= MulkCMS 2 Matthias Andreas Benkard // Meta :experimental: :data-uri: :sectnums: :toc: :stem: :toclevels: 2 :description: MulkCMS Manual :keywords: mulk // Settings :icons: font :source-highlighter: rouge == Resources |=== |Resource |Links |Public Deployment |https://matthias.benkard.de/[mt.benkard.de] |Bug Tracker |MantisBT |Work Board |Kanboard: https://kanboard.benkard.de/board/4[private], https://kanboard.benkard.de/public/board/4cb836c795ae131c33613d6d6fcbcc9f0a10ab30ad7b4bb1f0e7b847d5cf[public read-only] |Docker image |https://docker.benkard.de/repositories/10[Portus] |=== == Running To run the application with live reloading enabled: [source,bash] ---- ./mvnw quarkus:dev ---- == Packaging To bundle the web scripts and stylesheets: [source,bash] ---- ant web ---- To build JARs and a JVM-based Docker image and push the Docker image to https://docker.benkard.de/repositories/10[Portus]: [source,bash] ---- ./mvnw package ---- To build a native image with https://graalvm.org[GraalVM] instead: [source,bash] ---- ./mvnw package -Pnative ---- == Deploying To deploy: [source,bash] ---- ant deploy ----