) (or (eq t keys) (equal "OTHERWISE" (symbol-name keys)))) 't `(or ,@(loop for key in (if (listp keys) keys (list keys)) collect `(ppcre:scan-to-strings ,key ,string)))) ,@forms))))) (defun name-of-day (day-of-week) (case day-of-week (0 "Montag") (1 "Dienstag") (2 "Mittwoch") (3 "Donnerstag") (4 "Freitag") (5 "Samstag") (6 "Sonntag"))) (defun format-date (destination date-control-string universal-time) "Format DATE according to the description given by DATE-FORMAT-STRING. Recognised format directives are: %day, %mon, %yr, %day-of-week, %zone, %@day-of-week (name of day), %sec, %min, %hr, %daylight-p. Note that you can mix FORMAT and FORMAT-DATE painlessly by calling them after another in any arbitrary order." (format destination "~A" (with-output-to-string (out) (multiple-value-bind (sec min hr day mon yr day-of-week daylight-p zone) (decode-universal-time universal-time) (let ((first-match-p t)) (ppcre:do-matches (start end "%[^%]*" date-control-string) (let ((substring (subseq date-control-string start end))) (multiple-value-bind (control value offset) (regex-case substring ("^%day-of-week" (values "~D" day-of-week 12)) ("^%@day-of-week" (values "~A" (name-of-day day-of-week) 13)) ("^%daylight-p" (values "~A" daylight-p 11)) ("^%zone" (values "~D" zone 5)) ("^%day" (values "~D" day 4)) ("^%mon" (values "~D" mon 4)) ("^%yr" (values "~D" yr 3)) ("^%sec" (values "~D" sec 4)) ("^%min" (values "~D" min 4)) ("^%hr" (values "~D" hr 3))) (when first-match-p (format out (subseq date-control-string 0 start)) (setf first-match-p nil)) (if control (progn (format out control value) (format out "~A" (subseq substring offset))) (format out "~A" substring)))))))))) (defun show-atom-feed () (http-add-header "Content-type" "text/xml; charset=UTF-8") (http-send-headers)) (defun show-web-journal () (http-add-header "Content-type" "text/html; charset=UTF-8") (http-send-headers) (<:html (<:body (<:h1 :id :main-title "Kompottkins Weisheiten") (<:div :id :contents (if (or (null *action*) (eq *action* :index)) (dolist (journal-entry *journal-entries*) (<:div :class :journal-entry (<:h2 (<:as-html (title-of journal-entry))) (<:div :class :journal-entry-date (<:as-html (format-date nil "%@day-of-week, den %day.%mon.%yr, %hr:%min." (date-of journal-entry)))) (<:as-is (journal-markup->html (body-of journal-entry))))))) (<:div :id :navigation) #+debug (loop for (x . y) in `(("Action" . ,*action*) ("Request method" . ,*method*) ("Query" . ,*query*) ("Query string" . ,(http-get-query-string)) ("Environment" . ,(http-get-env-vars))) do (<:p (<:hr) (<:h2 (<:as-html x)) (<:p "Type " (<:em (<:as-html (type-of y))) ".") (<:pre (<:as-html (prin1-to-string y)))))))) (defun main () (let ((*journal-entries* (read-journal-entries))) (case *action* (:view-atom-feed (show-atom-feed)) (otherwise (show-web-journal))))) (handler-bind ((error #' (lambda (e) (<:html (<:head (<:title "Kompottkins Weisheiten: Fehler")) (<:body (<:h1 "Kompottkins Weisheiten: Fehlerbericht") (<:p "Leider ist waehrend der Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage ein Fehler aufgetreten. Wir bitten dies zu entschuldigen. Ein detaillierter Fehlerbericht folgt.") (<:pre (<:as-html (with-output-to-string (out) #+clisp (system::pretty-print-condition e out) #+clisp (system::print-backtrace :out out))))))))) (main))