path: root/journal.lisp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'journal.lisp')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/journal.lisp b/journal.lisp
index 2cacea7..2c24e81 100755
--- a/journal.lisp
+++ b/journal.lisp
@@ -40,13 +40,18 @@
(defparameter *query*
(mapcan #'(lambda (param)
(list (keywordify param)
- (http-query-parameter param)))
+ (ext:convert-string-from-bytes
+ (ext:convert-string-to-bytes
+ (http-query-parameter param)
+ charset:iso-8859-1)
+ charset:utf-8)))
"The HTTP query string transformed into a property list.")
(defparameter *action*
(keywordify (getf *query* :action))
+ and :POST-COMMENT.")
(defparameter *post-number*
(parse-integer (getf *query* :post "")
@@ -71,6 +76,9 @@
((id :type (integer 0)
:accessor id-of
:initarg :id)
+ (file :type (or null pathname)
+ :accessor file-of
+ :initarg :file)
(title :type string
:accessor title-of
:initarg :title
@@ -197,7 +205,7 @@
(second comments)))))
- (apply #'make-instance 'journal-entry data)))))
+ (apply #'make-instance 'journal-entry :file filename data)))))
(defun read-journal-entries ()
@@ -274,7 +282,7 @@ after another in any arbitrary order."
("^%mon" (values "~D" mon 4))
("^%yr" (values "~D" yr 3))
("^%sec" (values "~D" sec 4))
- ("^%min" (values "~D" min 4))
+ ("^%min" (values "~2,'0D" min 4))
("^%hr" (values "~D" hr 3)))
(when first-match-p
(format out (subseq date-control-string 0 start))
@@ -291,15 +299,16 @@ after another in any arbitrary order."
-(defun render-comment-body (text)
- (loop for last-position = 0 then (cadr matches)
- for matches = (ppcre:all-matches "(\\n|\\r|\\r\\n)(\\n|\\r|\\r\\n)+"
- text)
- then (cddr matches)
- while (not (endp matches))
- do (<:p (<:as-html (subseq text last-position (car matches))))
- finally
- (<:p (<:as-html (subseq text last-position)))))
+(let ((scanner (ppcre:create-scanner "(\\n|\\r|\\r\\n)(\\n|\\r|\\r\\n)+")))
+ (defun render-comment-body (text)
+ (loop for last-position = 0 then (cadr matches)
+ for matches = (ppcre:all-matches scanner
+ text)
+ then (cddr matches)
+ while (not (endp matches))
+ do (<:p (<:as-html (subseq text last-position (car matches))))
+ finally
+ (<:p (<:as-html (subseq text last-position))))))
(defun show-journal-entry (journal-entry &key (comments-p nil))
@@ -331,7 +340,6 @@ after another in any arbitrary order."
:name "post"
:value (prin1-to-string (id-of journal-entry)))
(<:button :type "submit"
- ;;:style "display: inline;"
(<:as-is "L&ouml;schen")))
" | "
(<:form :class :journal-entry-delete-button-form
@@ -345,7 +353,6 @@ after another in any arbitrary order."
:name "post"
:value (prin1-to-string (id-of journal-entry)))
(<:button :type "submit"
- ;;:style "display: inline;"
(<:as-is "Bearbeiten")))
(<:a :href (format nil
@@ -362,7 +369,9 @@ after another in any arbitrary order."
(when (and comments-p (not (null (comments-about journal-entry))))
(<:div :class :journal-comments
(<:h2 "Kommentare")
- (dolist (comment (comments-about journal-entry))
+ (dolist (comment (sort (copy-list (comments-about journal-entry))
+ #'<
+ :key #'date-of))
(with-slots (author body date id email website)
(<:div :class :journal-comment
@@ -373,7 +382,48 @@ after another in any arbitrary order."
(<:as-html (format nil "~A" author)))
(<:as-html " meint: "))
(<:div :class :journal-comment-body
- (<:as-html (render-comment-body body)))))))))
+ (<:as-html (render-comment-body body))))))))
+ (when comments-p
+ (<:div :class :journal-new-comment
+ (<:h2 "Neuen Kommentar schreiben")
+ (<:p (<:as-is "Bitte beachten Sie, da&szlig; E-Mail-Adressen niemals
+ ver&ouml;ffentlicht werden und nur von Matthias eingesehen
+ werden k&ouml;nnen."))
+ (<:form :action "journal.cgi"
+ :method "POST"
+ :accept-charset "UTF-8"
+ (<:input :type "hidden"
+ :name "post"
+ :value (prin1-to-string (id-of journal-entry)))
+ (<:input :type "hidden"
+ :name "action"
+ :value "post-comment")
+ (<:div :style "display: table"; width: 100%"
+ (loop for (name . desc) in '(("author" . "Name (n&ouml;tig)")
+ ("email" . "E-Mail")
+ ("website" . "Website"))
+ do (<:div :style "display: table-row"
+ (<:div :style "display: table-cell; vertical-align: top"
+ (<:label :for name
+ :style "vertical-align: top"
+ (<:as-is (format nil "~A: " desc))))
+ (<:div :style "display: table-cell;"
+ (<:input :type "text"
+ :name name
+ :id name))))
+ (<:div :style "display: table-row"
+ (<:div :style "display: table-cell; vertical-align: top"
+ (<:label :for "comment-body"
+ :style "vertical-align: top"
+ (<:as-html "Kommentar: ")))
+ (<:div :style "display: table-cell"
+ (<:textarea :name "comment-body"
+ :id "comment-body"
+ :rows 10
+ :cols 40))))
+ (<:button :type "submit"
+ (<:as-is "Ver&ouml;ffentlichen"))))))
(defun show-web-journal ()
@@ -384,7 +434,7 @@ after another in any arbitrary order."
- (if (member *action* '(:view :edit :preview))
+ (if (member *action* '(:view :edit :preview :post-comment))
(format nil "~A -- Kompottkins Weisheiten"
(title-of (find-entry *post-number*)))
"Kompottkins Weisheiten")))
@@ -400,8 +450,10 @@ after another in any arbitrary order."
(<:div :id :contents
(case *action*
((:index nil)
- (mapc #'show-journal-entry *journal-entries*))
- ((:view)
+ (mapc #'show-journal-entry (sort (copy-list *journal-entries*)
+ #'>
+ :key #'date-of)))
+ ((:view :post-comment)
(show-journal-entry (find-entry *post-number*) :comments-p t)))))
(<:div :id :navigation)
@@ -418,11 +470,51 @@ after another in any arbitrary order."
(<:pre (<:as-html (prin1-to-string y)))))))
+(defun write-out-entry (entry)
+ (assert (file-of entry))
+ (with-open-file (out (file-of entry) :direction :output
+ :if-exists :supersede
+ :external-format #+clisp charset:utf-8
+ #+sbcl :utf-8)
+ (with-slots (id date last-modification body title categories comments)
+ entry
+ (write `(:id ,id
+ :date ,date
+ :last-modification ,last-modification
+ :title ,title
+ :categories ,categories
+ :body ,body
+ :comments ,(loop for comment in comments
+ collect
+ (with-slots (id date author body email website)
+ comment
+ `(:id ,id
+ :date ,date
+ :author ,author
+ :email ,email
+ :website ,website
+ :body ,body))))
+ :stream out))))
(defun main ()
(let ((*journal-entries* (read-journal-entries)))
(ext:letf ((custom:*terminal-encoding* (ext:make-encoding
:charset charset:utf-8)))
(case *action*
+ (:post-comment (let ((entry (find-entry *post-number*)))
+ (push (make-instance 'journal-comment
+ :id (1+ (reduce #'max (comments-about entry)
+ :key #'id-of
+ :initial-value -1))
+ :date (get-universal-time)
+ :author (getf *query* :author)
+ :email (getf *query* :email)
+ :website (getf *query* :website)
+ :body (getf *query* :comment-body))
+ (comments-about entry))
+ (write-out-entry entry))
+ (show-web-journal))
(:view-atom-feed (show-atom-feed))
(otherwise (show-web-journal))))))