#lang typed/racket ;;; -*- mode: scheme; coding: utf-8 -*- ;;; Copyright 2011, Matthias Andreas Benkard. (require/typed racket [regexp-split (Regexp String -> (Listof String))] [regexp-replace (Regexp String String -> String)] [with-input-from-string (All (a) (String (-> a) -> a))] [opaque Dictionary dict?] [dict-ref (Dictionary Any Any -> Any)] [opaque Sequence sequence?]) (require/typed "typed-sequence.rkt" [sequence->sequence (Sequence -> (Sequenceof Any))]) (provide: [make-template (String -> Template)] [formatters (Parameterof (Listof (Pairof String (String -> String))))] [meta-left (Parameterof String)] [meta-right (Parameterof String)] [default-formatter (Parameterof String)] [format-char (Parameterof String)]) (provide Template) (define-type Template (Any -> Void)) (define meta-left (make-parameter "{")) (define meta-right (make-parameter "}")) (define default-formatter (make-parameter "raw")) (define format-char (make-parameter "|")) (define: (template-string->chunks [input : String] [meta-left : String] [meta-right : String]) : (Listof String) (let* ([meta-left-re (regexp-quote meta-left)] [meta-right-re (regexp-quote meta-right)] [re (regexp (string-append "(" meta-left-re ")|(" meta-right-re ")"))]) (regexp-split re input))) (: flip-flop-map (All (a b) (a -> b) (a -> b) (Listof a) -> (Listof b))) (define (flip-flop-map f1 f2 lst) "Like map, but alternate between f1 and f2 as the function to apply." (define: (flip [items : (Listof a)]) : (Listof b) (match items ['() '()] [(list* x xs) (cons (f1 x) (flop xs))])) (define: (flop [items : (Listof a)]) : (Listof b) (match items ['() '()] [(list* x xs) (cons (f2 x) (flip xs))])) (flip lst)) (struct: directive ([type : Symbol] [arguments : (Listof String)]) #:transparent) (define-type Group (U String directive)) (define: (classify-chunks [chunks : (Listof String)] [format-char : String]) : (Listof Group) (flip-flop-map (λ: ([x : String]) x) (λ: ([x : String]) (parse-directive x format-char)) chunks)) (define: (parse-directive [text : String] [format-char : String]) : directive (match text [(regexp #px"^\\.section\\s+(.*)$" (list _ x)) (case x [(#f) (error "Syntax error: Expected section name after \".section\"")] [else (directive 'section (list x))])] [(regexp #px"^\\.repeated\\s+section\\s+(.*)$" (list _ x)) (case x [(#f) (error "Syntax error: Expected section name after \".repeated section\"")] [else (directive 'repeated-section (list x))])] [".end" (directive 'end '())] [".or" (directive 'or '())] [(regexp #px"^\\.alternates\\s+with$") (directive 'alternates-with '())] [_ (directive 'substitute (regexp-split (regexp (regexp-quote format-char)) text))])) (define: (remove-spurious-newlines-from-token-groups [groups : (Listof Group)]) : (Listof Group) (let: ([last-was-directive? : Boolean #f]) (for/list ([group groups]) (if last-was-directive? (begin (set! last-was-directive? (directive? group)) (if (or (string? group) (bytes? group)) (regexp-replace #rx"^\n" group "") group)) (begin (set! last-was-directive? (directive? group)) group))))) (define-type Part (U section substitution String)) (struct: section ([name : String] [body : (Listof Part)] [alternative : (Listof Part)]) #:transparent) (struct: repeated-section section ([alternates-with : (Listof Part)]) #:transparent) (struct: substitution ([name : String] [formatter : (U String #f)] [arguments : (Listof String)]) #:transparent) (define: (parse-structure [parsed-groups : (Listof Group)]) : (values (Listof Part) (U Symbol False) (Listof Group)) (let: loop : (values (Listof Part) (U Symbol False) (Listof Group)) ([parsed-groups : (Listof Group) parsed-groups] [clauses : (Listof Part) '()]) (if (or (null? parsed-groups) (and (directive? (car parsed-groups)) (memq (directive-type (car parsed-groups)) '(end or alternates-with)))) (values (reverse clauses) (if (null? parsed-groups) #f (let ([first-group (car parsed-groups)]) (if (directive? first-group) (directive-type first-group) #f))) (if (pair? parsed-groups) (cdr parsed-groups) '())) (match (car parsed-groups) [(directive 'section (list x)) (let-values ([(stuff reason rest) (parse-structure (cdr parsed-groups))]) (case reason [(or) (let-values ([(stuff2 _ rest2) (parse-structure rest)]) (loop rest2 (cons (section x stuff stuff2) clauses)))] [(end) (loop rest (cons (section x stuff '()) clauses))] [else (error "Values of beta will give rise to dom!" reason)]))] [(directive 'repeated-section (list x)) (let: inner-loop : (values (Listof Part) (U Symbol False) (Listof Group)) ([subsections% : (Listof (Pairof (U Symbol False) (Listof Part))) '()] [rest : (Listof Group) (cdr parsed-groups)]) (let-values ([(stuff reason new-rest) (parse-structure rest)]) (when (false? reason) (error "Premature end of file.")) (if (eq? reason 'end) (let: inner-inner-loop : (values (Listof Part) (U Symbol False) (Listof Group)) ([subsections : (Listof (Pairof (U Symbol False) (Listof Part))) (let: ([tmp : (Pairof (U Symbol False) (Listof Part)) (cons 'end stuff)]) (cons tmp subsections%))] [alternative : (Listof Part) (list)] [alternates-with : (Listof Part) (list)]) (if (null? (cdr subsections)) (loop new-rest (cons (repeated-section x (cdar subsections) alternative alternates-with) clauses)) (case (caadr subsections) [(alternates-with) (inner-inner-loop (cdr subsections) alternative (cdar subsections))] [(or) (inner-inner-loop (cdr subsections) (cdar subsections) alternates-with)] [else (error "Oh no, I don't know what I'm doing here! Subsections:" subsections)]))) (inner-loop (cons (ann (cons reason stuff) (Pairof (U Symbol False) (Listof Part))) subsections%) new-rest))))] [(directive 'substitute (list x)) (loop (cdr parsed-groups) (cons (substitution x #f '()) clauses))] [(directive 'substitute (list x y arg ...)) (let ([d (car parsed-groups)]) (with-asserts ([d directive?]) (loop (cdr parsed-groups) (cons (substitution x y (cddr (directive-arguments d))) ;"arg" doesn't work because Typed Racket thinks it's a (Listof Any). clauses))))] [x (if (string? x) (loop (cdr parsed-groups) (cons x clauses)) (error "Expected a string here."))])))) (define: (parse-structure* [x : (Listof Group)]) : (Listof Part) (let-values ([(stuff reason rest) (parse-structure x)]) stuff)) ;;(struct: template ([expander : (Any -> Void)]) ;; #:property prop:procedure (struct-field-index expander)) (define (make-template input-string) (let ([template-data (parse-structure* (remove-spurious-newlines-from-token-groups (classify-chunks (template-string->chunks input-string (meta-left) (meta-right)) (format-char))))]) (let ([default-formatter% (default-formatter)]) (λ (context) (expand-template template-data (list context) default-formatter%))))) (define: (name->path [name : String]) : (Listof String) (if (string=? name "@") '() (regexp-split #rx"\\." name))) (define: (resolve-path [stack : (Listof Any)] [path : (Listof String)]) : Any (if (null? stack) #f (let-values ([(value success?) (resolve-path-in-object (car stack) path)]) (if success? value (resolve-path (cdr stack) path))))) (define: (resolve-path-in-object [context : Any] [path : (Listof String)]) : (values Any Boolean) (let ([nothing (gensym)]) (cond [(null? path) (values context #t)] [(dict? context) (let ([y (dict-ref context (car path) (λ () (dict-ref context (string->symbol (car path)) nothing)))]) (if (eq? y nothing) (values #f #f) (resolve-path-in-object y (cdr path))))] [else (values #f #f)]))) (define: (find-formatter [name : String]) : (String -> String) (let ([formatter (assoc name (formatters))]) (cdr (if formatter formatter (error "Formatter \"~a\" not found" name))))) (define: (expand-template [template : (Listof Part)] [stack : (Listof Any)] [default-formatter : String]) : Void (for ([thing template]) (match thing [(repeated-section name body alternative alternates-with) (let ([context (resolve-path stack (name->path name))]) (if (or (false? context) (null? context)) (when alternative (expand-template alternative (cons context stack) default-formatter)) (let: ([first-iteration? : Boolean #t]) (if (sequence? context) (for ([value (sequence->sequence context)]) (when alternates-with (if first-iteration? (set! first-iteration? #f) (expand-template alternates-with stack default-formatter))) (expand-template body (cons value stack) default-formatter)) (error "Repeated context is not a sequence: ~S" context)))))] [(section name body alternative) (let ([context (resolve-path stack (name->path name))]) (if context (expand-template body (cons context stack) default-formatter) (when alternative (expand-template alternative (cons context stack) default-formatter))))] [(substitution name formatter args) (display ((find-formatter (or formatter default-formatter)) (format "~a" (resolve-path stack (name->path name)))))] [_ (display thing)]))) (define: (make-escaper [replacements : (Listof (Pairof Char String))]) : (String -> String) (let* ([escapees (map (inst car Char String) replacements)] [escapings (map (inst cdr Char String) replacements)] [re (regexp (string-append "^(.*?)" "(?:(" (foldl (λ: ([x : Char] [acc : String]) (string-append acc ")|(" (regexp-quote (string x)))) (regexp-quote (string (car escapees))) (cdr escapees)) "))" "|$"))]) (λ (thing) (with-output-to-string (λ () (with-input-from-string (if (string? thing) thing (format "~a" thing)) (λ () (let: loop : Void () (unless (eof-object? (peek-byte)) (match-let ([(list* _ raw-text escapee-matches) (regexp-match re (current-input-port))]) (when raw-text (display raw-text)) (for ([x (in-list escapee-matches)] [y (in-list escapings)]) (when x (display y))) (loop))))))))))) (define: (escape-for-uri [thing : String]) : String (with-output-to-string (λ () (for ([char (in-string (if (string? thing) thing (format "~a" thing)))]) (let ((cnum (char->integer char))) (if (or (<= (char->integer #\A) cnum (char->integer #\Z)) (<= (char->integer #\a) cnum (char->integer #\z)) (<= (char->integer #\0) cnum (char->integer #\9)) (member char '(#\$ #\- #\_ #\. #\+ #\! #\* #\( #\) #\'))) (display char) ;; FIXME: This assumes that (< cnum 256). ;; Maybe we should interpret the data as a byte string ;; rather than as a string. W3C says we ought to use ;; UTF-8 encoding, which is consistent with the Racket ;; default encoding: ;; ;; http://www.w3.org/International/O-URL-code.html (if (< cnum 16) (printf "%0~x" cnum) (printf "%~x" cnum)))))))) (define formatters (make-parameter `(("html" . ,(make-escaper '((#\< . "<") (#\> . ">") (#\& . "&")))) ("html-attr-value" . ,(make-escaper '((#\< . "<") (#\> . ">") (#\& . "&") (#\' . "'") (#\" . """)))) ("url-param-value" . ,escape-for-uri) ("raw" . ,(λ: ([x : String]) x))))) #; (let* ([template-string #<{title|html} {.section people} {.or}

No one's registered.

{.end} EOF ] [template (make-template template-string)]) (template '((title . "") (people . (((name . "Nathalie") (age . 24)) ((name . "Heinrich") (age . 28)) ((name . "Hans") (age . 25)))))))