package eu.mulk.fibers import minitest._ import minitest.laws.Checkers import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Ack.{Continue, Stop} import import monix.execution.{Ack, Scheduler} import monix.reactive.observers.Subscriber import monix.reactive.{Consumer, Observable} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} object FiberSpec extends SimpleTestSuite with Checkers { import Fiber._ class FakeException extends RuntimeException test("sanity") { assert(0 != 1) } testAsync("can produce nothing") { val o = run {} for (empty ← o.isEmptyL) { assert(empty) } } testAsync("can produce a single value") { val o = run[Int] { emit(100) } for (l ← o.toListL) { assert(l == List(100)) } } testAsync("can produce many values") { val o = run[Int] { for (x ← emit(x) } for (l ← o.toListL) { assertEquals(l, List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)) } } testAsync("can throw exceptions before emitting values") { val o = run[Int] { throw new FakeException } for (t ← o.toListL.failed) { assert(t.isInstanceOf[FakeException]) } } testAsync("can throw exceptions after emitting values") { val o = run[Int] { emit(100) throw new FakeException } for (t ← o.toListL.failed) { assert(t.isInstanceOf[FakeException]) } } testAsync("can await standard futures") { val err = new FakeException val f1 = Future(1) val f2 = Future.failed(err) val f3 = Future(3) val o = run[Try[Int]] { val y1 = await(f1) emit(y1) val y2 = await(f2) emit(y2) val y3 = await(f3) emit(y3) } for (t ← o.toListL) { assertEquals(t, List(Success(1), Failure(err), Success(3))) } } testAsync("can run Monix tasks") { val err = new FakeException val f1 = Task.delay(1) val f2 = Task.raiseError(err) val f3 = Task.delay(3) val o = run[Try[Int]] { val y1 = await(f1) emit(y1) val y2 = await(f2) emit(y2) val y3 = await(f3) emit(y3) } for (t ← o.toListL) { assertEquals(t, List(Success(1), Failure(err), Success(3))) } } testAsync("can spawn two fibers, one waiting for the other") { val o1: Observable[Int] = run[Int] { emit(1) emit(2) emit(3) } lazy val o2: Observable[Int] = run[Int] { val Success(a1) = await(o1.drop(0).firstL) emit(a1) val Success(a2) = await(o1.drop(1).firstL) emit(a2) val Success(a3) = await(o1.drop(2).firstL) emit(a3) } for (t2 ← o2.toListL) { assertEquals(t2, List(1, 2, 3)) } } testAsync("can spawn two mutually waiting fibers") { lazy val o1: Observable[Int] = run[Int] { emit(1) val Success(b1) = await(o2.firstL) emit(b1 + 1) val Success(b2) = await(o2.tail.firstL) emit(b2 + 1) }.cache lazy val o2: Observable[Int] = run[Int] { val Success(a1) = await(o1.firstL) emit(a1 + 1) val Success(a2) = await(o1.tail.firstL) emit(a2 + 1) }.cache for (t1 ← o1.toListL; t2 ← o2.toListL) { assertEquals(t1, List(1, 3, 5)) assertEquals(t2, List(2, 4)) } } testAsync("can store fiber-local state") { lazy val o = run { putFiberVar(100) emit(1) val state = getFiberVar.asInstanceOf[Int] emit(state) } for (l ← o.toListL) { assertEquals(l, List(1, 100)) } } testAsync("can properly maintain state between two alternating fibers") { val o1: Observable[Int] = run { putFiberVar(2) emit(1) val a2 = getFiberVar putFiberVar(3) emit(a2) val a3 = getFiberVar emit(a3) } lazy val o2: Observable[Int] = run { putFiberVar(100) val Success(a1) = await(o1.drop(0).firstL) emit(a1) emit(getFiberVar) val Success(a2) = await(o1.drop(1).firstL) emit(a2) emit(getFiberVar) val Success(a3) = await(o1.drop(2).firstL) emit(a3) emit(getFiberVar) } for (t2 ← o2.toListL) { assertEquals(t2, List(1, 100, 2, 100, 3, 100)) } } testAsync("can be stopped") { var f3executed = false val f1 = Task.delay(1) val f2 = Task.delay(2) val f3 = Task.delay({ f3executed = true; 3 }) val o: Observable[Int] = run { val Success(y1) = await(f1) emit(y1) val Success(y2) = await(f2) emit(y2) val Success(y3) = await(f3) emit(y3) } val consumeTask = o.consumeWith(Consumer.create[Int, Int] { (scheduler, cancelable, cb) ⇒ new Subscriber.Sync[Int] { var triggered = 0 override implicit def scheduler: Scheduler = override def onNext(elem: Int): Ack = { triggered += 1 if (triggered >= 2) { cb.onSuccess(triggered) Stop } else { Continue } } override def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit = cb.onError(ex) override def onComplete(): Unit = () } }) for (result ← consumeTask) { assertEquals(result, 2) assert(!f3executed) } } }