;; Copyright 2012, Matthias Andreas Benkard. ;; See file COPYING for license details. (ns eu.mulk.instadump (:refer-clojure) (:use clojure.java.io) (:import [com.sleepycat.je Database DatabaseConfig DatabaseEntry Environment EnvironmentConfig OperationStatus])) ;;;; * Internal stuff (def ^{:dynamic true :private true} *txn*) (def ^{:dynamic true :private true} *db*) (declare ^{:private true} dbenv) (defn- make-db-env [db-directory-name] (let [envconfig (doto (EnvironmentConfig.) (.setTransactional true) (.setAllowCreate true) (.setTxnSerializableIsolation true))] (Environment. (file db-directory-name) envconfig))) (defn- call-with-transaction [thunk] (binding [*txn* (.beginTransaction @dbenv nil nil)] (try (let [result (thunk)] (.commit *txn*) result) (finally (.abort *txn*))))) (defn call-with-db [thunk] (let [dbconfig (doto (DatabaseConfig.) (.setTransactional true) (.setAllowCreate true) (.setSortedDuplicates false))] (call-with-transaction (fn [] (binding [*db* (.openDatabase @dbenv *txn* "benki" dbconfig)] (thunk)))))) (defmacro with-db [& body] `(call-with-db (fn [] ~@body))) (defn- dump-str-for-db [x] (binding [*print-dup* true *print-meta* true] (pr-str x))) (defn- getkey [key default] (let [entry (DatabaseEntry.)] (if (= (.get *db* *txn* (DatabaseEntry. (.getBytes key)) entry nil) OperationStatus/SUCCESS) (-> entry (.getData) (String.) (read-string)) default))) (defn- putkey [key val] (let [bdbkey key] (.put *db* *txn* (DatabaseEntry. (.getBytes bdbkey)) (DatabaseEntry. (.getBytes (dump-str-for-db val)))))) (defonce ^{:private true} dbenv (atom nil)) (defonce ^{:private true} state-vars (atom {})) ;;;; * Public API (defn setup-instadump! "Set up the Instadump database at the file system location indicated by dirname." [dirname] (reset! dbenv (make-db-env dirname))) (defmacro defstate "Define a global ref managed by Instadump. The supplied default value is used if the variable cannot be found in the database. Otherwise, the value stored in the database is used." [sym default] (let [dbkey (str *ns* "/" (name sym))] `(defonce ~sym (let [r# (ref (with-db (getkey ~dbkey ~default)))] (swap! state-vars #(assoc % ~dbkey r#)) r#)))) (defn save-all-global-state! "Direct Instadump to dump a snapshot of all variables created by defstate into the database. save-all-global-state! runs in an implicit transaction in order to ensure data consistency." [] (with-db (dosync (doseq [[key r] @state-vars] (putkey key (ensure r)))))) (defn reload-all-global-state! "Direct Instadump to revert all variables created by defstate to the state saved by the last invocation of save-all-global-state!. Will fail if any variables cannot be restored (e.g. if some variables have never been saved before)." [] (with-db (dosync (doseq [[key r] @state-vars] (alter r #(getkey key %)))))) (comment (setup-instadump! "db") (defstate testvar1 150) (defstate testvar2 "abc"))