(in-package #:mulkcms) (defparameter *database-connection-spec* (list *database-name* *database-user* *database-password* *database-host* :pooled-p t :use-ssl :try)) (defvar *requested-characteristics*) (defvar *propagated-params*) (unless (member "html-human-date" *template-formatters* :key #'car :test #'equal) (setq *template-formatters* (list* (cons "html-human-date" 'format-human-date) (cons "html-short-human-date" 'format-short-human-date) (cons "html-iso-date" 'format-iso-date) (cons "article-html" 'format-article) *template-formatters*))) (defparameter *month-abbreviations* '("Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec")) (defun make-uuid () ;; Taken from Mulkblog. "Generate a version 4 UUID according to RFC 4122, section 4.4." (format nil "~(~8,'0x-~4,'0x-~4,'0x-~2,'0x~2,'0x-~12,'0x~)" (random #x100000000) ;time_low (random #x10000) ;time_mid (logior #b0100000000000000 (logand #b0000111111111111 (random #x10000))) ;time_hi_and_version (logior #b10000000 (logand #b00111111 (random #x100))) ;clock_seq_hi_and_reserved (random #x100) ;clock_seq_low (random #x1000000000000))) (defmacro dynamic-lambda ((&rest dynvars) lambda-list &body body) (let ((lexvars (mapcar (lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) (gensym)) dynvars))) `(let ,(mapcar #'list lexvars dynvars) (lambda ,lambda-list (let ,(mapcar #'list dynvars lexvars) ,@body))))) (defun hashcash-hash-validp (text) (let* ((stripped-text (ppcre:regex-replace-all "\\s+" text "")) (digest (ironclad:digest-sequence 'ironclad:sha256 (flexi-streams:string-to-octets stripped-text :external-format :utf8)))) (every #'zerop (subseq digest 0 2)))) (defun akismet-login () ;; Taken from Mulkblog. (drakma:http-request "http://rest.akismet.com/1.1/verify-key" :protocol :http/1.0 :method :post :user-agent "MulkCMS/0.1.0" :parameters `(("key" . ,*wordpress-key*) ("blog" . ,*base-uri*)))) (defun akismet-check-comment (body author-name author-website user-agent submitter-ip) ;; Taken from Mulkblog. (drakma:http-request (format nil "http://~A.rest.akismet.com/1.1/comment-check" *wordpress-key*) :protocol :http/1.0 :method :post :user-agent "Mulk Journal/0.0.1" :parameters `(("blog" . ,*base-uri*) ("user_ip" . ,submitter-ip) ("user_agent" . ,user-agent) ("comment_type" . "comment") ("comment_author" . ,author-name) ("comment_author_url" . ,author-website) ("comment_content" . ,body)))) (defun use-akismet-p () (and (boundp '*wordpress-key*) *wordpress-key* t)) (defun spamp/akismet (&rest comment-data) ;; Taken from Mulkblog. (when (use-akismet-p) (ignore-errors (akismet-login) (string= "true" (apply #'akismet-check-comment comment-data))))) (defun parse-http-date (date-string) (or (when-let (groups ;; Match rfc1123-date (the whitespace stuff), ;; rfc850-date (the hyphen stuff) (nth-value 1 (ppcre:scan-to-strings "\\w+, (\\d+)[- ](\\w+)[- ](\\d+) (\\d+):(\\d+):(\\d+) GMT" date-string))) (simple-date:encode-timestamp (let ((yr (parse-integer (elt groups 2)))) ;; Well. For the two-digit year version, I'm just going to ;; assume a year >= 2000. If some clown client software ;; thinks it needs to ask my server whether the site's ;; content has changed since 1978 and does so using a ;; two-digit year code, it deserves all the problems that ;; this may cause it. (if (>= yr 100) yr (+ 2000 yr))) (1+ (position (elt groups 1) *month-abbreviations* :test #'equal)) (parse-integer (elt groups 0)) (parse-integer (elt groups 3)) (parse-integer (elt groups 4)) (parse-integer (elt groups 5)))) (when-let (groups ;; Match asctime-date. (nth-value 1 (ppcre:scan-to-strings "\\w+ (\\w+)\\s+(\\d+) (\\d+):(\\d+):(\\d+) (\\d+)" date-string))) (simple-date:encode-timestamp (parse-integer (elt groups 5)) (1+ (position (elt groups 1) *month-abbreviations* :test #'equal)) (parse-integer (elt groups 0)) (parse-integer (elt groups 2)) (parse-integer (elt groups 3)) (parse-integer (elt groups 4)))))) (defun call-with-cache (path last-update content-type characteristics thunk) (setf (hunchentoot:header-out :last-modified) (hunchentoot:rfc-1123-date (simple-date:timestamp-to-universal-time last-update))) (when-let (date-string (hunchentoot:header-in* :if-modified-since)) (when-let (if-modified-since (parse-http-date date-string)) (print last-update) (print if-modified-since) ;; We need to subtract 1 second, since LAST-UPDATE will probably ;; have a non-zero millisecond part, which will make the ;; comparison fail in the very common case that the ;; If-Modified-Since time is exactly what we previously sent as ;; the Last-Modified header (which didn't include milliseconds). (when (simple-date:time<= (simple-date:time-subtract last-update (simple-date:encode-interval :second 1)) if-modified-since) (setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) hunchentoot:+http-not-modified+) (hunchentoot:abort-request-handler)))) (let* ((chars characteristics) (charstring (prin1-to-string chars)) (charbytes (flexi-streams:string-to-octets charstring :external-format :utf-8)) (charhash (ironclad:digest-sequence 'ironclad:crc32 charbytes)) (charhashnum (- #x80000000 (logior (ash (elt charhash 0) 24) (ash (elt charhash 1) 16) (ash (elt charhash 2) 8) (ash (elt charhash 3) 0)))) (cached-data (query "SELECT content, date FROM cached_pages WHERE characteristic_hash = $1 AND alias = $2" charhashnum path :row))) (when content-type (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) content-type)) (if (and cached-data (simple-date:time< last-update (second cached-data))) (first cached-data) (let ((generated-content (funcall thunk))) (query "DELETE FROM cached_pages WHERE characteristic_hash = $1 AND alias = $2" charhashnum path :none) (query "INSERT INTO cached_pages(characteristic_hash, alias, content) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)" charhashnum path generated-content :none) generated-content)))) (defmacro with-cache ((path last-update &optional content-type characteristics) &body body) `(call-with-cache ,path ,last-update ,content-type ,characteristics (lambda () ,@body))) (defun invalidate-cache () (with-db (query "DELETE FROM cached_pages"))) (defun find-canonical-article-alias (article) (query "SELECT alias FROM article_aliases WHERE article = $1 LIMIT 1" article :single)) (defun queryize-alist (alist) (format nil "~{~A~^&~}" (mapcar (lambda (x) (destructuring-bind (name . value) x (format nil "~A=~A" (json-template::escape-for-uri name) (json-template::escape-for-uri value)))) alist))) (defun uri-with-query (string alist) (if alist (format nil "~A~A~A" string (if (position #\? string) #\& #\?) (queryize-alist alist)) string)) (defun link-to (action &key comment-id article-id revision-id (absolute nil)) ;; Taken from Mulkblog. (symbol-macrolet ((article-base (find-canonical-article-alias article-id))) (multiple-value-call #'(lambda (&rest args) (let ((path (apply #'format nil args))) (if absolute (uri-with-query (with-output-to-string (strout) (puri:render-uri (puri:merge-uris path *base-uri*) strout)) *propagated-params*) path))) (ecase action (:index "") (:full-index "/?full") (:view-atom-feed (values "/feed")) (:view-comment-feed (cond (article-id (values "/~A?comment-feed" article-base)) (t "/comment-feed"))) (:view (cond (comment-id (values "/~A#comment-~D" article-base comment-id)) (article-id (values "/~A" article-base)) (t "/"))) (:view-comments (values "/~A#comments" article-base)) ((:edit :preview) (cond (revision-id (values "/~A?edit&revision=~D" article-base revision-id)) (t (values "/~A?edit" article-base)))) (:post-comment (values "/~A" article-base)) (:trackback (values "/~A?trackback" article-base)) (:view-atom-entry (values "/~A?atom" article-base)) (:save (values "/~A?save" article-base)) (:moderation-page "/moderate") (:css "/journal.css") (:prettify.css "/prettify/prettify.css") (:prettify.js "/prettify/prettify.js") (:prettify-lisp.js "/prettify/lang-lisp.js") (:pingback "/rpc"))))) (defun call-with-db (thunk) (call-with-connection *database-connection-spec* thunk)) (defmacro with-db (&body body) `(call-with-db (lambda () ,@body))) (defun find-template (template-name) (first (directory (make-pathname :name template-name :type :wild :directory *templates*)))) (defun format-short-human-date (date) (multiple-value-bind (year month day hour minute second millisecond) (decode-timestamp date) (declare (ignore second millisecond)) (format nil "~4,'0D-~2,'0D-~2,'0D ~2,'0D:~2,'0D" year month day hour minute))) (defun format-human-date (date) ;; FIXME (multiple-value-bind (year month day hour minute second millisecond) (decode-timestamp date) (declare (ignore second millisecond)) (format nil "~4,'0D-~2,'0D-~2,'0D ~2,'0D:~2,'0D" year month day hour minute))) (defun format-iso-date (date) (multiple-value-bind (year month day hour minute second millisecond) (decode-timestamp date) (declare (ignore millisecond)) (format nil "~4,'0D-~2,'0D-~2,'0DT~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0DZ" year month day hour minute second))) (defun template (template-name) (parse-template-string (read-file-into-string (find-template template-name)))) (defun format-article (article-params) (let ((article-template (template "article"))) (expand-template article-template article-params))) (defun paramify-article-data (revision-data &optional (comments nil commentary-p)) (destructuring-bind (rid article date title content author format status global-id &optional publishing-date comment-num &rest args) revision-data (declare (ignore args format author)) (list :publishing-date publishing-date :revision rid :last-updated-date date :title title :body content :article-id article :global-id global-id :status status :link (link-to :view :article-id article :absolute t) :commentary (if commentary-p (list :comments comments) nil) :comment-submission (when commentary-p (list :fields (list (list :field-id "name" :field-label "Name") (list :field-id "website" :field-label "Website") (list :field-id "email" :field-label "E-Mail")) :body-label "Message" :submit-button-label "Submit" :title "Submit a comment" :notes (format nil "

Note: ~A Comment format is plain text. Use blank lines to separate paragraphs.

" (if (use-akismet-p) "This website uses Akismet for spam detection. E-mail addresses are never disclosed to anyone (including Akismet) other than the site owner." "")) :action (link-to :post-comment :article-id article :absolute t))) :edit-link (link-to :edit :article-id article) :edit-button-label "Edit" :comment-feed (link-to :view-comment-feed :article-id article :absolute t) :comment-feed-label "Comment feed" :comments-label (case comment-num (0 "no comments") (1 "1 comment") (otherwise (format nil "~D comments" comment-num))) :comments-link (link-to :view-comments :article-id article :absolute t) :comments-heading "Comments"))) (defun format-comment-content (text) ;; Taken from Mulkblog. (with-html-output-to-string (out) (loop for last-position = 0 then (cadr matches) for matches = (ppcre:all-matches "(\\n|\\r|\\r\\n)(\\n|\\r|\\r\\n)+" text) then (cddr matches) while (not (endp matches)) do (htm (:p (esc (subseq text last-position (car matches))))) finally (htm (:p (esc (subseq text last-position))))))) #-portable-mulkcms (defun make-characteristic-lists (characteristics &aux (first1-p t) (first2-p t)) (with-output-to-string (out) (format out "(ARRAY[") (dolist (characteristic-list characteristics) (if first1-p (setq first1-p nil) (format out ", ")) (format out "ROW(ARRAY[") (dolist (ch characteristic-list) (if first2-p (setq first2-p nil) (format out ", ")) (format out "ROW(~A, ~A)::characteristic" (sql-escape (car ch)) (sql-escape (cdr ch)))) (setq first2-p t) (format out "])")) (format out "]::characteristic_list[])"))) #-portable-mulkcms (defun find-article-revisions (article characteristics) (query (format nil "SELECT article_revisions_for_characteristics($1, ~A)" (make-characteristic-lists characteristics)) article :column)) #-portable-mulkcms (defun find-all-revisions (characteristics &optional constraints) (query (format nil "SELECT (most_recent_revision(r)).*, d.publishing_date, c.comment_count FROM (SELECT article_revisions_for_characteristics(a.id, ~A) AS revision FROM articles a) AS mr JOIN article_revisions r ON r.id = mr.revision JOIN article_publishing_dates d ON d.article = r.article JOIN article_comment_counts c ON c.article = r.article GROUP BY r.article, d.publishing_date, c.comment_count HAVING ~A ORDER BY d.publishing_date DESC" (make-characteristic-lists characteristics) (or constraints "true")))) #+portable-mulkcms (defun find-article-revisions (article characteristics &optional fixed-characteristics) ;; CHARACTERISTICS --- a proper list. ;; ;; CHARACTERISTICS is a list of lists of (key . value) pairs. Each component list ;; is a precedence list of characteristics that are to be considered fallbacks for ;; each other and that will be tried in order. (let* ((fixed-characteristics-conditions (mapcar (lambda (x) (format nil "AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM article_revision_characteristics WHERE revision = article_revisions.id AND characteristic = ~A AND value = ~A)" (sql-escape (car x)) (sql-escape (cdr x)))) fixed-characteristics)) (query (format nil "SELECT id FROM article_revisions WHERE article = $1~ ~{~&~A~} ORDER BY date DESC" fixed-characteristics-conditions))) (when-let ((revisions (query query article :column))) (if (consp characteristics) (progn (dolist (potential-fixed-characteristic (first characteristics)) (when-let ((more-specific-revisions (find-article-revisions article (rest characteristics) (cons potential-fixed-characteristic fixed-characteristics)))) (return-from find-article-revisions more-specific-revisions))) revisions) revisions)))) ;;;; Alternative definition. ;; ;; #+portable-mulkcms ;; (defun find-article-revisions (article characteristics) ;; ;; CHARACTERISTICS --- a proper list. ;; ;; ;; ;; CHARACTERISTICS is a list of lists of (key . value) pairs. Each component list ;; ;; is a precedence list of characteristics that are to be considered fallbacks for ;; ;; each other and that will be tried in order. ;; (labels ((find-more-specific-revisions (revisions characteristics) ;; (let ((alternatives (first characteristics)) ;; (rest (rest characteristics))) ;; (dolist (alternative alternatives) ;; (when-let ((potential-revisions ;; (remove-if-not (lambda (x) ;; (query "SELECT 1 ;; FROM article_revision_characteristics ;; WHERE revision = $1 ;; AND characteristic = $2 AND value = $3" ;; x ;; (car alternative) ;; (cdr alternative) ;; :column)) ;; revisions))) ;; (if-let ((subresults (find-more-specific-revisions potential-revisions rest))) ;; (return-from find-more-specific-revisions subresults) ;; (return-from find-more-specific-revisions potential-revisions))))))) ;; (let ((revisions (query "SELECT id FROM article_revisions ;; WHERE article = $1 ;; ORDER BY date DESC" ;; article ;; :column))) ;; (if characteristics ;; (find-more-specific-revisions revisions characteristics) ;; revisions)))) (defun paramify-comment (comment-revision-data) (destructuring-bind (crid comment date content author format status article-revision submitter-ip user-agent &rest args) comment-revision-data (declare (ignore args crid status format submitter-ip user-agent)) (destructuring-bind (author-name author-website) (query "SELECT name, website FROM users WHERE id = $1" author :row) (let ((article (query "SELECT article FROM article_revisions WHERE id = $1" article-revision :single!))) (list :publishing-date date :body (format-comment-content content) :author author-name ;;FIXME :author-link (if (and author-website (not (equal author-website ""))) author-website nil) :link (link-to :view :article-id article :comment-id comment :absolute t) :edit-link "" :edit-button-label "Edit" :generic-commenter-name "Someone"))))) (defprepared find-journal-articles "SELECT article FROM article_revisions WHERE status IN ('published', 'syndicated') GROUP BY article HAVING EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM article_aliases WHERE article = article_revisions.article AND alias LIKE 'journal/%') ORDER BY min(date) DESC" :column) (defun find-journal-archive-request-handler (path full-p &optional action (characteristics *requested-characteristics*)) (declare (ignore action)) (when (member path '("journal" "journal/" "feed" "feed/" "journal/feed" "journal/feed") :test #'string=) (dynamic-lambda (*propagated-params*) () (with-db (with-cache (path (query "SELECT max(date) FROM article_revisions" :single) (if (member path '("feed" "feed/" "journal/feed" "journal/feed") :test #'string=) "application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8" "text/html; charset=UTF-8") characteristics) (let* (#+portable-mulkcms (articles (find-journal-articles)) #+portable-mulkcms (revisions (remove-if #'null (mapcar (lambda (x) (find-article-params x characteristics)) articles))) #-portable-mulkcms (revisions (mapcar #'paramify-article (find-all-revisions characteristics "EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM article_aliases WHERE article = r.article AND alias LIKE 'journal/%')"))) (displayed-revisions (if full-p revisions (subseq revisions 0 (min 5 (length revisions)))))) (cond ((member path '("journal" "journal/") :test #'string=) (let* ((page-skeleton (template "page_skeleton")) (page-template (template "journal_page")) (template-params (list :title *site-name* :root *base-uri* :site-name *site-name* :site-subtitle "" :link "" :full-archive-link "" :full-archive-label "Full archive (slow!)" :archive-title "Older posts" :archive-table-caption "Posts by date" :archive-title-label "Title" :archive-date-label "Date" :archive-comments-label "Comments")) (head (expand-template page-template (list* :head t :articles displayed-revisions :minor-articles revisions template-params))) (body (expand-template page-template (list* :body t :articles displayed-revisions :minor-articles revisions template-params)))) (expand-template page-skeleton (list :title *site-name* :head head :body body)))) ((member path '("feed" "feed/" "journal/feed" "journal/feed/") :test #'string=) (let* ((authors (query "SELECT DISTINCT name FROM users JOIN article_revisions ON author = users.id" :plists)) (last-updated (query "SELECT max(date) FROM article_revisions WHERE status = 'syndicated'" :single)) (revisions-with-global-ids (mapcar (lambda (x) (let ((global-id ;; FIXME: May want to specify a ;; stopping condition in the ;; recursive query. (query "WITH RECURSIVE q(rid, rglobal_id) AS ( SELECT id, global_id FROM article_revisions WHERE id = $1 UNION SELECT id, global_id FROM q JOIN article_revision_parenthood ON rid = child JOIN article_revisions ON parent = id ) SELECT rglobal_id FROM q WHERE rglobal_id IS NOT NULL" (getf x :revision) :single))) ;; NOTE: This shadows the existing ;; :GLOBAL-ID key in X. (list* :global-id global-id x))) revisions)) (template-params (list :title *site-name* :last-updated-date last-updated :base-uri *base-uri* :subtitle "" :global-id *feed-global-id* :authors authors :feed-uri (link-to :view-atom-feed :absolute t) :articles revisions-with-global-ids))) (expand-template (template "article_feed") template-params)))))))))) (defun paramify-article (revision-data &optional commentary-p comments) (let* () (cond ((null revision-data) nil) (commentary-p (paramify-article-data revision-data comments)) (t (paramify-article-data revision-data))))) (defun find-article-params (article characteristics &optional commentary-p) (let* ((comment-data (if commentary-p (query "SELECT id FROM comments WHERE article = $1" article :column) (list))) (comment-revision-data (remove-if #'null (mapcar (lambda (cid) (first (query "SELECT * FROM comment_revisions WHERE comment = $1 AND status IN ('approved', 'trusted') ORDER BY date DESC" cid :lists))) comment-data))) (comments (mapcar #'paramify-comment comment-revision-data)) (comment-num (length comments)) ;FIXME (revisions (find-article-revisions article characteristics)) (revision (first revisions)) (revision-data (query "SELECT * FROM article_revisions WHERE id = $1" revision :row)) (publishing-date (query "SELECT min(date) FROM article_revisions WHERE article = $1 AND status IN ('published', 'syndicated')" article :single))) (cond ((null revision-data) nil) (t (paramify-article (append revision-data (list publishing-date comment-num)) commentary-p comments))))) (defun expand-page (page-template title template-params) (let ((page-skeleton (template "page_skeleton")) (head (expand-template page-template (list* :head t template-params))) (body (expand-template page-template (list* :body t template-params)))) (expand-template page-skeleton (list :title title :head head :body body)))) (defmacro with-authorization ((user-id-var &rest options) &body body) `(call-with-authorization (lambda (,user-id-var) ,@body) ,@options)) (defun call-with-authorization (thunk &key require) (multiple-value-bind (user-name password) (hunchentoot:authorization) (with-db (let ((user-id (query (format nil "SELECT id FROM users u JOIN passwords p ON u.id = p.user WHERE p.password = $2 AND u.name = $1 AND ~A" (ecase require ((nil) "true") ((:admin) "u.status = 'admin'") ((:trusted) "u.status IN ('trusted', 'admin')") ((:approved) "u.status IN ('approved', 'trusted', 'admin')"))) user-name password :single))) (if user-id (funcall thunk user-id) (hunchentoot:require-authorization "MulkCMS")))))) (defun parse-row-or-array (string) (let ((output (list))) (with-input-from-string (in string) (read-char in) (loop for char = (read-char in nil nil nil) while (and char (not (member char (list #\} #\))))) do (push (with-output-to-string (out) (if (char= char #\") (loop for c = (read-char in) if (char= c #\\) do (format out "~C" (read-char in)) else if (member c (list #\")) do (if (char= (peek-char nil in) #\") (progn (format out "\"") (read-char in)) (progn (read-char in) (return))) else do (format out "~C" c)) (progn (format out "~C" char) (loop for c = (read-char in) until (member c (list #\) #\, #\})) do (format out "~C" c))))) output))) (nreverse output))) (defun parse-row (string) (assert (and (char= (char string 0) #\() (char= (char string (1- (length string))) #\)))) (parse-row-or-array string)) (defun parse-array (string) (assert (and (char= (char string 0) #\{) (char= (char string (1- (length string))) #\}))) (parse-row-or-array string)) (defun find-article-summary-handler (path params &optional action (characteristics *requested-characteristics*)) (declare (ignore characteristics action)) (when (string= path "admin/articles") (dynamic-lambda (*propagated-params*) () (with-authorization (user-id :require :admin) (with-db (labels ((paramify-revision-row (row article-id) (destructuring-bind (id title date characteristics) row (list :id id :title title :date date :link (link-to :edit :article-id article-id :revision-id id :absolute t) :characteristics (parse-array characteristics)))) (paramify-article-row (row) (destructuring-bind (id revisions aliases) row (let ((revision-data (mapcar (lambda (x) (paramify-revision-row x id)) (mapcar #'parse-row (parse-array revisions))))) (list :id id :aliases (if (eq aliases :null) nil aliases) :revisions revision-data :revision-num (length revision-data)))))) (when (assoc "add-alias" params :test #'equal) (with-transaction () (query "INSERT INTO article_aliases(article, alias) VALUES ($1, $2)" (parse-integer (cdr (assoc "article" params :test #'equal))) (cdr (assoc "alias" params :test #'equal)) :none))) (when (assoc "create-article" params :test #'equal) (with-transaction () (let ((article-id (query "INSERT INTO articles(type) VALUES (1) RETURNING id" :single!))) (query "INSERT INTO article_revisions(article, title, content, author, format, status, global_id) VALUES ($1, '', '', $2, 'html', 'draft', $3)" article-id user-id (format nil "urn:uuid:~A" (make-uuid)))))) (let* ((articles (query "SELECT a.id, array_agg(DISTINCT ROW(r.id, r.title, r.date, r.characteristics)), array_agg(DISTINCT aa.alias) FROM articles a LEFT OUTER JOIN article_aliases aa ON aa.article = a.id LEFT OUTER JOIN article_branch_tips bt ON bt.article = a.id LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT r.id AS id, r.title AS title, r.date AS date, array_agg(DISTINCT ROW(ch.characteristic, ch.value)) AS characteristics FROM article_revisions r LEFT OUTER JOIN article_revision_characteristics ch ON ch.revision = r.id GROUP BY r.id, r.title, r.date) AS r ON bt.revision = r.id LEFT OUTER JOIN article_publishing_dates pd ON pd.article = a.id GROUP BY a.id, pd.publishing_date ORDER BY pd.publishing_date DESC" :rows)) (article-data (mapcar #'paramify-article-row articles))) (expand-page (template "article_summary_page") "Articles" (list :id-label "Article" :aliases-label "Aliases" :branch-label "Branch" :branch-title-label "Title" :characteristics-label "Characteristics" :date-label "Date" :create-button-label "Add article" :add-alias-label "+" :articles article-data))))))))) (defun parse-characteristic-string (char-string) (let* ((delimiter (position #\: char-string)) (char (subseq char-string 0 delimiter)) (value (subseq char-string (1+ delimiter)))) (values char value))) (defun find-article-request-handler (path params &optional action (characteristics *requested-characteristics*)) (with-db (when-let ((article (query "SELECT article FROM article_aliases WHERE alias = $1" path :single))) (ecase action (:edit (dynamic-lambda (*propagated-params*) () (with-authorization (user-id :require :admin) (with-db (with-transaction () (let* ((revision (if (assoc "save" params :test #'equal) (query "INSERT INTO article_revisions(article, title, content, author, format, status) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) RETURNING *" article (cdr (assoc "title" params :test #'equal)) (cdr (assoc "content" params :test #'equal)) user-id "html" (if (assoc "publish-p" params :test #'equal) "syndicated" "draft") :row) (query "SELECT * FROM article_revisions WHERE id = $1 AND article = $2" (parse-integer (cdr (assoc "revision" params :test #'equal))) article :row))) (article-params (list* (paramify-article revision))) (editor-template (template "edit_page"))) (assert (not (null revision))) (when-let (del-char-command (find-if (lambda (x) (starts-with-subseq "delete-char:" (car x))) params)) (let* ((char-string (subseq (car del-char-command) (length "delete-char:")))) (multiple-value-bind (name value) (parse-characteristic-string char-string) (query "DELETE FROM article_revision_characteristics WHERE revision = $1 AND characteristic = $2 AND value = $3" (first revision) name value :none)))) (when (assoc "add-char" params :test #'equal) (let ((name (cdr (assoc "new-char-name" params :test #'equal))) (value (cdr (assoc "new-char-value" params :test #'equal)))) (query "INSERT INTO article_revision_characteristics( revision, characteristic, value ) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)" (first revision) name value :none))) (when (assoc "save" params :test #'equal) (query "INSERT INTO article_revision_parenthood(parent, child) VALUES ($1, $2)" (parse-integer (cdr (assoc "revision" params :test #'equal))) (first revision) :none) (query "INSERT INTO article_revision_characteristics(revision, characteristic, value) SELECT $2, characteristic, value FROM article_revision_characteristics WHERE revision = $1" (parse-integer (cdr (assoc "revision" params :test #'equal))) (first revision) :none)) (setq characteristics (query "SELECT characteristic, value FROM article_revision_characteristics WHERE revision = $1" (first revision) :plists)) (expand-page editor-template (getf article-params :title) (list :article article-params :characteristics characteristics :title (getf article-params :title) :root *base-uri* :site-name *site-name* :site-subtitle "" :link (link-to :edit :article-id article :absolute t) :save-button-label "Save" :publish-flag-label "Publish" :title-label "Title" :content-label "Content" :characteristics-label "Characteristics")))))))) (:view (dynamic-lambda (*propagated-params*) () (with-db (with-cache (path (query "SELECT max(date) FROM article_revisions WHERE article = $1" article :single) "text/html; charset=UTF-8" characteristics) (let* ((page-template-name (query "SELECT page_template FROM articles JOIN article_types ON articles.type = article_types.id WHERE articles.id = $1" article :single!)) (article-params (find-article-params article characteristics t)) (page-template (template page-template-name)) (template-params (list :title (getf article-params :title) :root *base-uri* :site-name *site-name* :site-subtitle "" :link "")) (submission-notice nil)) (when (assoc "post-comment" params :test #'equal) (let* ((name (cdr (assoc "name" params :test #'equal))) (website (cdr (assoc "website" params :test #'equal))) (email (cdr (assoc "email" params :test #'equal))) (body (cdr (assoc "body" params :test #'equal))) (article (cdr (assoc "article" params :test #'equal))) (revision (cdr (assoc "revision" params :test #'equal))) (tkey (cdr (assoc "transaction-key" params :test #'equal))) (salt (cdr (assoc "salt" params :test #'equal))) (spam-p (if tkey (or (null salt) (not (hashcash-hash-validp (format nil "~A:~A:~A" body tkey salt)))) (spamp/akismet body name website (hunchentoot:real-remote-addr) (hunchentoot:user-agent))))) (with-transaction () (let ((comment (query "INSERT INTO comments(article, global_id) VALUES ($1, $2) RETURNING id" article (format nil "urn:uuid:~A" (make-uuid)) :single!)) (author (query "INSERT INTO users(name, status, email, website) VALUES ($1, 'visitor', $2, $3) RETURNING id" name email website :single!))) (when tkey (query "INSERT INTO used_transaction_keys(key) VALUES ($1)" tkey :none)) (query "INSERT INTO comment_revisions(comment, content, author, format, status, article_revision, submitter_ip, submitter_user_agent) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, 'text', $4, $5, $6, $7)" comment body author (if spam-p "pending" "spam") revision (hunchentoot:real-remote-addr) (hunchentoot:user-agent) :none) (setq submission-notice (cond (spam-p (list :content "


Your message could not be verified as non-spam. If JavaScript is enabled in your browser, it may be broken in some way. In this case, please disable JavaScript support and try again. Otherwise, feel free to contact one of the site administrators, who will be able to manually approve your comment.

" :message-type "warning")) (t (list :content "


Your message has been received and classified as non-spam. It has thus been put into the moderation queue and is now awaiting approval by one of the site's administrators.

" :message-type "success-message")))))))) (expand-page page-template (getf article-params :title) (list* :articles (list article-params) :info-messages (if submission-notice (list submission-notice) nil) template-params))))))))))) (defun find-transaction-key-handler (path) (when (string= path "RPC/generate-transaction-key") (dynamic-lambda (*propagated-params*) () (with-db (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "text/plain; charset=utf-8") (format nil "~D" (query "SELECT nextval('transaction_key_seq')" :single!)))))) (defun keywordify (thing) (intern (string-upcase (format nil "~A" thing)) "KEYWORD")) (defun parse-accept-language-header (accept-lang) (let ((*read-eval* nil) languages) (ppcre:do-register-groups (lang quality) ("\\b(\\w+)(?:-\\w+)?(?:;q=([0-9.]+))?\\b" accept-lang) (push (cons lang (if quality (read-from-string quality) 1.0)) languages)) (mapcar (lambda (x) (list (cons "language" (car x)))) (stable-sort (reverse languages) #'> :key #'cdr)))) (defun find-request-handler (path params accept-lang) (let ((*requested-characteristics* (or (when-let (langstr (or (cdr (assoc "lang" params :test #'equal)) (cdr (assoc "hl" params :test #'equal)))) (let ((langs (split-sequence #\| langstr))) (mapcar (lambda (x) (list (cons "language" x))) langs))) (append (parse-accept-language-header accept-lang) *default-characteristics-precedence-list*))) (*propagated-params* (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (member (car x) (list "lang" "hl") :test #'equal)) params))) (or (find-article-summary-handler path params) (find-journal-archive-request-handler path (assoc "full" params :test #'equal) (cond ((assoc "feed" params :test #'equal) :view-feed) (t :view))) (find-article-request-handler path params (cond ((assoc "edit" params :test #'equal) :edit) ((assoc "comment-feed" params :test #'equal) :view-comment-feed) ((assoc "atom" params :test #'equal) :view-atom-entry) (t :view))) (find-transaction-key-handler path))))