(ns logikorr.servlet (:gen-class :extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet) (:use compojure.http compojure.html) (:require [appengine-clj.datastore :as ds] [org.danlarkin.json :as json]) (:import [com.google.appengine.api.datastore DatastoreServiceFactory Entity Query Query$FilterOperator Query$SortDirection KeyFactory EntityNotFoundException Key] [com.google.appengine.api.users UserServiceFactory] [java.util Properties] [javax.mail Message Message$RecipientType MessagingException Session Transport] [javax.mail.internet AddressException InternetAddress MimeMessage MimeMultipart MimeUtility MimeBodyPart])) (defmacro with-ds-transaction [& body] `(call-with-ds-transaction (fn [] ~@body))) (defn call-with-ds-transaction [thunk] (let [ds (DatastoreServiceFactory/getDatastoreService) success (atom false) transaction (.beginTransaction ds) return-value (atom nil)] (try (do (swap! return-value (fn [_] (thunk))) (.commit transaction) (swap! success (fn [_] true))) (finally (when-not @success (.rollback transaction)))) @return-value)) (defn ds-update "Update the corresponding entity from the supplied map in the data store." [& entity-maps] (let [datastore (DatastoreServiceFactory/getDatastoreService)] (.put datastore (map (fn [entity-map] (let [entity (.get datastore #^Key (:key entity-map))] (doseq [[key value] (dissoc entity-map :kind :key)] (.setProperty entity (name key) value)) entity)) entity-maps)))) (def *static-directory* "/Users/mulk/Dropbox/Projekte/LogiCLJ/war") (defn current-revision [] (or (first (ds/find-all (doto (Query. "revision") (.addSort "number" Query$SortDirection/DESCENDING)))) (ds/create {:kind "revision" :number 0}))) (defn find-students [] (ds/find-all (doto (Query. "student" (:key (current-revision))) (.addSort "last-name") (.addSort "first-name")))) (defn position [coll thing] (loop [i 0, coll2 coll] (if (= (first coll2) thing) i (if-let [coll3 (next coll2)] (recur (+ i 1) coll3) nil)))) (defn split-name [name] (let [[last first] (.split name ",")] [(and first (.trim first)) (and last (.trim last))])) (defn find-student-by-name [name] (let [[first-name last-name] (split-name name)] (first (ds/find-all (doto (Query. "student" (:key (current-revision))) (.addFilter "first-name" Query$FilterOperator/EQUAL first-name) (.addFilter "last-name" Query$FilterOperator/EQUAL last-name)))))) (defn find-student-by-id [id] (ds/get (KeyFactory/stringToKey id))) (defn index [request] (let [students (find-students)] (html [:html [:head [:title "Logik I: Korrekturergebnisse"] [:script {:type "text/javascript" :src "js/prototype.js"}] [:script {:type "text/javascript" :src "js/scriptaculous.js"}] [:link {:type "text/css" :rel "stylesheet" :href "style.css"}] [:script {:type "text/javascript" :src "http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.0.0/build/yui/yui-min.js"}] [:script {:type "text/javascript" :src "logikorr.js"}] [:script {:type "text/javascript" :src "logikorr-completion-data.js"}]] [:body [:h1 "Logik I: Korrekturergebnisse"] [:h2 "Neue Ergebnisse"] [:form [:button#make-revision {:type "button"} "Aktuelle Version sichern"] [:div#new-version-label {:style "display: inline; color: #070"}]] [:form [:button#send-mail {:type "button"} "Datei an die Korrektoren schicken"] [:div#mail-sent-label {:style "display: inline; color: #070"}]] [:table#ergebnisse] [:h2 "Bestehende Ergebnisse"] [:table [:tr [:th "ID"] [:th "Punkte"] [:th "Nachname"] [:th "Vorname"]] (map (fn [student] (let [{id :key score :score last-name :last-name first-name :first-name} student] [:tr [:td (str id)] [:td (str score)] [:td last-name] [:td first-name]])) students)] [:h2 "Daten importieren"] [:form {:method "POST" :action "/import-score-file"} [:textarea {:name "file-data" :cols "80" :rows "20"}] [:br] [:input {:type "submit"}]]]]))) (defn unsplit-name [first last] (if first (str last ", " first) last)) (defn compute-completion-data-js [] (str "autocompleteList = " (json/encode-to-str (map (fn [x] (unsplit-name (:first-name x) (:last-name x))) (find-students))) ";")) (defn find-student-json [name] (let [student (find-student-by-name name)] (json/encode-to-str {:id (KeyFactory/keyToString (:key student)) :score (seq (:score student)) :first-name (:first-name student) :last-name (:last-name student)}))) (defn update-student-score [id score-number new-score-value] (with-ds-transaction (let [student (find-student-by-id id) score (:score student) num (Integer. score-number)] (ds-update (assoc student :score (concat (take num score) [(binding [*read-eval* false] (read-string new-score-value))] (drop (+ 1 num) score))))) "\"OK\"")) (defn make-new-revision [] (with-ds-transaction (let [current (current-revision) students (find-students) new (ds/create {:kind "revision" :number (inc (:number current))}) new-key (:key new) datastore (DatastoreServiceFactory/getDatastoreService)] (.put datastore (map (fn [student] (doto (Entity. "student" #^Key new-key) (.setProperty "first-name" (:first-name student)) (.setProperty "last-name" (:last-name student)) (.setProperty "score" (:score student)))) students)) (str (:number new))))) (defn call-with-authentication [thunk] (let [users (UserServiceFactory/getUserService) user (.getCurrentUser users)] (if (and user (not (empty? (ds/find-all (doto (Query. "user") (.addFilter "email" Query$FilterOperator/EQUAL (.getEmail user))))))) (thunk) (redirect-to (.createLoginURL users "/"))))) (defn import-score-file [data] (loop [lines (.split data "\n")] (let [line (first lines)] (when line (if (= (.trim line) "") (recur (rest lines)) (let [name line score-string (second lines) score (binding [*read-eval* false] (read-string score-string)) student (find-student-by-name name) [first-name last-name] (split-name name)] (if student (ds-update (assoc student :score score)) (ds/create {:last-name last-name :first-name first-name :score score :kind "student"} (:key (current-revision)))) (recur (rest (rest lines))))))))) (defn encode-database-file [] (with-out-str (let [students (find-students)] (doseq [student students] (printf "%s\n" (unsplit-name (:first-name student) (:last-name student))) (printf "(") (doseq [score (:score student)] (printf "%-3s " (str score))) (printf ")\n\n"))))) (defn send-mail [] (let [props (Properties.) session (Session/getDefaultInstance props nil) message (MimeMessage. session) users (ds/find-all (Query. "user"))] (doseq [user users] (.addRecipient message Message$RecipientType/TO (InternetAddress. (:email user) (:email user)))) (doto message (.setFrom (InternetAddress. "mulkiatsch@gmail.com" "Logikorr")) (.setSubject "Logik-Korrekturergebnisse") (.setContent (doto (MimeMultipart.) (.addBodyPart (doto (MimeBodyPart.) (.setText "Anbei die jüngsten Korrekturergebnisse. Automatisch erzeugte Grüße, Logikorr"))) (.addBodyPart (doto (MimeBodyPart.) ;;(.setText (encode-database-file)) (.setContent (encode-database-file) "text/plain") ;; (.setDataHandler (doto (DataSource.) ;; ())) (.setFileName "logik.txt") (.setDisposition "attachment")))))) (Transport/send message))) (defmacro with-authentication [& body] `(call-with-authentication (fn [] ~@body))) (defroutes logikorr (GET "/" (with-authentication (index request))) (GET "/favicon.ico" (do nil)) (GET "/logikorr-completion-data.js" (with-authentication (compute-completion-data-js))) (GET "/find-student" (with-authentication (find-student-json (:name params)))) (GET "/update-student-score" (with-authentication (update-student-score (:id params) (:score-number params) (:score params)))) (GET "/make-new-revision" (with-authentication (make-new-revision))) (GET "/send-mail" (with-authentication (send-mail))) (POST "/import-score-file" (with-authentication (import-score-file (:file-data params)) (redirect-to "/"))) (GET "/*" (or (serve-file *static-directory* (params :*)) :next)) (ANY "/*" (page-not-found))) (defservice logikorr)