(in-package #:mulkcms) (defparameter *database-connection-spec* (list *database-name* *database-user* *database-password* *database-host* :pooled-p t :use-ssl :try)) (unless (member "html-human-date" *template-formatters* :key #'car :test #'equal) (setq *template-formatters* (list* (cons "html-human-date" 'format-human-date) (cons "html-iso-date" 'format-iso-date) (cons "article-html" 'format-article) *template-formatters*))) (defun call-with-db (thunk) (call-with-connection *database-connection-spec* thunk)) (defmacro with-db (&body body) `(call-with-db (lambda () ,@body))) (defun find-template (template-name) (first (directory (make-pathname :name template-name :type :wild :directory *templates*)))) (defun format-human-date (date) ;; FIXME "(some date)") (defun format-iso-date (date) ;; FIXME "(some date)") (defun template (template-name) (parse-template-string (read-file-into-string (find-template template-name)))) (defun format-article (article-params) (let ((article-template (template "article"))) (expand-template article-template article-params))) (defun paramify-article (revision-data &optional (comments nil commentary-p)) (destructuring-bind (rid article date title content author format status global-id &rest args) revision-data (declare (ignore args rid)) (list :publishing-date date :title title :body content ;;FIXME :link "" :commentary (if commentary-p (list :comments comments) nil) :edit-link "" :edit-button-label "Edit" :comment-feed "" :comment-feed-label "Comment feed" :comments-label "Comments" :comments-link "" :comments-heading "Comments"))) (defun format-comment-content (text) ;; Taken from Mulkblog. (with-html-output-to-string (out) (loop for last-position = 0 then (cadr matches) for matches = (ppcre:all-matches "(\\n|\\r|\\r\\n)(\\n|\\r|\\r\\n)+" text) then (cddr matches) while (not (endp matches)) do (htm (:p (esc (subseq text last-position (car matches))))) finally (htm (:p (esc (subseq text last-position))))))) (defun find-article-revisions (article characteristics &optional fixed-characteristics) ;; CHARACTERISTICS --- a proper list. ;; ;; CHARACTERISTICS is a list of lists of (key . value) pairs. Each component list ;; is a precedence list of characteristics that are to be considered fallbacks for ;; each other and that will be tried in order. (let* ((fixed-characteristics-conditions (mapcar (lambda (x) (format nil "AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM article_revision_characteristics WHERE revision = article_revisions.id AND characteristic = ~A AND value = ~A)" (sql-escape (car x)) (sql-escape (cdr x)))) fixed-characteristics)) (query (format nil "SELECT * FROM article_revisions WHERE article = $1~ ~{~&~A~} ORDER BY date DESC" fixed-characteristics-conditions))) (when-let ((revisions (query query article :lists))) (if (consp characteristics) (dolist (potential-fixed-characteristic (first characteristics)) (when-let ((more-specific-revisions (find-article-revisions article (rest characteristics) (cons potential-fixed-characteristic fixed-characteristics)))) (return-from find-article-revisions more-specific-revisions))) revisions)))) (defun paramify-comment (comment-revision-data) (destructuring-bind (crid comment date content author format status article-revision &rest args) comment-revision-data (declare (ignore args crid article-revision status format comment)) (list :publishing-date date :body (format-comment-content content) :author author ;;FIXME :link "" :edit-link "" :edit-button-label "Edit" :generic-commenter-name "Someone"))) (defun find-mulkcms-request-handler (path &optional action characteristics) (with-db (when-let ((article (query "SELECT article FROM article_aliases WHERE alias = $1" path :single))) (lambda () (with-db (let* ((page-template-name (query "SELECT page_template FROM articles JOIN article_types ON articles.type = article_types.id WHERE articles.id = $1" article :single!)) (revisions (find-article-revisions article characteristics)) (comment-data (query "SELECT id FROM comments WHERE article = $1" article :column)) (comment-revision-data (remove-if #'null (mapcar (lambda (cid) (first (query "SELECT * FROM comment_revisions WHERE comment = $1 AND status IN ('approved', 'trusted') ORDER BY date DESC" cid :lists))) comment-data))) (comments (mapcar #'paramify-comment comment-revision-data)) (revision-data (first revisions)) (page-skeleton (template "page_skeleton")) (page-template (template page-template-name)) (template-params (list :title (fourth revision-data) :root *base-uri* :site-name *site-name* :site-subtitle "" :link "")) (article-params (paramify-article revision-data comments)) (head (expand-template page-template (list* :head t :articles (list article-params) template-params))) (body (expand-template page-template (list* :body t :articles (list article-params) template-params)))) (expand-template page-skeleton (list :title (fourth revision-data) :head head :body body))))))))